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SECTION- A – 1 mark


2. The Lipids and proteins which help to build the cell membrane. This process is known as membrane biogenesis.
3. Chloroplasts
4. New plants arise from the vegetative parts like root, stem & leaf.
5. Dominant gene express themselves
6. Mitochondria
7. Shrinkage, Exosmosis
8. Rough ER contain ribosome and smooth ER does not contain ribosome
9. Pasturage
10. Protein and lipids forms cell membrane , cellulose form cell wall
11. Amoeba
12. Collenchyma
13. CFCs
14. The cells are not directly contact with environment, therefore diffusion would not work in the exchange of gases.
15. Urea
16. Nostrils ,pharynx, Larynx, trachea, lungs
17. Lenticels- Small , corky pores present on stem that allow for exchange of gas,
Stomata- Microscopic pores on leaves that regulate gas exchange and water loss.
18. Unidirectional -Xylem and Bidirectional -Phloem
19. Glucose, amino acids, salts and excess of water
20. Aerobic respiration
21. Pons
22. Geotropism
23. Regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
24. Rhizopus (bread mould)
25. DNA
26. Zygote
27. Production of sperms and hormones – testosterone
28. F1 Generation 100% purple flowers,
F2 Generation - 75% purple flowers, 25% white flowers
29. Variation in population for survival
30. Because male parent having two different types of chromosomes X and Y .
31. Snail
32. Microorganisms decompose the dead plants and animals
33. Biological magnification
34. UNEP-United Nations Environmental Programmes
35. Vacuole
Section- B – 2 Marks
36. A) Squamous epithelial tissue
B) Tendon
C) Phloem
D) Adipose
37. No, the plants will not get carbon-di-oxide for photosynthesis and no transpiration takes place .
38. Cell will not be able to perform the basic functions like respiration, Nutrition, Excretion etc., which leads to death
of cells.
39. A) Gogli apparatus
B) lysosomes
c) Nucleus
d)Mitochondria , plastids

Section C – 3 marks
40. i) The timing and amount of hormone release are regulated by feedback mechanism.
ii) Example: If sugar level in blood rises they are detected by the cells of the pancreas which respond by
producing more insulin. As the blood sugar falls insulin secretion is reduced.
41. I) Quaternary consumer (Fifth tropic level)
ii) Hawk
iii) Accumulations of non-biodegradable pesticides in the food chain in increasing amounts at each higher
tropical level is known as Biomagnification
42. Parenchyma: Parenchyma tissues are found in the complex permanent tissue namely the xylem and phloem.
Functions - transportation, photosynthesis, and storage.
Hormone Gland Functions
Growth-hormone Pituitary Regulates body growth
Adrenaline Adrenal Helps in combating fearful
Thyroxin Thyroid Regulates metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and
Testosterone Testes Causes changes during puberty
in males
Estrogen Ovaries Causes changes during puberty
in females
Insulin Pancreas Regulates blood sugar

SECTION D – 5 marks
44. A) The testes in the male and the ovaries in the female.
B) >Inside the womb,the embryo gets nourishment through continuous supply of blood by a special tissue called
>It also protects embryo(which has delicate tissues)from physical shocks.
C) Fallopian tube , Uterus

45. A) Diagram B) Labelling 5 marks

C) Liver digest the food by producing bile to break down fats, removing toxins and stores glycogen.

46. A) Adrenaline
Nervous Control Hormonal control
Made of Neurons Made of Glands
Message transmitted in the form of electrical Messages are transmitted in the form of
signals chemicals
Messages travel very quickly Messages travel very slowly
Messages transmitted along nerve fibres Messages are transmitted through blood

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