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1.1 Background of the Problem

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue facing the world today. Conventional
plastics, derived from petroleum, are non-biodegradable and contribute to long-lasting
pollution in oceans, lands, and even air. The growing accumulation of plastic waste poses
severe threats to wildlife, marine ecosystems, and human health. Furthermore, the
production of traditional plastics consumes a vast amount of fossil fuels, exacerbating
climate change. Given these challenges, developing eco-friendly plastics has become a
crucial area of research. Eco-friendly plastics, which are biodegradable and made from
renewable resources, offer a promising solution to mitigate the environmental impact of
plastic waste.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Given the detrimental effects of traditional plastics, this research seeks to address the
following questions:
- How can we develop an eco-friendly plastic that is both biodegradable and sustainable?
- What are the optimal raw materials and processes required to produce such plastics?
- How does the performance of eco-friendly plastics compare to conventional plastics in
terms of durability and usability?

1.3 Purpose of the Research

The primary purpose of this research is to develop a new type of plastic that is
environmentally friendly and biodegradable. By investigating different renewable materials
and innovative manufacturing processes, this study aims to create a plastic that
decomposes naturally without leaving harmful residues. Additionally, this research intends to
evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of the developed eco-friendly plastic to
ensure it meets the standards of conventional plastics used in various applications.

1.4 Limitation of the Research

This research will focus on the development and preliminary testing of eco-friendly plastics
using selected renewable materials. The scope will be limited to laboratory-scale production
and initial performance assessments. While the study aims to create a biodegradable plastic,
the long-term environmental impacts and large-scale production feasibility will not be
covered in this research. Furthermore, the economic aspects of producing eco-friendly
plastics on an industrial scale will be considered beyond the scope of this study.

1.5 Hypothesis

The research hypothesizes that eco-friendly plastics made from renewable resources will
exhibit comparable mechanical properties to conventional plastics while offering the
advantage of biodegradability. It is also hypothesized that these eco-friendly plastics can be
produced using sustainable methods, reducing the overall environmental footprint
associated with plastic production and disposal.
In conclusion, this research aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on
sustainable materials by developing and testing a new form of eco-friendly plastic. The
findings from this study are expected to pave the way for more sustainable practices in the
plastic manufacturing industry, ultimately reducing the environmental burden of plastic

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