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Module 4

Activity 4:
1. Abstract noun is a noun that names an idea, event, quality, or concept.
2. Acrostic is a poetic form which is organized by the initial letters of a key word, either at the beginning of lines, or with lines arranged
around them.
3. An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to indicate either omitted letters or possession.
4. Assonance or vowel rhyme is a sound device which is repetition of vowel sounds.
5. Ballad is a poem or song which tells a story characterized by short, regular verses with a rhyme scheme.
6. Combinatorics is the study of different combinations and groupings of numbers, often used in probability and statistics, as well as in
scheduling problems and Sudoku puzzles.
7. Game Theory is a branch of mathematics that attempts to mathematically capture behavior in strategic situations, in which an
individual's success in making choices depends on the choices of others, with applications in the areas of economics, politics, biology,
engineering, etc.
8. Group Theory is the mathematical field that studies the algebraic structures and properties of groups and the mappings between them.
9. Hyperbola is a smooth symmetrical curve with two branches produced by the section of a conical surface.
10. Linear Regression is a technique in statistics and probability theory for modeling scattered data by assuming an approximate linear
relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
11. Nervous System is a network of specialized cells that help an organism communicate information about the surroundings and react
12. Non-Renewable Resources are natural resources such as coal or mineral ores that are not replaceable after their removal.
13. Nuclear Physics is the branch of science that studies the nucleus of an atom. It is known as nuclear physics and is a subfield of quantum
14. Photolysis is a chemical process by which molecules are broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light.
15. Primary Air Pollutants are pollutants that are pumped into our atmosphere and directly pollute the air.

Activity 5:
English Terms and Concepts:
1. **Antecedent**: The antecedent is the noun or noun phrase to which a pronoun refers. It precedes the pronoun in a sentence.

- Subject: The antecedent

- Verb: is

2. **Foreign plural**: Foreign plural refers to the plural form of a word borrowed from another language.

- Subject: Foreign plural

- Verb: refers
3. **Inflection**: Inflection is the modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, mood, voice, aspect,
person, number, gender, and case.

- Subject: Inflection

- Verb: is

4. **Non-count noun**: A non-count noun is a noun that cannot be counted or made plural.

- Subject: A non-count noun

- Verb: is

5. **Open interrogative clause or wh-interrogative**: An open interrogative clause or wh-interrogative is a type of sentence that asks a
question and begins with a word like "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," or "how."

- Subject: An open interrogative clause or wh-interrogative

- Verb: asks

Science Terms and Concepts:

6. **Atoms**: Atoms are the basic units of matter, consisting of a nucleus and electrons.

- Subject: Atoms

- Verb: are

7. **Celestial bodies**: Celestial bodies are natural objects in space, such as planets, stars, moons, and asteroids.

- Subject: Celestial bodies

- Verb: are

8. **Electromagnet**: An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current.

- Subject: An electromagnet

- Verb: is

Math Terms and Concepts:

9. **Mathematics**: Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns.

- Subject: Mathematics

- Verb: is

10. **Prime Number**: A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

- Subject: A prime number

- Verb: is

B. Read and analyze the word definitions given. Identify which word
definition observes correct grammar. Write the letter of your answer on
your answer sheet.
1. A. Non-restrictive is a modifier that is non-restrictive adds meaning to a noun phrase in a way which does not restrict or limit its
2. A. Lactobacillus is a bacterium usually found in fermenting products, such as yogurts.
3. A. The boom and bust cycle is a business cycle or economic cycle of alternating phases of economic growth and decline.
4. B. Biospheres or ecospheres are mostly closed ecosystems of a specific size that contain a mix of plants and animals that are completely
5. A. Electrolysis is the process by which hydrogen and oxygen are generated from water.
6. B. Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common side and a common vertex (corner point), and don't overlap.
7. A. Infinitesimal calculus is a branch of mathematics involving derivatives and integrals, used to study motion and changing values.
8. C. Photosynthesis is a process that enables plants and some bacteria to capture the sun's energy and turn it into food and oxygen.
9. A. Periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical
10. B. Knee-jerk reaction is the involuntary contraction of the leg when the knee is tapped with a doctor's mallet.


10 -Bonifacio
Submitted: April 30 2024

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