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Challenges in transition from internal combustion vehicles to electric vehicles

in India by 2030

Conference Paper · August 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389544

5 1,226

6 authors, including:

Samata Parulekar Rajesh Holmukhe

VIT University BV(DU)COEP


Parashuram Balwant Karandikar

Army Institute of Technology


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Challenges in Transition from Internal Combustion
Vehicles to Electric Vehicles in India by 2030
Samata Parulekar (Research Assistant) Athul Raj (Research Assistant)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Army Institute of Technology
BVDUCOE Pune, India
Pune, India
Rahul Raj (Research Assistant)
R.M Holmukhe (Asst. Professor) Army institute Of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Pune, India
Pune, India
Dr. P.B Karandikar (Asst. Professor)
Satish Mehta (Retd. Asst. Professor) Army Institute of Technology
Army Institute of Technology Pune, India
Pune, India

Abstract—The goal of this study is sustainable development of Electric vehicle is not a new concept but somehow it has not
energy resources by gradual shift from fossil fuel based been fully implemented in India. According to Indian motor
transportation system to electrically operated transportation vehicles act number of two wheelers registered as on end of
system. India is currently ranked 2nd in population index March 2017 is 154.3 million, car, jeep and trucks constitutes
hence requirement of any resource is huge if we consider the
28.6 million and buses constitutes 2 million. All these
size of the population. There is a need for preservation of non-
renewable energy resources. India currently ranks number 3 in vehicles run mainly on petrol, diesel, CNG which are crude
list of oil importing countries only behind US and China and it oil products. India is one of the top 10 automotive market in
is the single most reason for deficit of balance of payment world today and having a high middleclass population with
account. It is evident we cannot stop the usage of these buying potential and regular economic growth the petrol
resources but can bring substitutes so that the pressure on prices has enhanced more than 50% in 13 different steps in
these resources can be released. This paper critically analyzes last couple of years, here comes the alternative technology in
the challenges which can be faced in India on transition from automobiles such as electric vehicle in India. (Refer Block
fossil fuel based to EV’s it also throws light on possible diagram of EV in Figure 1)
solutions to the challenges along with the role of Indian
government in this matter.

Keywords—Fossil Fuel, EV’s, Transition.

Transportation is the lifeline of any economy. Every
resource, every production facility requires a
transportation system. Transportation system is used by
public to commute between one place to another.
Transportation system consist of land, water and air
modes. Every transportation mode has some sort of Fig. 1. Basic block diagram of an electric vehicle
vehicle type for example land mode we have truck, Buses
etc. for water mode we have ships, for air mode we have
airplanes. All these types of vehicle need some sort of fuel India unveiled 'National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
to move or to be in operation. Current scenario in India is (NEMMP) 2020' in 2013 to address the issues of National
that almost 90% of vehicles requires fuel which comes energy security, vehicular pollution and growth of domestic
from nonrenewable sources. For future needs it is manufacturing capabilities. The objectives of the National
important to preserve theses resources and find a Mission for Electric Mobility (NMEM) are National energy
substitute which can release pressure from these security, extenuation of the contrary impact of vehicles on
resources. the environment and emergence of domestic manufacturing

