FOCAS Proposal

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& User guide
Your feedback and QMS software
Table of

1.1 What does FOCAS Measure? 3
1.1.1 First contact resolution 3
1.1.2 Convenience 4
1.1.3 Average response time 4
1.1.4 Safety 4
1.1.5 Overall satisfaction 4


3. Why use FOCAS? 3
1.2.1 Real time customer interaction 5
1.2.2 Vital business insight and intelligence 5
1.2.3 Immediate resolution opportunites for improvement. 5
1.2.4 Individualized points of responsibility 5
1.2.5 Remote access to performance data 5
1.2.6 Empowerment for customers 5
Table of


5.1 Product Overview 6
5.2 Getting started 6
5.3 Choosing your display colour 6
5.4 Dashboard menu 6
5.4 User daily 6
5.4.2 User monthly 6
5.4.3 Daily Score 6
5.4.4 Monthly Score 6
5.5 Barometer 6
5.5.1 Daily Score 6
5.5.2 Monthly Score 6
5.5.3 Histograph 7
2.5.4 Monthly FOCAS score 7
5.5.5 Yearly FOCAS score 7

6.Setting up branches 7
Adding a region 7
Adding a zone 7
Adding a branch 7
Adding agents 7
Table of

7.Question Banks 7

8.Reports 8

9.Logs 8

10.Messaging 8
To read a message

11.Mobile Application 8

12.Device Requirement 8

13. Geeting Started 8


FOCAS, which is a brand name for customer service evaluation software, is an

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abbreviation of the measuring scale, namely: First contact resolution, Overall
satisfaction, Convenience, Average response time and Safety.

FOCAS is a revolutionary, interactive software to disrupt the service industry

towards the delivery of quality and accountable customer service. The software
enables and encourages immediate engagement with customers to allow them
to express their satisfaction or otherwise with the experience they have just
had. This means customers now have the opportunity to place a numerical
value to the service they receive, which is expressed in percentage terms. Most
importantly also, staff, branches and the entire firm now have the opportunity to
know, again in numerical value, their service performance levels from the
customers’ perspective, a feature that has eluded service firms till the
emergence of FOCAS Score.

Employees now can refer to their FOCAS Scores in expressing their quality
credentials. In recruitment, firms will be able to ask prospective employees for
their FOCAS Scores from their previous positions as a criterion to determine
quality customer service advisors.

FOCAS is mounted on devices that are physically available in the place of

business. After accessing a service, a customer can provide immediate
feedback via the device. To provide a FOCAS rating, customers need to answer
a maximum of five questions, requiring no more than ten seconds of their time.
The results are available in real time and provide up to the minute assessments
of the service quality on offer.

The results are tied to the particular agent with whom the customer has just
dealt. The customer is provided a picture and the name of the agent and must
detail their experience with him or her. FOCAS puts the responsibility of
customer service firmly on the individual service agents who provide it. This
removes the cover of collective performance and enables managers to tell
exactly which of their workers needs reward, guidance, further training or
punishment. This will lead to an immediate improvement in the work ethic of
agents who will now know that there is a direct and immediate assessment of
their work available to management.

With FOCAS , management gets a 360-degree view of customer service

experiences which they can respond to much more immediately than previous
forms of feedback allowed. It also encourages customers to provide the
feedback needed because they can see it effecting the needed change almost
immediately. Companies can even choose to display the output dashboard at
the point of contact so that customers can also see the ratings in real time. This
level of transparency gives customers the confidence that their views matter
and will lead to the changes they want to see.

In sum, FOCAS provides both customers and business managers direct and
meaningful information about the quality and competence of the agents that are
deployed to serve clients. It encourages workers to deliver the best possible
service and provides management with the information that they need to effect
necessary changes and improvements.
1.1 What does
FOCAS Measure?

1.1.1 First contact resolution

This measures the ability of service agents to fully solve the issues that brought
the customer to the service point.

1.1.2 Convenience
This measures the ease with which customers are able to conduct their
business at the service point, including the infrastructural arrangements
available to them and the customer engagement environment.

1.1.3 Average response time

This measures the speed with which customers are meaningfully attended to on
appearing at the service point.

1.1.4 Safety
This measures how secure customers feel at the service point, both physically
and for the data and information they share at the service point.

1.1.5 Overall satisfaction

This measure the total experience the customer has had at the service point to
determine how satisfied they are with the service they have received.
2. FOCAS Queue

2.1 Our QMS is the most powerful and easiest queue token system. It will
help to manage customer/client waiting list and allocation process in an
organized way. Service can have its ticket series/serial numbering with
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the department, counter and officer name.

