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Grammar TERM 3 July Oral

Name: ____________________ (Primary 3) Date: ______________

(a) Look at the picture. Would you volunteer for this beach clean-up? Tell me why/why
• Why do you think this clean-up is/is not worth attending?

(b) Do you visit the beach in your free time?

• What activities do you carry out at the beach?

(c) How should users of the beach take care of it?

Mdm Tan’s Complete English Programme 1 Primary Three

Grammar TERM 3 July Oral

Fill in each blank from 1 to 8 with the correct word found in the box.

(a) Look at the picture. Would you volunteer for this beach clean-up? Tell me
why/why not.
• Why do you think this clean-up is/is not worth attending?

prevent inconsiderate leisure

remains opportunity polluted

I would volunteer for this beach clean-up as I want to help ensure that the beach
1) ___________________ beautiful and clean. The beach is a place we head to for
2) ___________________ activities and hence should not be filled with trash. Due

to 3) ___________________ users who do not take away their rubbish, the beach

can sometimes get dirty. Having frequent beach clean-ups is a great way to make sure

that the beach is not 4) ____________________ with trash. Removing sharp
objects from the beach can also help 5) _____________________ injuries.
I would also like to take this 6) _____________________ to enjoy a day in the

sun doing something useful with my friends.

(b) Do you visit the beach in your free time?

• What activities do you carry out at the beach?

common outdoor group

completed building pack
buckets picnic decorate

Yes, I do visit the beach in my free time as I enjoy 7) _______________
activities and like being in the sun. I usually find a 8) _______________ of close

friends to go to the beach with.

Mdm Tan’s Complete English Programme 2 Primary Three

Grammar TERM 3 July Oral

At the beach, my favourite activity is 9) _______________ sandcastles with my
friends. We would bring along 10) _______________ and spades. I would also get
some seashells to 11) _________________ the sandcastles once they are

12) ________________.
When we go to the beach, we also like to 13) _________________ some food so
that we can have a 14) _________________. Common
15) _________________ items we

prepare include sandwiches, salad and chicken wings.

(c) How should users of the beach take care of it?

objects behind unfinished

considerate injure

Users of the beach should be 16) ________________. If they are bringing food
along with them, they should not leave any of the 17) ________________ food lying
around. They should also not leave any trash 18) __________________ as the

rubbish will dirty the beach and make it less pleasant for others.
Users should also avoid leaving sharp 19) ________________ on the beach as
these might 20) _________________ other users. In addition, they should not harm

any creatures or plants they see on the beach or in the sea.

Mdm Tan’s Complete English Programme 3 Primary Three

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