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(Some Useful Expressions for Writing an Anal ‘Toreportan increase Hasrisen/ increased /gone up/shot up. Has experienced |seen arise [an inerease in... 4) Has shown /registered.a rise/an increase. «| Hasreacheda maximum /apeakof. Toreportadecrease Has fallen gone down /eome down to. + Hasdropped from.n.: 10. + Hasexperienced Iregistered Ishowna fall /adecrease /adeeline in + Hashit|touched freached its lowest minimum level |point. To report differences Isbetterthan more than double/ halfas much [three times more /less than Notasbigas/asmuchas/aslargeas... ‘Many times over |more/ less... reportsimilarity Isthe sameas/ similarto, Is/Are comparable with. Can be grouped together / classified together | clubbed with... Show(s) similarity similarities... There are striking similarities between... fo report comparisons and contrast + Ascomparedto... + In(sharp) contrast to/ with... + Iscomparable /not comparable with. + Compares well with...) Contrasts with To report constancy orno change Has seen / registered / experienced (shown nochange... Frequently Used Tense PresentPerfect : Example~Thenumber of accidents has risen sharp Simple Past + Example Fewer cases of theft were reported; the sales ros spby 30 per cent, Will+baseverb _: Example~ Atthisrate the population will touch 1.5 billion mark by 2022. Will+have+past Example— At this rate the population will have touched 1.5 billion by the participleverb year 2022, Passive Structures : Example— A few other alterations were also carried out in the hotel. Given below arethe results ofa phone survey of a group oF 1000 students aged 13-16 caried out by an education company to find out how effective online lasses ae, Study the data carefully and then write an analytical paragraph to summarise the information. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw your own conclusions, What Students aged 13-16 do during thelr Online Classes (in %) Fake online classes very serio Sitch onthe dss but mute WW icrophone and camera Wee funy things on the teachers inte voor o not study textbooks oF do assignments on their own after the class Bu TeV e2mes on another device while the online class ison The pie-chart based on a phone survey of 1000 randomly selected | sveimersevedcstownn evans students shows how school students aged 13-16 year are taking | "snty ates nen ‘eat te rah their online classes. Amajority of respondents (45%) take their — online classes rather seriously, which sa good sign fr the newly _| introduced online education system. It also indicates that this age ‘group is well-versed in the use f the internet and online education platforms and applications. Alittleunder one-fifth (18%) students s#=tor=bererundrtanding ts said that they do join the online classes but mute ther mi J Tstiantercamplect he thrs one Oe one ae ‘andcamera, which makes online classes more manageable butdoes — “***wns!owlesse of meter ‘not permit any interaction which s vital for any elective teaching mys. ‘sotie desc, |and leaming, Then there ae those who donot take the online [~SisceSnacessayt fcmmmar ie | classes seriously. Fortunately, this group constitutes only 7% ofthe survey population. They make mischief and stu the assy \wtng funny things on their teachers’ whiteboard. While 15% fall ese rete mtr therespondents sad they play games on their digital devices while their online dasses are in progress, an equal numberof students — "hs seen wlrnccou ey ay aoa [admitted they do not study textbooks or do assignments on their ence ‘own aftr the asses. Clearly lat needs tobe done to ensure —tsssonasenaurie aarti "ces cope | student compliancebeforenlinecassesbecometruyeffctve aa alae ines temp SAMPLE ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH (PROBLEM & SOLUTION BASED) Youare the General Manager ofa restaurant You have noticed that the costo seafood items has gone upin recent times and tis has overshot the budgets of raw materials procurement. Your supplier explains that the supply chain of seafood items isadversely affected dueto bad weather anda disruption in transport due toa strike, and consequently the prices of seafood items havegone up. Wirite an analytical paragraph briefly describing how the cost of procuring seafood items has overshot the procurement budget of the restaurant and suggesting a solution tothe problem in consultation with the restaurant chef and sales and