978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

capabilities. The NEMMP 2020, the mission document for is an area where Governments need to focus their efforts and
the NMEM that was approved by the National Council for provide support that is necessary for creation of the eco
Electric Mobility (NCEM) on 29th August 2012, sets the system and viable self-sustaining business in the near future.
vision, lays the mark and gives the joint Government – This includes providing initial impetus through demand
industry vision for realizing the huge potential that exists for support measures that facilitate faster consumer acceptance
full range of efficient and environmentally friendly electric of these expensive newer technologies. In addition,
vehicle (including hybrids) technologies by 2020. Government will also need to facilitate automotive R&D and
put in place charging infrastructure. It is estimated that the
II. CHALLENGES AND ITS SOLUTION FOR IMPLEMENTING Government will need to provide support to the tune of Rs
ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN INDIA 13000 – Rs 14000 Crore over the next 5-6 years. The
industry will also need to match this with a much larger
Challenges in EV’s: investment for developing the products and creating the
manufacturing eco-system. Price cut on purchase of EV and
Training of Manpower: In India manpower is engaged HEV due to result of the government’s FAME (Faster
mainly in maintenance of conventional vehicle. Automobile Adoption and Manufacturing of hybrid and Electric vehicles)
engineering is the field of engineering deals in this area, but subsidy scheme.
EV’s maintenance and manpower associate with it is meagre. Recommendation To government for providing Tax Benefits
ITI provides various courses on maintenance of automobiles to Customers and Manufactures:
in from of vocational training to students but training is For Customers: Tax benefit to customer can be provided
confined to maintenance of conventional vehicle. ITI should directly although in present regime there is no such benefit to
provide the vocational training to the students in the field of customer but we propose there can be system by which
electrical vehicle maintenance and government should government can provide deduction to customer under chapter
provide loan to such courses for needy students who want to VI-A of income tax act 1961 by providing deduction on
learn the electrical vehicle maintenance. The existing expenses incurred on electrical vehicle up to a limit on a
workforce who are engaged in the maintenance of fiscal year which will surely lure the higher income bracket
conventional vehicle should be encourage to learn the people to adopt electric vehicle. This will ensure tax
maintenance of electrical vehicles. planning for them as well as achieving the government plan
to automized the vehicle industry.
Can India lag in the area of EV’s and what needs to be done:
The EV scene in India is moving at a relatively slow speed, For Manufactures: Many states have provided subsidies to
In spite of various government and private incentives manufacturers by not levying VAT or by providing partial
targeted at enhancing their acceptance among the masses. In rebate on VAT. Delhi government provides a 15% subsidy
2015, India launched FAME - 'Faster Adoption and of the base price on selected cars like Reva. It also exempts
Manufacturing of (Hybrid and) Electric vehicles' under the such cars from road tax and registration fees.
broader theme of promotion of alternate fuels. The scheme
means to support electric vehicles market development and How much the barrel of crude oil cost to India
its manufacturing eco-system to achieve self-sustenance over one barrel = 159 litre of crude oil
a period of six years, till 2020. The programme would cost of refining = Rs. 0.52 paise per litre
receive further drift as part of the 'Make in India' initiative Price of one barrel in USD = $113
and would focus on four main areas - technology Rate of one $ = Rs. 64.23
development, demand creation, pilot projects and charging Price of one barrel in INR = Rs. 7258
infrastructure. For paying this oil bill India need dollars as India has to
make payment in dollars to procure crude oil which is an
Government Support and incentives: The NEMMP 2020 is a important reason for deficit in balance of payment account.
well-researched document and relies on in-depth primary
data based study conducted jointly by the Government and TABLE 1: Parameter for Comparison
the Industry which indicates that high latent demand for
environmentally friendly electric vehicle technologies exists
in the country. As per these projections, 6-7 million units of Parameters Conventional Car Electric Car
new vehicle sales of the full range of electric vehicles, along 120KM/10unit
with resultant liquid fuel savings of 2.2 – 2.5 million tonnes Mileage 13KMPL charging
can be achieved in 2020. This will also result in substantial Cost Rs. 79.57 PL Rs 4 Per Unit
lowering of vehicular emissions and decrease in carbon di-
oxide emissions by 1.3% to 1.5% in 2020 as compared to a
status quo scenario.
In view of the significant barriers that exist today for these
frontier technologies, the global experience indicates that this

978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

TABLE 2: Tabular Presentation of Differential cost saving Supercapacitors cannot go into overcharge and does not
For a 100 km Ride require full-charge detection; the current simply stops
flowing when the capacitor is full. This eliminates the need
of an expensive Battery Management System (BMS), used in
Parameters Conventional Electric Car
Differential current generation Lithium-Ion packs.
Car saving
Fuel/charging 10 units charging Unlike the electrochemical battery, which has a defined cycle
required 8 litres required life, there is little wear and tear by cycling a supercapacitor.
Total cost
required for 100
Nor does age affect the device, as it would a battery. Under
Km Rs. 640* Rs. 40 Rs. 600 normal conditions, a supercapacitor fades from the original
100 percent capacity to 80 percent in 10 years.

