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Nama :Maisya Putri Nabila

NIM :P032315401023

Class :Midwifery of 1A

Lecture :Mrs.Falinda Oktariani,M.Pd

Simple Present and Past Tense Sentences

Due to Midwife and Pregnancy’s woman

Simple Present tense

1.Is a pregnant woman allowed to smoke?

2.The pregnant woman east the best nutrition for her baby’s healty

3.The pregnant woman has no history of dangerous diseases

4.Does the pregnant mother get enough rest during her pregnancy

5.The pregnancy woman usually gets dizzy on the two trimesters

6.Mother has regular check-ups with the widwife

7.The widwife always helps pregnant woman during labor.

8. Sometimes, pregnant women cries easily and get emotional easily.

9. The midwife never saw the condition of the baby during pregnancy

10. The midwife examines a postpartum mother

Past Simple Tense

1.Did the prenancy woman come to see the widwife for having bayi medical check up

2. Did the midwife able to help to unnormal giving birth

3. The widwife assisted in delivering the baby at clinic

4. The widwife provide support to mother and baby

5. Last night,the widwife successfully delivered a normal delivery baby

6. the widwife said that mothers must often consume nutrition food for healty fetal
7. The pregnancy woman and his husband visited the widwife to get infomation about the
preparation of giving birth

8. Midwife couldn't carry out the actions without the consent of the patient's family

9. Yesterday the pregnant woman had her first visit

10. The midwife explained the birthing procces to the pregnant

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