l15 Teachers Note

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- have no recollection of sth : không nhớ chút gì về thứ gì đó

- recollection: hồi tưởng
- have vague memories of sth: nhớ bằng cách gì
- extravagance: phung phí
- regret doing sth: hối hận
- analogous (adj) → analogy (v): xin lỗi

SECTION 3 Structure with get and have

Get và Have dùng được ở cả thể khẳng định và phủ định
- Khi dùng ở thể khẳng định: nghĩa là cause or order someone to do sth
Cấu trúc:
Get + sb + to do sth
Have + sb + do sth
- Khi dùng ở thể phủ định: nghĩa là arrange for somebody else to do sth
Cấu trúc:
Get + sb + to do sth
Have + sb + do sth

Get + -ed: Active and Passive

- get dressed: mặc quần áo = put on clothes
- get involved in: lôi kéo ai tham gia vào
- turn down: từ chối
- got promoted/elected/chosen/appointed: được thăng chức, bầu cử,
chọn, bổ nhiệm
- got run over: bị chẹt chết
Things that happened to you
Cấu trúc:
Have + O + past participle

- Vandal: kẻ phá hoại

+ Vandalism: chủ nghĩa phá hoại
+ Vandalist: kẻ phá hoại
+ Vandalize: đi phá hoại

Exercise 1:
1. had
2. was
3. had
4. been
5. had
6. been
7. had
8. have
9. had
10. have
11. been
12. has
13. been
14. have
15. had
- Intimate belongings: đồ tuỳ thân
Exercise 2:
a. Can it be true that I’m really going to have my sofa delivered today?
b. I got my letter posted by one of the others
I got one of the others to post my letters for me.
c. I’m supposed to be having my two front teeth capped this morning
- capping: niềng răng
d. I really need to have/get my car serviced.
e. Why didn’t you get them to sign the receipt before you let them go?
Exercise 3:
a. to have my eyes/blood tested
b. get called names: bị réo tên
c. had my photo taken
d. was sat/stood
e. hadn’t had his hair cut
- have your hair cut: cắt tóc
f. have to get used to it: quen với
Exercise 4:
- spend time doing sth: dành thời gian để làm gì
a.My sister had her flat redecorated by the whole of her class last weekend.
b.We got lost in the woods.
c.Do you think there is any chance that this new party will get elected?
- There is a chance of sb doing sth: có cơ hội ai đó làm gì
- enjoy doing sth:
- enjoy sb doing sth:
d.I can’t say I enjoy having my work read out
e.It’s quite simple to have/get one or more of your keys copied by a
- locksmith: thợ khoá
Exercise 5:
a. Have you ever had your house broken into and any of your belongings
b. Once you have had your fingerprint put on police files, you can never
c. You have just got to get something done about this office.
d. But for your help, I would not have got my passport stamped.
e. All of us get anything organized all at the same time
f. You must take care not to get your family involved in any such dangerous
g. You will almost certainly be arrested if you don’t get your car tax insured.
h. The government never seems to be able to get interest rates brought under

SECTION 4 Not using the passive: transitive to intransitive

1. Changing the subject without using the passive
- imply: ẩn ý
- do up at the neck: ngập đến cổ
2. Meanings of these verbs
Describing change
Các động từ: begin, vary, decrease, close, finish, fade, expand, increase, open,
stretch, crack, smash
- break (transitive and intransitive verb)
Lưu ý:
- Destroy/Demolish: luôn là transitive verb
Ex: The demolished the old building
Describing movement
Các động từ: turn, stop, fill, shake, spin, sail, tip, shift, bounce (cập kênh)
Cấu trúc: V + sth or sth + V
Ex: She bounced the ball
The ball bounced
Các động từ: bake, boil, cook, fry, melt, toast, thicken, burn, heat up, cool
down, warm, brown, freeze, thaw
- dissolve sth/sth dissolve: hoà tan cái gì/ cái gì hoà tan
3. Other examples of ergative verbs
- photogenic (adj): ăn ảnh
+ photographic (adj): như ảnh
→ photographic memory: nhớ như in
+ photograph (n): bức ảnh
- stain: vết bẩn
- wash out: giặt sạch
- crease: quăn, sun


Exercise 1:

1. a.

2. a.
b. ✖ (by the wind → in the wind)

- dry (intransitive Verb)

3. a.
- sth fill with sth/sth is filled with sth

4. a. ✖ (washed → is washed)

- fertile soil: đất màu

5. a.

6. a. ✖ (compensated → were compensated)
- compensate sb: bồi thường cho ai
- sack sb: sa thải ai

7. a.
- tip back: lật ngửa ra sau
- bin liner = garbage/plastic bag

8. a. ✖ (was → has)
- to increase productivity/production

- inflation/price/interest rate increases
9. a.
b. ✖ (is → Ө)
- production facility: cơ sở sản xuất

- contract: co lại

10. a.
Exercise 2:
a. The lights dimmed during the last dance.
- dimmed the lights: làm cho ánh sáng tối đi
b. Darren’s performance in the 100 metres improved by a tenth of a second.
- sb improve sth/sth improve
c. The Titanic sank in 1911.
- to sink sth/sth sink
d. His eyes filled with tears.
e. The plan gradually developed.
Exercise 3:
a. Initially, I think the plot unfolds convincingly
- convincingly = persuasively
- unfold sth/sth unfold: mở ra
b. The tension increases in the third scene.
- step up = increase
c. Everything seems to change
d. Melodrama replaces real drama, doesn’t it?
e. Why does the first act close with only a vague suspicion of murder in the air?
f. Why doesn’t the second act open with the actual killing?
g. Why do you end the third act on such an anti-climax?
- anti-climax: ảm đạm, không cao trào
h. It’s difficult to see tickets selling for a play like this.
Exercise 4:
a. fallen
b. contracted
c. changed
d. widened
e. folded
f. dried up: khô cạn, hết, không còn
g. intensified: khốc liệt hơn
h. expanded
i. grown

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