Feasibility of Battery Replacement Station: Battery

Technological issues with battery: Replacement or more commonly known as battery swapping
is the method which can be implemented by big battery
(a) Charging time: Lithium Ion batteries will take about 60 companies. Charging a battery takes time hence battery swap
minutes to charge fully whereas lead acid battery will take is an attractive method to solve the time constraint. Using
about 7 to 8 hours to charge fully. robotic automation batteries can be swapped in minutes from
the electric vehicle. Battery swapping faces many constraints
(b) Cycle Life: is the number of complete charge, discharge foremost is the Cost constraint because battery cost is
cycle that battery is able to support before that its capacity considered to be 25 to 50% of an electrical vehicle cost. So,
falls under 60% of its original capacity so if the battery is battery companies should invest on its research and
discharged to 60% and then charged to 80% and it will not development section to reduce the battery cost because then
complete the cycle. only battery swapping could be feasible option. For Battery
Swapping to grow following condition should be met: i) Find
(c) Protection Required: Lithium Ion batteries are not robust Strategic Location ii) Standardized battery packs so one
as compared to other rechargeable technology they require station can service all cars or design of EVs with automated
protection from being overcharged and discharged too far. In battery swapping in mind iii) Reducing battery cost while
addition to this they need to have current maintained within assuring customers that the battery they are receiving is just
the safe limit. Lithium ion batteries requires protection good as the one they are swapping.
circuit in order to operate within the safer limit.
Light Body weight of Vehicle: Advanced materials are
(d) Cost: lithium ion batteries are not so cost effective as essential for boosting the fuel economy of the modern
compared to other charging technology. automobile while maintaining safety and performance.
Because it takes less energy to accelerate a lighter object than
(e) Transportation: There can be certain restriction placed on a havier one, Lightweight materials offer great potential for
the transportation of lithium ion batteries especially by air increasing vehicle efficient a 10% reduction in vehicle rate
although the batteries that could be taken in aircraft to carry can result in 6-8% fuel economy improvement. Replacing
on luggage are unlikely to be effected, care should be taken cast iron and traditional steel components with light weigh
not to carry any more lithium ion batteries then are needed. materials such as high strength steel, Magnesium alloys,
aluminum alloys, Carbon Fiber and polymer composite can
(f) Ageing: As the charging and discharging cycle of lithium directly reduce weight of the vehicles body and chassis by up
ion batteries is less since it suffers from ageing problem. to 50% and therefore reduce the vehicle fuel consumption.
By using light weight structural materials cars can carry
In order to overcome all these problems, the batteries can be additional advanced emission control system, safety devices,
replaced with supercapacitors as supercapacitors have and integrated electronic system without increasing the
several advantages over batteries Super capacitors are overall weight of the vehicle. Using the light weight material
different beasts. Super capacitors can store energy and also in EV can offset the weight of the power system such as
discharge energy gradually. They are sort of like batteries. batteries and electric motors, Improving the efficiency and
But there are few major differences increasing there all electric range. The use of lightweight
materials could result in needing a smaller and lower cost
Super capacitors can be charged and recharged indefinitely.
batteries while keeping the all-electric range of plug-in
No issues of battery degradation over time
vehicle constant.
They can be charged in matter of minutes, instead of the
Role of internet of things on electrical vehicle: The internet
hours it takes to charge batteries
of things is a system of interrelated computing devices,
mechanical and digital machines etc. and the ability to

978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

transfer data over a network without requiring human to attraction by hotels and restaurants or clubs. Parking and
human or human to computer interaction. charging combine could be available on major roads in cities.
The IoT architecture for electrical vehicle is divided into Charging stations at highway will be replacing most of the
three layers petrol pumps. There is possibility that there can be queue for
charging on charging stations as it is time consuming.
Charging EV battery will be 1hr to 8hr job depending of type
Layer of battery and age of battery. Concept of charging station in
place of petrol pumps in city/ crowded areas may not work as
every house will have such facility. However, charging needs
Network to be given at every location in parking lot. Measurement and
Layer control will be major issue once such charging points are
fitted in parking lots. Electricity theft through parking will be
the major issue which is not faced by citizens at present.
Application Charging station electronics will be the new trade borne in
Service Layer India

