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Detailed Syllabus General Engineering Science

1. Engineering Mechanics: General equilibrium equations, experiments, motion equations, power, energy.
2. Survey and Measurement - Distance and area measurement, direction measurement and angular
measurement of slope, leverage and height, general survey instruments, electrical workshop
measurements like ammeter, volt meter, charge meter, insulation tester, energy meter and their working
principles, Mechanical workshop measuring instruments, linear and angular measurements, straight, plane
and circular measurements.
Composition of solids – Generalized pressure and formulation of rules related to it, transformation
of pressure, pressure energy, analysis of beam, column and shaft, unbalanced bending at the
centre, principles of decay Structure Engineering.

3. Engineering materials and their manufacture: Brick lime, cement, pellets, cast iron and steel, non-
ferrous metals, timber, paints and miscellaneous engineering materials, testing of engineering materials,
consideration of construction of brick floors and walls.
4. Engineering Economy and Management Engineering:- Principles of economy, project planning, CPM.
And P.E. RT Rate analysis of technology, construction, equipment and safety critical construction items.
5. Transport Phenomenon- Linear and regular conduction of transport, boundary layer continuity
equation, Varnovati's principle, energy equation, steam transport conduction, differential analysis and
Gadling, one dimensional study, heat transfer through single and multilayer materials including walls and
cylinders. Motion, natural and induced convective heat transfer, concept of thermal boundary level,
precision of Boltzmann's radiation.(Fluid And Heat trasfer)

Theory, Kirchhoff's law, concept of black and gray matter.

6. Energy transformation- thermodynamic process, first and second impulses of
thermodynamics.Reaction, Water Turbine Belton Peel, Turbine Compressor and Centrifugal Pump.
7. Elementary Engineering- Electric Circuits, Circuit Laws and Principles of Superposition
Meaning of sound, series and parallel connections, resistance and capacitance, junction transistor,
junction diode, equivalent circuit, common emitter electric circuit, magnetic effect of electric current,
magnetic circuit, ideal transformer, transformer as a circuit element, transfer of electromagnetic energy. ,
DC. Working of motor and generator, AC Working of motor and generator.
8. Environmental Engineering- Water pollution and purification, surface water reaction, air pollution and
its control, ecological balance.

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