marketing manager such thatthe seafood continues to be on the menu but the restaurant does nat incur any losses or lose valuable customersto the competition You might also ke tointroduce a new menu with attractive alternatives to seafood. The estaurantis finding it increasingly dificult these days to serve its patrons range of seafood items ke prawns shrimps, crabs, lobsters oysters and tuna ish While thismay have left many of) cur customers disappointed, the restaurants unable to please them by overshooting ts monthly | | budgets of raw materials for seafood dishes. Our vendor Messrs Bombay Seafood Suppliers have expressed their inability to provide theseitems at the existing rates owing tothe disruption caused {_ imthir procurement due toinclement weather anda transportstrike. Faced with thispredicament, | | the restaurant has thefllowing options —one, increase the prices of ea-food based dishes; two, | \_offersmallerportons to save onraw materials; an three takeaway ourcustomer'sinterestinsea~ | food by introducing a forinight lng food festival witha new menu ofnon-vegetarian items based on chicken, mutton lamb and fresh water ish and eggsas wellasawholenew range of Indian and Chinese vegetarian menu, including regular South Indian delicacies. Ths wll not only help the | restaurant save on is raw materials supply expenses but aso keep our customers happy with a | | vat ofatematv food menu. Ths mater was discussed wth the Cie Chefaswelasthe Food | and Beverages Manager, who are aligned to the proposal spelt out above. Subject to the | ‘managementapproval,thenew food estvalcangolivenext weekend, | Biractice Exercise Yo roona bases cach witha capacity 80 stodnts. Tho ota umbor fstudents who aetualy travel by these buses is 175. Another 150 students have applied for school transport. The school is notin position tobuy new school buses. What should school authorities do to ensure that school buses run to full capacity and the students in the waiting list for school transport get it. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words to briefly deseribe and to suggest some practical or viable solutions to the problem. SAMPLE ANALYTIGAL PARAGRAPH (DATA ‘ALBAR GRAPH Given below isa bar graph showingsome changes nth public behaviourin citi period oftwo yeas. Analyse the d3 Carefully and then summariseitin theform ofan anaitcal paragraph. Change iblic Behaviour in x’ City in Two Years 1100 1000 900 ST YEAR ‘TWis YEAR [NUMBER OF CASES | INCIDENTS [= ges aaa = ae ‘The bar graph presents some dataonchangesin public behaviour X'cty inthe current year as compared tothelastyearonas manyasfivecounts—spttingin public smoking in public, defacing walls with graffi ‘up of things to cheerabout/fsis lear ante tat TRF hasbeen a nearly 68) alin the number of incidents of siting, Only 78 cases were rege ast year. Similan, cases of smoking also, id dramatically from 481 cases reported last year to a mere 92, a fall of more than Far contrast, Jae menace of defacing walls with raft and posters has more than doubled From about'aS7-Gses last yea, it recorded 983 cass in the curent yea. While the use of blaring loudspeakers Seer aoe yar as compared tothe ast year’ figure of 761), not much has changedin pe0pleSFabit of throwing/ dumping garbageat publicplacesandin streets. “Deerall,thepublicbehaviour of people in'X'cityhasshownimprovementsin a couple of countslike spitting and smoking but alot remains tobe done in areas like defacing public property with graffiti and dumping garbage inpublicplaces. Similarly, the use of loudspeakers further needs tobereduced. Biractice Exercises 1. The following bar graph shows the points tally of four houses of Sacred Heart Convent School for the year 2020-21. The datas to be used to adjudge the best house of the year and the runners up. Study the data carefully and then write an analytical paragraph summarising the information. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and dravr conclusions 6 House Wise Points Tally 2. ‘The bar graph shows some statistics about top wheat prods year 2011-12. Study the data carefully and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words summarising the information, Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. SHI When Peden ene (=) 2 uttar Pradesh 30,282,603 £ pee a72eoaee re g Haryana 12,685,660 2 Madhya Pradesh | 11,539,512 za a Rajasthan | 9,319,578 di Bihar 4,725,031 xx i cua] 072,000 Maharashtra | 1,313,000 Ey FE unaranons| 'arso00 [2.26 “inssheneres West Sengal | 872,900 az 8. The following bar graph shows nutrient content of some common food items. Write an analytical paragraph of about 150 words briefly summarising thedata and making appropriate comparisons. 