Search and Capture of The Legendary Arceus in A Version-Controlled Repository

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Search and Capture of the Legendary Arceus in a

Version-Controlled Repository
Your Name
May 25, 2024

This report documents the process of executing a binary script to generate a C++ file, traversing mul-
tiple branches in a version-controlled repository to locate a specific commit referred to as the ”Legendary
Arceus,” and merging this commit into the master branch. The objective is to simulate the capture of
Arceus, akin to catching a Pokémon using a Master Ball.

1 Introduction
In this task, we are given a shell binary script that, when executed, generates a C++ file (‘question2 .cpp‘)committedacrossmult

2 Execution of the Shell Binary Script

The first step is to execute the provided shell binary script in the home directory. This script generates the
‘question2 .cpp‘f ileandinitializesaGitrepositorywithmultiplebranches.

2.1 Running the Script

The script is executed using the following command:
$ . / s c r i p t . sh . x

3 Traversing the Repository

After the script execution, a Git repository is created with multiple branches. The goal is to traverse these
branches to locate the commit containing the ”Legendary Arceus.”

3.1 Listing Branches

To list all branches in the repository, the following command is used:
$ g i t branch −a

3.2 Searching for the Legendary Arceus

The search involves checking the commits in each branch for the presence of the ”Legendary Arceus.” This
can be done using the ‘git log‘ command or by examining the contents of ‘question2 .cpp‘ineachcommit.
$ g i t c h e c k o u t branch name
$ git log
$ cat q u e s t i o n 2 . cpp

4 Capturing Arceus
Once the commit containing the ”Legendary Arceus” is located, the next step is to merge this commit into
the master branch.

4.1 Merging the Commit

The commit is merged into the master branch using the following commands:
$ g i t c h e c k o u t master
$ g i t merge branch name −−no− f f
The ‘–no-ff‘ option ensures that a merge commit is created, preserving the history of the commit.

5 Conclusion
This report documented the steps taken to search for and capture the ”Legendary Arceus” in a version-
controlled repository. The process involved executing a binary script to generate a file, traversing multiple
branches to locate a specific commit, and merging this commit into the master branch. Successfully com-
pleting this task simulates the capture of Arceus, akin to catching a Pokémon using a Master Ball. article
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Image Processing Using Kernels and Fourier Transforms Your Name May 25, 2024

This report explores the application of kernels for image transformations and noise reduction. It
further investigates the use of Fourier Transforms for filtering noise in the frequency domain. The
performance of these methods is compared, and the nature of noise suitable for each method is discussed.

6 Introduction
Image processing often involves transforming images using kernels, which are small matrices that are con-
volved with the image. This report demonstrates how different kernels can modify an image and explores
their effectiveness in noise reduction. Additionally, noise filtering using Fourier Transforms is examined and
compared to kernel-based methods.

7 Kernel-Based Image Processing

A kernel is a matrix used to transform an image by convolving it with the kernel matrix. For a pixel located
at (m, n) in the image, the new value Pm,n is given by:

2 X
X 2
new old
Pm,n = Aij Pm−1+i,n−1+j
i=0 j=0

where Aij is the kernel matrix.

7.1 Kernels for Different Image Operations

Two kernels are used to illustrate image modifications:
• Edge Detection Kernel:  
−1 −1 −1
Aedge = −1 8 −1
−1 −1 −1

• Blur Kernel:  
1 1 1
Ablur = 1 1 1
1 1 1

7.2 Effect on Image

Figures ?? and ?? show the original and distorted Lena images. Figures ?? and ?? show the images after
applying the edge detection and blur kernels, respectively.

8 Noise Reduction Using Kernels

To reduce noise in the distorted image, a blur kernel can be applied. This works by averaging the pixel
values in a neighborhood, thus smoothing out noise.
While the blur kernel can reduce high-frequency noise, it may also blur important image details.

9 Noise Reduction Using Fourier Transforms

Fourier Transform can be used to filter noise by manipulating the image in the frequency domain. High-
frequency noise can be reduced by applying a low-pass filter.

9.1 Fourier Transform Process

1. Compute the Fourier Transform of the image. 2. Apply a low-pass filter to attenuate high-frequency
components. 3. Compute the inverse Fourier Transform to obtain the denoised image.

9.2 Comparison with Kernel Method

The Fourier Transform method preserves more image details compared to the blur kernel, as it selectively
filters out high-frequency noise while retaining low-frequency components.

10 Nature of Noise
10.1 Kernel Method
The kernel method is effective for reducing high-frequency noise (e.g., salt-and-pepper noise) but may blur
the image.

10.2 Fourier Transform Method

The Fourier Transform method is better suited for reducing periodic or high-frequency noise without signif-
icantly affecting the overall image sharpness.

11 Conclusion
This report demonstrated the application of kernels and Fourier Transforms for image processing and noise
reduction. The Fourier Transform method generally performs better in preserving image details while re-
ducing noise, making it suitable for a wider range of noise types.

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