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Why Pakistan is an Important country OR

How Pakistan will survive in the World?

Introduction: Pakistan's geographical location acts as a bridge connecting the South Asian subcontinent with
Central Asia. It shares borders with critical nations, including Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. This geographic
linkage plays an important role for regional stability, trade & connectivity routes with global power dynamics,
particularly in matters of security and energy interests.
Pakistan have world's 7th-largest armed forces. It is a declared nuclear-weapons state, and is ranked amongst
the emerging and growth-leading economies, due to its 5th Largest Population.
Pakistan is home to the northern mountain range. Absolutely, these are reasons why Pakistan holds significance
on the global stage.
1. Strategic Neighbor to Global Economic Giants:
Pakistan's proximity to India and China, the world's 2nd and 5th largest economies respectively, which provides
with strategic importance in terms of trade, investment, and geopolitical dynamics.
2. Gateway to Energy Surplus Nations:
Being bordered by energy-rich countries like Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Pakistan serves as a crucial channel
(way) for energy resources. Pakistan’s geographic location facilitates energy trade and transportation.
3. Pakistan's Population:
Pakistan having a 5th largest population exceeding 241.5 million, which boasts a large and dynamic consumer
market. Its youthful demographic profile presents significant opportunities for economic growth and market
4. Pakistan's Military:
Pakistan maintains the 7th-strongest military globally, equipped with advanced weapons and a well-trained
force. Its military ensures national security and plays a vital role in regional stability.
5. Maritime Influence:
Situated along the Arabian Sea, Pakistan's coastline is 1,046 kilometers, providing access to vital sea routes and
maritime trade. Its ports, such as Karachi and Gwadar, serve as crucial hubs for international commerce.
6. High Altitude Hub: Pakistan's Himalayan Peaks:
Pakistan is home to 5 out of the world's 14 highest peaks, including K2 with 8611 KM height, It offers
opportunities for adventure tourism, scientific exploration, and ecological conservation.
7. Cultural Heritage: Rich Diversity and Historical Significance:
Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage, spanning thousands of years, encompasses diverse ethnicities, languages, and
traditions. Its archaeological sites, such as Mohenjo-Daro and Taxila, highlight its historical significance.

Notes By: Hazeel Ahmed Butt (Student of NCI)
8. Agricultural Potential:
With fertile plains and a diverse climate, Pakistan is often referred to as the breadbasket of South Asia. Its
agriculture sector contributes significantly to the national economy and food security.
9. Water Resources:
The Indus River system, originating in the Himalayas, provides Pakistan with vital water resources for agriculture,
industry, and energy production. Its hydropower potential remains largely untapped.
In summary, Pakistan is super most important because it's in a great spot, has lots of people, a strong army,
mountains and rivers. It's like a big hub connecting different countries of the world and cultures. With its rich
history and potential for growth, Pakistan has a lot to offer the world and can play a big role in making things
better for neighboring countries.

Notes By: Hazeel Ahmed Butt (Student of NCI)

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