Perception layer: In this layer sensors are used for collecting Maintenance of EVs will be other issue faced by users. At
information such as battery status, object identification, present, we do not have manpower to do maintenance and
electric vehicle driving state information, geographic repair of EVs as majority of vehicles are fossil fuel based.
location etc. Maintenance of EVs is very less as it has very less moving
Network Layer: Data routing mechanism and proactive push parts. Electricians with knowledge of BLDC or equivalent
mechanism need to be concerned in the network layer. motors, control circuit associated with it will be in great
demand. Maintenance cycle of EVs can be 2-3 years against
Application service Layer: All types of sensing data obtained
today’s 6 month for internal combustion engine based
from the network layer are cleaned, stored, processed and
analyzed, and the layer will define a set of interactive
interfaces and available devices.
There will be new trend of low cost EVs without much
comfort facilities e.g. 6 seaters, more of less open 3 seaters, 2
Is Indian industry Ready for the development of EV in all
seater cars and 2 wheelers. Such vehicles may rule the
market in initial years as we approach 2030. High power cars
As per the latest release from Government of India that, India
(SUVs) will also pick up as such consumers has no issue of
is going to have all (EVs) by 2030 by removing (CVs). For
money and due to government regulations, they will have to
such change, Indian government and people needs to be
switch over. For two-wheeler market government may have
ready for many changes at various level.
to give some subsidy to give push for such electricity
operated vehicles. It is very difficult to predict injection of
(a) Personal Level: At personal level, almost every Indian
EV’s in LMV and LCV segment as this market is cost
family owns at least one vehicle which is either running on
sensitive and reliability sensitive. Reliability of EVs will be
petrol or diesel. These two wheelers or four wheelers life will
major issue as battery is not reliable part in it.
get over by 2030. In some cases, vehicles may be in good
running condition. Main challenge will be converting exiting
Lightweight materials such as various metals, alloys and
vehicles with Electrical mode of operation. For this every
plastics will be extensively used in EVs. Processing of such
family will have to invest money for such conversion. Initial
materials, cost and aesthetics of such materials will be the
conversions will be technically immature. This phase is like
criteria for selection of such material for EVs. Driving
converting petrol engines to CNG mode. Even in this
experience will be noise less. Users will have to be ready for
transformation, CNG leakages, life of kit, need of regularly
such experience. Controls will be only acceleration or
checking fuel storage tank and many technological hurdles
braking and as a result stress on drivers will be less. EVs can
were faced by people in their personal transportation system.
have set upper speed limits and that can reduce accidents.
Similar problems for conversion from conventional fissile
fuel mode to electric mode will be faced. There are chances
that huge amount of iron will be left out from scrap of the Demand of electricity will increase many fold. EVs on road
internal combustion engine spares and body. Handling them is likely to improve the load factor on power system which is
will become social issue. major concern for power system engineers. TOD tariff may
be implemented across all consumers to reduce peak
demand. Charging of EVs in evening or morning in peak
(b) Service sector level: Charging station will be required to
load period may be prohibited. Converting exiting vehicles to
charge such a large number of vehicles. In initial period rent
battery operated mode will pick up in near future.
a battery like schemes can be seen. Concept of free charging
Conventional to hybrid and then to total electric mode will
during shopping period at malls or during working hours of
be the transition expected. Vehicle dynamics, weight
employ may come up. Free charging of EVs may be used as