8 sth tna a an PROTEN FRE ConmowronaTeS AT. MATER BPE CHART ‘The pie-hart below shows some data on the various uses of harvested rainwater to full non-potable water needs ofa metropolitan dy. Analyse the dataand summarise tin the form ofa paraoraph Use of Harvested Rainwater to Meet Different Non-Potable Water Needs | Rainwater harvesting holds alot of promise in solving the water-woesof metropolitan cies. The pie-_| | chartshows how a particular householdin a metopoltan city makes use ofthe raiwateritharess. | Asislear from the pie- chart alittle over one tir (36%) ofalltheharvestedrainwaterisconsumedin ‘washing clothes, while litle over one-fourth (26%) is usedin bathing As muchas 22% ofthe water thus collected utilized in such activities as gardening (13%), car washing (6%) and mopping floors (3%), whereas flushing accounts for as much as 16% of the total rainwater harvested by the ) household, Thus it can be concluded that, if rainwater is harvested and used propery it can meet a | ) range of non-potable water requirements of the population in cites. It can aso help save huge) ‘amountsoffresh drinking water that can be used exclusively forcookingand drinking. Biractice Exercises 1 The pie chart below shows some data on the reactions of parents to some questions in a survey conducted by a school to find out if parents are willing to sond their children to school after Phase 5 of the unlocking of COVID-19 restrictions, Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph analysing the data. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Parents’ Responses (in %) I Willnot send children ta schoo! until Covid-19 vaccine is available IE Wil send children to schoo! if school takes all precautions of social distancing and sanitation at ‘ill prefer to homeschool children I Willsend children to school only for term and final examinations [Il Willsend children to schoo! as soon asit reopens 2. Given below are the results of survey on anxiety and fears among school students aged 13 to 16 and their effeets on students’ personality and behaviour. Study the data carefully and then write an analytical paragraph summarising the information. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Different types of Anxiety and Fears Among School Students Aged 13-16 Effects of Different Fears on ‘Ill Fear of being rejected by Suuserts) RersonsBty E, 10% ‘classmates Se Ii Fearofosing a tiend Sao =Poorseltesteem I Fear of fallurein exams ~ Below par performance WE Fear of beingscolded by culty in maintaining parents healthy interpersonal Fan ofbuinnoste by relationship ‘The Readers Club of a school recently conducted a survey to study the habit of reading among students. The pie charts given below show the compiled results in percentages. Use the data to write an analytical paragraph to summarise the findings of the survey. Make comparisons wherever appropriateand draw conclusions. Frequency of readingamong _—Reading reference (iterature) Reading preference (Magaines and students aged 12 to 17 ‘among students aged 12017 Newspapers) among stents eed 20017 Drama Do net od eee Ra iM eT eae a Travel oe 108 en ‘Bonk i” on a: 7 only Read 5 f+ rary cae Rogulety oe 35 40% Biographies 10% ‘CLINE GRAPH Theline graph below shows the number ofincidentsofUFOsightingsin North indian sixmonths— July to December ast year, Stuy the statistics carefully andthen summarise them in theformof an analytical paragraph ro sicutincs un OF SghTIGS PER MONTH ‘uly ug Sep Oct Nov Dee wowris UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objectes continue tobe sighted at various placesin North India. |The data forte lst six months of the last year shows that these incidents have shown a. | huctuating trend. According tothe given line graph, as many as 15 UFO sightings were | reported inthe month of July. The month of August registered a thirty-three percent increase insuch sightings. However, between Septemberand November, the sightings fell sharplyfrom | | 15 to under 10 before their numbers shot up again in December which registered an equal | number of UFO sightingsasin July and September. Overall there have been