Key Features:

SMS Notifications: Bid farewell to traditional Queue cards and embrace

the convenience of SMS notifications. As soon as customers enter the
bank, they are instantly assigned a unique queue number and receive an
SMS confirmation containing their position in the queue. Customers can
relax and attend to other tasks while they wait for their turn, significantly
reducing perceived waiting times.

Real-Time Updates: Our system keeps customers informed throughout

their wait. Regular SMS updates inform them about the current status of
the queue, estimated waiting time, and the number of customers ahead.
This feature empowers customers with transparency and reduces
anxiety during peak hours.

Priority Queue Management: Easily accommodate customers with

special needs, elderly patrons, or VIP clients with a priority queue option.
Branch managers can allocate priority status to certain customers
2. FOCAS Queue
Management System

Staff Dashboard :
Empower your staff with a comprehensive dashboard that provides real-
time insights into the queue status and customer data. Efficiently
manage counter assignments, track service times, and identify potential
bottlenecks for quicker resolutions.

Customer Feedback Collection :

Gather valuable feedback from customers to continuously improve
service quality. After their visit, customers receive an SMS link to a quick
satisfaction survey, enabling you to monitor performance and make data-
driven decisions.

Improved Customer Experience :

Eliminate frustrating waiting times and enhance customer satisfaction by
providing a seamless and transparent queue management process.

Efficient Resource Allocation :

Optimize staff allocation based on real-time data, ensuring optimal
utilization of resources during peak and off-peak hours.

Reduced Walkaways :
By keeping customers informed and engaged, our system minimizes the
chances of walkaways, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to serve
your clients.

Enhanced Staff Productivity :

Streamlined workflows and data-driven insights empower your staff to
provide faster and better service to customers.
2. FOCAS Queue
Management System

Reputation and Branding :

Demonstrate your commitment to innovation and customer-centricity, enhancing
your bank's reputation and overall branding.
Upgrade your bank's customer service and experience the power of our SMS-
based Queue Management System. Embrace the future of queue management,
where efficiency meets customer satisfaction.

2.2 Front end- Queue

• Customers select the services they came in for
• Enter their names
• Enter their telephone number
• Customer receives SMS with Ticket number and notified when
they are called upon by service advisors

2.3 Backend
• Staff dashboard to call next customer in queue
• Advisor gets the opportunity to address customer by name to
enhance as rapport, customer name appears on staff dashboard.
• Analytics on how many tickets are sent in a day, month, and year
• Reports on how many tickets are created by each department
• Reports on response time for created ticket and called ticket.
This will help determine the waiting time for each service at the banking

Full customisation on ticket can be done for companies who do not want to use
the SMS option. In this case, tickets will be printed on the terminal device. Both
ticket printing and SMS features can also be provided at the same time.
3.Why use

3.1 Real time customer interaction

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The immediacy of FOCAS interaction mean that customers provide feedback
while literally in the experience of the service, ensuring that the information
provided is as felt and less prone to external influence or temporal effect. The
customer provides the feedback while in complete control of their perception of
it, meaning that it is more “honest” and “true” and of the greatest use to the
service provider as they seek to improve and consolidate their service offerings.

3.2 Vital business insight and intelligence

FOCAS provides vital intelligence into the tastes, needs and perceptions of
various classes of customers that can be used to inform sales and marketing
campaigns as well as to improve the customer experience for specific groups of
customers. From the feedback, relationship between service quality and
demographic data can be analysed to determined, for example, types of service
and the gender of agents preferred by customers. In this case services can be
tailored to suit preferences.
3. Why use

3.3 Immediate resolution opportunities for improvement

Feedback is immediately available to unit/branch managers, as well as to
designated officials along the corporate ladder. This gives opportunity for
immediate correction or necessary action when negative information is
received. With FOCAS, companies do not need to wait days or even hours for
information to be collected, collated and analysed. The system does this by the
minute and each new data point is immediately fed into and reflected in the
current score.

3.4 Individualized points of responsibility

FOCAS also enables a precise score for the frontline staff/agents. Customer
feedback is directly tied to the agent who served him/her. This allows
management to track performance or delivery of each individual customer
serving member of staff, providing critical data that can be used to assess staff
and take decisions concerning that particular employee, including training,
promotion of redeployment.

