Advertisement Iii

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Advertisement is one of the most important forms of communications. Companies or

organizations can communicate with the customers by making advertisements. Everyday customers are
faced with a lot of advertising messages, so everyone has different opinions about advertisements.

Advertisement is certain information about brands, organizations/ companies, events or ideas

with the main goal to influence the knowledge, attitude or behavior of the target group in a positive

Advertisement is also used to make more profit out of the customers. Advertisements bring the
customers to the stores and most of the time it also makes the customers spend money.

How an advertisement text is arranged by the writer, below is the generic structure:

1. Purpose: what is the purpose of the writer to compose the advertisement text?
2. Name of product: this is about name and brand. What product, service or events to sell?
3. User: who need the product? What are the product and service for?

Students’ Activities:

1. The students must translate the material of the advertisement above! ( Siswa harus
menerjemahkan materi iklan di atas). Kalian terjemahkan materi iklan tersebut, untuk
memudahkan kalian memahami mengenai iklan.
2. Berikan penjelasan mengenai generic structure (struktur teks ) dari iklan yang telah kalian buat
a. Jelaskan tujuan dari iklan yang kalian buat!
b. Apa nama produk/ layanan/ acara dari iklan yang telah kalian buat?
c. Siapa pengguna / sasaran konsumen dari iklan yang telah kalian buat?
3. Bagaimana pendapat kalian/ usaha yang kalian lakukan agar iklan yang kalian buat dapat
menarik perhatian orang sehingga mereka tertatik untuk membeli/ menggunakan produk,
layanan maupun acara yang kalian iklankan?

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