upsanddownsin_} | thenumber of UFO sightings madein thelastsicmonthsin North ndiaalthoughthedatadoes | motindcate the typeof UFOs sighted, where andby whom and whether the claim could be) | vetfied by scentistsornot ) L Biractice Exercises 1. The following line graph shows the average number Passenger numbers for the Blue Line of passengers who travelled by the Blue Line of the ene ears Delhi Metro between October 2019 and March 2020. Study the information carefully and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words to summarise it, Make comparisons wherever R 4 18 appropriate and draw conclusions. n Passengers (in thousands) Oct. Nox. Dec Jan. Feb, Mat 219 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 ‘The line graph below shows the consumption of fast food by Indian urban teenagers between 2005 and 2020. Study the information carefully and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 ‘words to summarise it. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Line Graph Showing the Number of Times in a Year Indian Urban Teenagers Consumed ‘Some Popular Fast Food Items between 2005 and 2020 450 400 350 300 + ‘ae Fay Drinks and Shakes 250 + += Indian Snacks 200 she Pitas 150 +® French Fries Foe Burgers 504 ° x + : : 2005 2010 2015 2020 The line graph and the bar graph below show the amount of waste India is going to produce in the ‘coming years and how much land will be needed to dispose of it. Study the information carefully and then write an analytical paragraph to summarise it. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. CO eC ar cn the coming years? {a Reaurement (insakm) 3001 ee 2am 2081 — 2081 D.TABLE The table below shows risk of death posed by five different causes in two income groups of people along with the world average ofthese deaths Study thedata careful Deaths among Three Different Income Groups due to Different Risk: summariseitin the formof an analytical paragraph. Global climate change exposure Percentage of deaths Indoor smoke from std fuels ‘Unsafe drinking wate, insanitatin, ack of hygiene Urban outdoor ar pollution 33 32 20 02 a9 38 19 03 00 a1 25 00 The table shows some statistics related to deaths among Tow and middle income groups as | wellashigh income groups due to five reasons —indoor smoke fom sold fuels; unsafe water, | insanitation and lack of hygiene; urban outdoor pollution; global climate change and lead exposure. Asis clear fom the data, thehigh income group people deo the outdoor pollution more than any other cause They acount for 2.5% ofall deaths which s higher than the world average of 2.0%. A mere 0.19% people ofthis group die of drinking unsafe water, insanitation |, and/or lack of hygiene. On the other hand, the lower and le income group has mortality | rate higher than the world averageinall categories excep urban outdoor ai pollution, where Biractice Exercises itis0.19¢essthanthe wrldaverageof2%.Thisgroupacountsfor3 9% and3.8% deaths due 0 indoor smoke from sold fuels and unsafe drinking water, insanitaton and lack of hygiene | respectively Global cate change and lead exposure account for 0.3% death each among this group. Overall, moe people inthe ower and middle income group dieo the given auses thanthehighincomegroup peopl. 1. ‘The table below shows the average daily consumption of coffee and tea on weekdays by six ‘employees in a company. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph analysing the data, Make comparisons and draw conclusionsas appropriate. a Catiee Te Tots No.of Cops aw [ eM | am | Pw | Coffes | Tea Bhushan ofofz{[2{o 4 Chita 1[2folo|[ 3 a Bran 2 )2fa1j;2]{2 2 Mahmood | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 5 Sukhwinder | 2 | 0 | 0) 2] 2 2 Mohanan 2>[2/toleo[ 4 o 2. The table below shows some statistics about the estimated and actual profits (in millions of Indian Rupees) of a particular company in the year 2020 as well as details of the 2019 figures. Study the information carefully and summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate. YEARLY FINANCIAL SUMMARY TABLE Revenue 270 340 430 Cost of GoodsSold 150 180 160 Gross Profit 120 160 20 Costs of Operations. 