3.5 Remote access to performance data

FOCAS gives managers greater insight and control. From within the branch or
remotely from regional or national centres, access is provided to the real time
score from real time customer feedback. This allows for effective decision
making and timely remedial action. Managers can view daily, weekly or monthly
scores and they can also view branch, regional or national scores to enable
them to get clear trends and pictures for relevant action.
3. Why use

3.6 Empowerment for customers

FOCAS places the customer and his/her perceptions of service firmly in the
centre of the commercial experience. The customer can direct and improve
service by providing feedback that will impact the service that they and others
receive. As customers see their feedback causing changes, they will feel more
empowered to provide more feedback and hence, lead to more improvements.
It also means that staff, keenly aware of the prospect of immediate assessment
of their service, will be motivated to give off their best for the benefit of
customers and ultimately, their employers.

Service quality is increasingly the most significant differentiator between

competing brands and FOCAS enables companies to make sure that they are
giving off their best and/or provide the means to improve in the quickest
possible time.

3.7 Security
FOCAS is a secure platform that preserves the safety of the information it
utilizes for its scoring. Its effective, state of the art systems mean that no third
party can have information without the express permission of the officers in
charge of the client’s account.
3. Why use

4. Account Setup
All accounts are set up at the corporate headquarters of the client. Branch
accounts are set up at the head office, which retains and controls the account
names and passwords. They can change, delete and edit branch information.
This information is securely kept on the servers and not accessible to any third
The FOCAS software does not in any interfere with or interact with the client’s
software or systems and so cannot access or change features or information.

FOCAS utilizes SSL, the standard security for establishing an encrypted link
between a web server and browser, ensuring that all data that is passed
between them is private and inaccessible to external systems. The complexities
of the SSL protocols are invisible to users.
4. Manual

4.1 Product overview

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FOCAS is internet-based application that enables service companies to receive
and monitor feedback from customers about the quality of customer service on
offer at its outlets.
From a dashboard, real time information can be received from the mobile
devices displayed in the outlets that customers can freely and conveniently

Scores are calculated by asking questions under the following broad

• First contact resolution
• Overall satisfaction
• Convenience
• Average response time
• Safety
4. Manual

4.2 Getting started

FOCAS has two interfaces – the dashboard and the mobile application. The
dashboard can be accessed via the internet at
• You will be provided with a log in and password to enable you access the
personalized dashboard for your company.
• Customizing your dashboard
• Changing your display logo
• Click on the logo at the top right corner at the screen.
• Select the file of the photo you want to replace it with. Files should be in
JPEG or PNG format.
• Accept and save

4.3 Choosing your display colour

4.4 Dashboard menu

• User daily – This tells you the number of people who have provided
feedback daily
• User monthly – This tells you the number of people who have provided
feedback monthly
• Daily score – This gives you the daily FOCAS score
• Monthly score – This gives you the monthly FOCAS score

• Daily score – a graphic that displays the daily FOCAS score

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Monthly score – a graphic that displays the monthly score

• Histograph
• Monthly FOCAS score – graphic representation of the monthly
feedback received
• Yearly FOCAS score – graphic representation of the feedback
received in a year
6. Setting up

From your dashboard, you can add regional, zonal and branch accounts

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6.1 Adding a region.
• Select add region
• Input the name of the region you want to add
• Save the region

6.2 Adding a zone

• Select the region in which you want to add the zone
• Input the name of the zone
• Save

6.3 Adding a branch

• Select the region and the zone in which you want to add the zone
• Input the name of the branch
• Add email and unique password
• Save
7. Question

8. Reports

7. Questions
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Questions are added by the super administration and made available to
institutions. From the institution’s main dashboard, questions can be added to
the branch dashboards for display on the mobile devices.

7.1 To add questions to branches

• Select the question you want to add from the list of question
• Select the branch you want to add it to
• Save

8. Reports
Detailed reports are available in real time. The reports cover the FOCAS scores
for branches, zones and regions. You can also view the performance of
individual agents. Reports can be sorted by score as well as time. Also included
are demographic reports on the customers who have provided feedback.
9. Logs

10. Messaging

9. Logs

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Logs display the times that the application is active in each active branch. This
includes when the application is first opened in the morning, how long it was
open and duration of offline periods, if any.

10. Messaging
FOCAS has messaging capability that enabled in-app communication between
branches and the institutional apex.

10.1 To send a message

• Select message from the menu rack
• Input your message
• Select send

10.2 To read a message

• Select unread message
• Your message will now be available to read
11. Mobile application,

12.Device Requirements


11. Mobile application

FOCAS feedback is provided through a tablet device that is displayed in outlets.
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12 Device requirements
Devices for the application should have the following specifications or better
• 10.1” screen size
• Wifi/ 3G connectivity
• Android 6.0
• 2.13 Getting started
• The application will be available via a link that will be emailed to all

13. To install the application on the device

• Click on the link
• Install
• Log in with branch details
• Customize to suit the branch image or style

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