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Topic Some think that people should change their jobs, while others think they

should not because it brings advantages for themselves, company and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Aspect Differences steady job change job
Individual be likely to offer job promotion v
pursue passion and aspiration v
Company a sustainable experienced workforce v
allocate resources to train new v
Society lead to low unemployment rate v
present a little risk of unemployment v
Finance provide financial stability and security v
may not ensure monthly income v
Work may find a suitable and comfortable v
environment workplace
may not align with personal interest v

Topic: Some people think that it is more important to find a job that you love,
while others think that people should find a well-paid job. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
Aspect Differences Job you Well-paid
love job
Longevity More likely to stay committed to the v
job for the long term due to passion and
Higher chance of switching jobs if a v
more lucrative opportunity arises
Motivation Extrinsic motivation from financial v
rewards and benefits
Intrinsic motivation from enjoyment v
and fulfillment in the work
Stress level Lower stress levels as the work is v
enjoyable and fulfilling
Higher stress levels possible, especially v
if the job is demanding or high-
Finance provide financial stability and security v
may not ensure monthly income v
Work may find a suitable and comfortable v
environment workplace
may not align with personal interest v

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