14 16 a8 “Toxes Paid 4 5 6 Net income 102 139 266 ‘The table below gives in pereentage the number of office goers who used different modes of transport to go to work in the years 2019 and 2020 as well as their projected figures for the year 2021. Study the data carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons ‘and draw conclusions wherever appropriate Year | walking | Bicycle | Motoreycle/ | Owncar| Taxi | Bus Scooter 2s | 2 27 39 10 1 2 9 2020 | 1 u 31 16 2 16 13 2021 | 0 7 40 n 6 19 v7 (SAMPLE ANALYTIGAL PARAGRAPH INFORMATION BASED? Thetable below contains some information about cimate change and ai-polution, theircauses and effects onthe environment. Study the information carefully and then write an analytical paragraph tosummarseitin your own words. ‘CLIMATE CHANGE ‘AIR POLLUTION Gases Green House Gases (GHG)~primarily CO, | Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (50,) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter (PM) Effects Global Local/Regional HumanHealth | Indirect through effectof Global Warming | Direct: breathing problems for healthy tees people, eye, nose, throat & lungirritation, asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, death Timescaleof | Long-term, inthe future Short-term, immediate Effects Emuéffects | Globalwarming, rising sea levels ‘Acid Rain, smog, ‘Major Anthropo- | Burning of fossil fuels frommotor vehicles | Burning offossilfuels, exhausts mostly logicalsources | andindustry (mostly energy sector) ‘from industry and motor vehicles ‘Two ofthe environments mast serious problems ~ climate change and ar pollution can be blamed on Green House Gases, mainly carbon donde, that cause climate changes with global. | repercussions, an Nitogen Oxides, Sulphur Dowde, VOCSor volatile rganiccompounds and || PM or particulate matter, which have mainly local or regional effects. While climate change _affetshuman heath in anne way trough the varius eft of loa warming, at _ olution has decteffects on human health causing such problems as breathing oifclties | | for healthy people, eye, nose, throat and lung irtation as wel as asthma, chronic bronchitis, | heart disease and even death, These effects are often short-term and almost always.) immediate whereaseffectsofcimatechangetakealong timeto manifest Theclimatechange_| | iggeredy bal waringisresponsibleforsuchenironmentpabemsastsingsealevels, | | and ai-pollation, on the other han, is tobe blamed fr problems ike acid rain and smog, Burning offsslfulsisesponsibefor both climate change and airpoluton, Drractice Exercise 1. The following infographic gives some information about what people of a particular city should do in. three emergency situations ~ evacuation, sheltersin-place and lockdown. Analyse the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of a paragraph in about 150 words. Do not just reproduce the information by simply copying language from the infographic. 15 EMERGENCY INFORMATION vero) What to do: Use the "Boot" to acu the door eave the buldirg media, emain calm wat donot un las person out doses the door leave bythe nearest neon Donot se elevators Asst thas, sate todo so Report ising persons or persons et behindto emergency responders Report to vocation Area nd await Donotre-ente bulking ut A clear” seven Re aad oe What to do: Tea + foto eect ghen ysecrty + Stayauay trom windows and doors ‘+ Mowe to an interior room, stawel, oF hana wit ao windows onthe lowest fox + Use phones only for emergencies «+ Stayin pace unl the Alcea even See a all 911 Tera) ee What to do: + Ueethe "Bo to secure the door binajonades + Tum off ighs and merits + Keep quiet + tence cellphones + Dot open doors during lockdown, + Stayinsafe areas until directed blow ‘enforcement SAMPLE ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH (PROCESS DESCRIPTION BASED) ‘The visual below shows how gasoline and diesel reach our local gas stations. Study the information carefully and then summarise itn the form ofan anaytcal paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions as appropriate Do not add any new information. Flow of gasoline (or petrol) and diesel to your local gas station finery Beet cute ewe re Pl | “s it =a ae a er oe somes Commer” ouge inlet ‘saan Ng ae Ever wondered how petroleum fuels like petrol and diesel you use to run your vehicles reach |_ your local gasstations? The entire process passes through several stages rom the production or | | impor, einement, storage, transportation and ditibution. Inthe fist stage, te crude oll | whichsimported from other countries or produced domestically reachesrefineieswheeitis | refined in several stages to obtain petrol and diese, two among a whole range ofpetroleum- | | based