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balancing will be the technological challenges in this. vehicles, including electric cars, neighborhood electric
Technologies may prefer introduction of new EVs and not vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
converting existing conversional to EV mode. Yes, Indian
Industry is a mature industry in development of electrical Charging stations fall into four basic contexts:
vehicle. Electrical vehicle manufacturing started in India
around 1994 when Reva electric car company was (a) Residential charging stations: An EV owner plugs in
established but no exemplary growth was noted until 2013. when he or she returns home, and the car recharges
India faces the issue of deficit of balance of payment account overnight. A home charging station usually has no user
which is due to its ever-increasing crude oil bills. Hence in authentication, no metering, and may require wiring a
2013 the government of India established MEMMP plan dedicated circuit. Some portable chargers can also be wall
2020 which aims at encouraging electrical vehicle mounted as charging stations.
manufactures to manufacture the electric vehicle by Charging while parked (including public charging stations) –
providing them various incentives. More and more a commercial venture for a fee or free, offered in partnership
companies have come in market to provide electrical vehicle with the owners of the parking lot. This charging may be
technologies such as Mahindra, Hero electric to name a few. slow or high speed and encourages EV owners to recharge
FAME is a subsidy scheme where electrical vehicle is sold at their cars while they take advantage of nearby facilities. It
low price the cost differential is provided by the government can include parking stations, parking at malls, small centers,
in the form of incentives this move have encouraged the and train stations (or for a business's own employees).
buyer to purchase electrical vehicles.
(b) Fast charging at public charging stations >40 kW,
Indian Government can think of owing the battery delivering over 60 miles (100 km) of range in 10–30
manufacturing process and making purchase of battery a minutes. These chargers may be at rest stops to allow for
onetime cost for customers just like road tax. Recently The longer distance trips. They may also be used regularly by
government has asked Indian Space Research Organization commuters in metropolitan areas, and for charging while
(ISRO) to allow interested players including from private parked for shorter or longer periods.
sector to obtain the technology for mass production of
Lithium-Ion batteries for electric vehicles. ISRO will now (c) Battery swaps or charges in under 15 minutes A specified
come up with a framework to make this process smooth. target for CARB credits for a zero-emission vehicle is adding
Over half a dozen major automobile companies, battery 200 miles to its range in under 15 minutes. In 2014, this was
manufacturers and public sector undertakings have already not possible for charging electric vehicles, but it is
approached ISRO. These are Mahindra Renault, Hyundai, achievable with EV battery swaps and Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Nissan, Tata Motors, High Energy Batteries, BHEL and vehicles. It intends to match the refueling expectations of
Indian Oil are keen to produce the indigenous Lithium-ion regular drivers.
batteries. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre under ISRO
has developed indigenous technology to manufacture such In India Bangalore city pioneered the charging station for
high-power batteries for automobiles and their feasibility electric vehicle. Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd
tests in vehicles have been successful. Union road transport had teamed up with the Gopalan Malls chain in the city in
minister Nitin Gadkari had sought ISRO's help to develop early 2013 to set up EV charging stations at all its locations.
indigenous technology for Lithium-ion batteries so that their The initiative was launched at the Gopalan Mall on Old
prices are within the reach of Indian customers. Batteries are Madras road with 10 charging points to begin with. Real
the key components of any electric vehicle. At present, all estate giant DLF, for instance, has been offering free EV
Lithium-ion batteries are imported and it's very expensive. charging facilities at the parking garage at its Saket mall for
Such batteries have high-power, but these weighs less and close to a year. The mall has 10 universal points that can be
their volume is much less as well in comparison to used to charge both two and four-wheeler EVs. Even beyond
conventional batteries. Government documents show that the malls, the provision of charging points is not as rare as one
cost of Lithium-ion batteries is very high because of small would expect. In fact, the website of Mahindra e2o Plus
volume of procurement. Bulk procurement and mass locates free charging points in at least 10 Indian cities
production can reduce the cost by almost 80%, which is key including New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Noida, Kolkata, and
to push demand. Bengaluru. According to the site, Delhi has 23 such points,
the maximum across the listed cities.
Charging station erection and maintenance: An electric
vehicle charging station, also called EV charging station, Future of Battery charging station: Imagine a battery pump
electric recharging point, charging point, charge point and just like a petrol pump. EVs can be truly competitive when it
EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), is an element in doesn’t take longer to charge them then it does to fill a gas
an infrastructure that supplies electric energy for the tank. The storage capacity of batteries is improving
recharging of electric vehicles, such as plug-in electric exponentially but the power grid is the weak link, this is
especially problematic in case of ultra-fast charging which

978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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Authors expresses there sincere and humble gratitude to all (EV) based on Hybrid Energy Storage System”, 9th National
faculties from electrical department for valuable guidance Conference on Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering and
and encouragement given during the course of work. Authors Electrical Dives (eSPEED), K.S.Rangasamy College of
are also thank full to respected Dr. D.S. Bankar, Head of the Technology,  Thiruchencode, February 7th, 2013.
Department, Electrical Engineering BVDUCOE, for
providing convenience and support in the department to do
this work.


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978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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