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Case: President John F.

Kennedy’s Personality
Q.1 What are the traits of President Kennedy that you consider as inherited.
Explain why traits could not have been acquired later.
John F. Kennedy was born to business men/ Politician Joseph Patrick Joe Kennedy
and philanthropist, socialite Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy. Throughout John’s
Childhood, his family shifted their residence and because they were very wealthy,
his family led a very affluent lifestyle. So, he was essentially open to new
experiences, which can be considered as an inherited trait, as his family constantly
kept changing residences and spend holidays in different states of U.S.A, .Along
with his schooling from different places his secondary education at London school
of Economics and then at Princeton University and finally at Harvard led to his
openness to diverse experiences in life. Kennedy’s personality trait of being
extrovert is also inherited because he had always been moving around different
countries like U.K, Soviet Unions, Middle East, Germany and others. This led to
interaction with different people and cultures. In September 1936, he was
enrolled at Harvard College where he was felicitated with the title of “Freshman
Smoker” which included in its annual cast outstanding personalities of the radio,
screen and sports world. He also played various sports like football, baseball and
other team building sports which reflected his extrovert nature. Kennedy also had
a very proactive personality, which again can be considered as his inherited trait.
He always actively participated in all kinds of activities around him, be it sports in
school, or helping his father with his political work. He actively liked taking
initiatives despite his ill health.
Most of his traits have been acquired due to his family background and his
upbringing. His personality traits like; extroversion, openness, proactive all were
built in him from his early childhood so, these traits could not have been acquired

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Q.2 What role did the inherited traits play in making him a leader? Is it possible
that he may have not been the leader in spite of all these traits?

President Kennedy belonging to a very rich and powerful family had all the
facilities growing up, his brothers were senators and his father a very successful
businessman and also the American ambassador to England. Hence from
childhood itself, having the right upbringing and growing up in the right
environment, he cultivated a very proactive personality, having a high self-esteem,
and openness to experiences. These are also the characteristics traits which make
up a good leader. As a president, John F. Kennedy was known for his capability to
handle the problems that were out of reach of the other people. His personality
was embedded with a combination of affection and hard mind. He thoroughly
enjoyed the variety of diverse personalities and talents that surrounded him
throughout the era of his presidency. He followed the authoritative and
charismatic leadership style. Authoritative leaders are to be known as the experts
in whatever they get into. They are able to provide you with a clear vision and a
perfect path through which it can be achieved and be a success. His authoritative
leadership trait can be seen in this example. The New Frontier, as his program was
styled, had some success especially in its first year. Congress established the Peace
Corps, raised the minimum wage, liberalized social security benefits and passed
bills on housing, depressed areas, manpower retraining, and temporary
unemployment compensation. The president was given unprecedented authority
to negotiate large across-the-board trafc cuts. Another example exhibiting his
authoritative leadership was his vision regarding the united states space program.
He continued to talk about a long-term vision of sending a man to the moon. He
talked about the metal alloys that were not invented at that time. He was
exhibiting an authoritative nature that gathered together the resources of the
entire nation to a particular goal.
It was impossible that he may have not been the leader in spite of all these traits
because he had all the traits and quality that are needed to lead a nation.

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Q.3 What are the traits that he learned from his environment? Are these learned
traits exclusive to a particular kind of environment such as a rich family or better
education? Support your reasons.
John F. Kennedy joined the U.S. Navy in the year 1941.For extremely heroic
conduct as commanding ofcer of Motor Torpedo boat 109 following the collision
and sinking of that vessel in the Pacific War theatre on August 1-2, 1943.
Unmindful of personal danger Lieutenant Kennedy unhesitatingly braved the
difculties and hazards of darkness to direct rescue operations, swimming many
hours to secure aid and food after he had succeeded after getting his crew ashore.
His outstanding courage, endurance and leadership contributed to the saving of
several lives and were in keeping with highest tradition of the United States Navel
service. This shows how responsible and pragmatic he was an individual. A closely-
knit family helped him to understand human bonds and value of life. This
environment manifested as his efforts to preserve human life. Rich family means
access to better education. The social circle comprised of the elite class. A high
level of education aids understanding affairs of the state and the world on a
whole. A highly sociable atmosphere develops traits like charisma, fine humor etc.
Kennedy made an important innovation upon becoming President when he
allowed press conferences to be televised live. He used those conferences to
communicate directly with the public, which was immediately impressed with his
personality, poise and knowledge of the government and that made him very
likeable in media.

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Q.4 Keeping the traits aside, how much did his “desire” to become a leader help
him in becoming a leader? What is the role of this “desire” and “willingness” in
shaping a person’s behavioral patterns?

From childhood itself John F. Kennedy had a health issue. He had to withdraw
from Canterbury School because he required an appendectomy, leave Choate
School because of suspected leukemia but it turned out to be Colitis. But it did not
stop or demotivate him as he was voted most likely to succeed in his high school
yearbooks. He went to LSE to pursue higher education but he had to come back
again due to health issues. He came back, continued at Princeton, had to leave
again. He then went to Harvard from where he graduated with a Bachelor of
Science. It was his desire that kept him going. He wanted to join the army during
the second world war but could not clear the health examinations. So, he joined
the Marines instead and served his nation. He was always a rebel, belonging to a
powerful family was not enough for him and he had to take a step ahead and
outshine them all. His brothers being senators and his father an ambassador was
just an asset for him. It was his charismatic personality and his desire and
willingness to utilize and channelize it in the right direction which made him the
2nd youngest president of the United States of America.
People having desire and willingness within them are most likely to be goal-
oriented. Desire and willingness can be a powerful tool for encouragement and
motivation. When we feel encouraged, we feel capable and appreciated and will
generally act in a connected and cooperative way. When we are discouraged, we
may act in unhealthy ways by competing, withdrawing, or giving up.

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