products. These productsarestoredin refinery storagefacitieswhichareconnectedtoa | | central pipeline delivery system. Petrol and diesel from this storage facility are carried to bulk / | terminal storage tanks ether through a network of pipelines or though tankers or barges. | Net, tanker trucks further transport these products from the bulk storage tanks to the gas | statonsintownsand cities where consumerscan buy themas and whenthey require, } L Biractice Exercises ‘The visual below shows how mili is produced, processed and sold through a distribution network to reach the consumers. Study the visual carefully and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words summarizing the various stages of the process in your own words. Do not add any new information, Daly fermersmicowsand Mikvansrucksees ec bing Mikiststd fr purty and safety Mktankers cary the collected Ture Thermto aching cee for" aewalastor at coment ne sanry pune ‘erento 1 The process of production and distribution. Miki processed ad pasteurized and eo chile Consumer consume ‘he packaged mikisdstbvted_‘Theremainingmikspactaged Mik cheese, utter and ghee mil rough shops and supermarets inbettles/elypacks sre propared rom some mie “shen, eons name Se nse pars the wot 2. The visual below shows the process in which sea water is made fit for human consumption (cooking, drinking, bathing and washing ete.), Study the information in the visual carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words to summarise the various stages of the process. Do not add any new information from your side. Ocean | STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Water | Pre-Treatment Reverse Osmosis (RO) Conditioning + disinfection Consumer ft VV =a | are WEEN Cm aes 4 =e Srsimauscomoente | ecommerce! | Gnesi erie rescore: | meceteacisiem: | catuommpemet that would interfere with | (including salts) and other | water meets health, esthetic the desatting process. | impurities from the water, | and ant-cortosion standards SAMPLE ANALYTIGAL PARAGRAPH (MAP SASED) Given below are the two maps of library in a city. Carefully study both the maps and then write an analytical paragraph Gescribing the major changes or renovations the library has undergone inthe last 20 years. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw your own conclusions City Library in 2000 ook shee & 4 need 4 = * 2 BR a KR i. K b = a zB 4 3 4 MM ee rTitiiitt | The City Library the central point ofthe city has undergone many changes i | years. In the year 2000 it was much smaller with half fitsareaonthe ight being occupied bythe | | entrance driveway and parking ots. Toilets fo the vistors were located behind the parkinglos. | | Nisitors got access to the reading hall and bookshelves froma door close tothe main entrance | gate, For this they first had to go past the books issue and return counter. Newspaper and_| | magazine stands were located behind tis counter. Twenty years later, the library has been | }- completely redesigned and rebuilt anda lot ofnew facies have been added toit Theentrance | |. driveway remains on the right buthas become narrower. Ornamental plantscanbeseen growing | |_allalongit. The driveway takes you toanunderground parking areaintheextremeendof whichis / 2 cafeteria for vistors. On the ground floor anew reading hal has been bult which is nearly {double the sizeof the old reading hall and also contains an issue and return counter, a water | | stato and tats. Whiethevtos enter om herght hand sd gat otheibray they eit. | | fom the parking t from the gate on the lefthand which leads tothe exit driveway. The open | | axearightin font of thereading hallhasalush green garden with pool and some easy garden| chairsforreadersaswellasa permanent booksexhibition area Biractice Exercise 1. Given below are two maps— A and B of APJ School. Map ‘A’ shows the layout of the school as it was in. 2015 and Map'B' shows the layout ofthe school at present. Carefully study the two maps and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words describing the major changes in the layout. 2 = Ue cid ie 2 a ; - Mrserg HG a B|| ns a, |. 3 retron | |B} | 3 Sag i sume (ZZ & NE Ae 2 B A) . | axtin |Z 3 A Za) * | emi ZO & 3 =e Ea : 3 g ; 2 BZ & 3 ee : : ames le am Mohn on (p/to] ty] te] te] te] ey, i 2 bbb bs bbbbb bbb LLERPRPRLALLPTTPRPPPRD PPP PP SAMPLE ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH. (BEHAVIGUR, FUNCTION, PATTERN OR CYCLE BASED) The visual below shows the life-cycle ofa turtle. Study the information carefully and then summarise it inthe form of an analytical paragraph. Makecomparisonsand draw conchusions wherever appropriate ‘ter hatching, baby tures E> (cheno mm ‘ arieertc tees, csc eo. taebe rence period of 45-70 days ee ‘Move with ocean currents. scapes iF ciara eatin ack oaging grounds to feed 20-50 eas, tures each and propre forte ea bresing the eof about 60 ems Neste: oetnga sfevndereund est an yng es Season Breeing migrations occu Seite near anoresaliow = Pe sore = of aes per nest. 0160 ae buried ints pai Teh eeieee return to thet ‘Aer alo maturation period of grt at Pa: Se-soyes, eure ey Tune return ta the orginal {bed and pecor og distance birth place to breed an ay ess weeding migrations. | Thelifecycleofaseaturtlehas several stages ike nesting, hatching ealy childhood orjuveile period, adulthood andbreding anditspans over a hundred years. ach female onan average [fuel eer sre lindsprd ie onl Se sgt een foes neers eg |_ season. Depending upon the species, a turtle nest can contain 30 to 160 eggs which remain | | buried in sand pits 70-80 centimetres deep. The eggs incubate for 45-70 days and as soon as | | they hatch, baby tutes rush towards the sea. Young or juvenile turtles fed on planktonic} | invertebrates and move with ocean currents the fist few years of thei life. Upon reaching [freer see otenieeres ie nr eee acion ene eer | mature to adulthood, which can take anything between 20 to 50 years Thereafter, turtles are. | ready forlong distance breeding migrations which may occur every 3o yeas. Tutlesusually | retum to their original birth plac for breeding, After breeding is completed forthe season, adults migrate backto foraging grounds to feed and prepareforthenext breedingseason.That | ishowthiscyclegoesonandon. | Biractice Exercises ‘The visual below shows how viruses multiply. Carefully study the given information and then summarise the main ideas in an analytical paragraph in about 150 words. Active viruses enter cells and immediately begin to multiply, leading to the quick death of the invaded cells. Ffow Viruses an . eee =a on Cab ‘==. oe eas oma po" Ge ae = 2. The diagram below describes the process of water cycle in the atmosphere. Study the information carefully and then summarise itin the form of an analytical paragraph. Water vapourinthe ir cools down fd changes back eau, Qo recitation 6g © Ses ater oper ht fallsto the farts surface such ¢ © Boi ow anal Aranspiration Water onthe surtace fers, ket nce aor nate Is adores hess ud ero rn or meted smcherihetenes Secon vaput or tay, ih Stow mover aro te Sharseme gf toes he te unig seperti tes od oc tee ann SAMPLE ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH (SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BASED/COMPARISON OR CONTRAST BASED) Thevisval below shows differences between two types of dabetes*in humans Careful study the information and then write an analytical paragraph comparing both the types and highlighting similarities and differences, TYPE DIABETES + Symptoms usually can be seen in childhood or young adulthood + Episodes of low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) + Accounts for 5-10% of all diabetes diagnosis ee \ insulin production “Sg Cannot be prevented “. TYPE2 DIABETES + May not exhibit symptoms before diagnosis + Usually no episodes of low blood sugar level + Typically diagnosed in Adulthood (though not aways) + Insulin resistance + May be prevented/ delayed the ba’ abit ta woduce erresgenato tie narmene Ins is mpatre, resting n caroonydrtes ad elevates Diabetes isa disease in which the body's ability to produce or respond to the insulin hormones. | impaired due tovarious reasons. Asaresultofthisimpairment,thereisan abnormal metabolism of | Carbohydrates inthe body and an elevation inthe glucose levels inthe blood, Diabetesisoftwo | types—Type land ype? Both thetypes have certain similarities and differences. Takefor example, the symptoms in Type 1 ~ they can be usually seen in childhood or young adulthood itself but in Type 2 they may not manifest in any form until the disease is diagnosed. Type 1is characterised by episodes of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels whereas no such episodes are normally seenin | | patients with Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 accounts for 5 to 10 per cent of all diabetes cases, the | remaining are Type 2 cases, which are typically diagnosed, though not alays, in adulthood. In| | Type 1, the immune response of the body eliminates the production of insulin hormone, whereas | | the bodies of patients with Type 2 diabetes develop resistance to insulin, While Type 2 can be | prevented or deayed ina majority of cases through exercise and diet regimes, Type 1, unfortunately, | | annotbepreventedIrequiesaieloguse Biractice Exercises 1. The Venn diagram below shows three different types of forests. Study the information given in the diagram and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph, Make comparisons and draw conclusions, wherever appropriate. 1 Dryandra preston Setissurtce | ¢ tr ss tom neo Seotenber J+ Monts nd ams must 2631 vexposure and cold weather, Temper Fares vou our me non) me caacerse pans annals cevvroment freneieina «taser north Ameria Zaand, Asa and Evope forest dese. 2. ‘The Venn diagram below compares comets and asteroids. Study the information given in the diagram and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph in about 150 words. Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate, eee poterkds ere ate ot snsmene coranctitnines gem aon BA Crea remscry es tent titonctrtonany | BAER | Hones Hazy clouds and tails form as they Orbit the sun have water re a Ce maseaune Have collided probably formed inside Jupiter's ‘May have delivered water ybenoetne toearth 8. The following table lists some similarities and differences between African and Indian elephants. ‘Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. ‘Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate, ‘AFRICAN ELEPHANT INDIAN ELEPHANT. ‘+ Herbivorous migratory herds ‘+ Herbivorous migratory herds ‘+ Social females, solitary males ‘+ Social females, solitary males + Irresistible caring of the calves ‘+ Irresistible caring of the calves + Littlemore aggressive + Less aggressive (compared to African elephants) + Larger, Females: 2-3 metres, + 2-3metres Males: up to 3.5 metres ‘+ Weighs more, 3-6 tons + 2-4tons Ears are large and round: + Ears are not very large grow above the head height + Clearly visible concave back + Backs not concave ‘+ Wrinkles on the skin are predominant | + Wrinkles on the skin are not very dense Tip of the trunk has two fingers + One finger at the tip Both males and females have tusks | + Only males have tusks (SAMPLE ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH (SUGGESTIGN/ADVIGE BASED) Thetable below issthe various timings for drinking coffesoon afters madefora customer along wit recommendation for an ideal time when the coffee should be cons 2 then summarise it inthe form of an analytical paragraph. Say wen Jamescan get thebestout of hiscupofcoFe® WHEN SHOULD MR. JAMES DRINK HIS COFFEE? QUANTITATIVE DATA QUALITATIVEDATA, Time ‘Temperature (Minutes) (Celsius) Drinkability 0 80 scalding 1 5 painfultongue burn 15 70 mild tongue burn 55 65 blow onitandtakeasmallsip| 8 ory perfect tosip B Liss J perfecto 20 0 good not great 26 5 prety warmand passable B 70 warm andslghty unpleasant a 35 coolanduninviting This paragraph tries to suggest the best time when Mr. James can get the maximum taste aromaand | joy from his cup of coffee. For this purpose the temperature ofa cup ofthe hot beverage was recorded) Tmediatly ater it was prepared andthe readings of temperatures a diferent time intervals were | recorded, The drink was asted everytime ts temperature was measured. Whatfollowsisasummaryof thefindings. When the coffe i juststrained out from the machine or pan its temperatureisas high as £80°Catwhichitisscaldinghotand cannot be even sipped without burning thelips fteraminute,the | temperature comes down by five degrees but the cofeeisstilso hot thatit can give painful bums to_| the tongue. Allow the coffee to cool down for alfa minute more to reduces temperature by Smore | degrees. However, it is still hot enough to give a mild bum to the tongue. At 8 minutes after preparation, its just perfect to sip at a temperature of 60°C. When its temperature reaches 55°C it | bbecomesidealto gulp andthisstage arivesat round 13 minutes after preparation, At5O°Citremains | good for consumption but no longer great in taste. Twenty-six minutes afte preparation, its prety | warm at45°Cand can be considered just passable but afterthatitbeginstobefirstslightlyunpleasant | bbutwarm, and then col and univiting.So tis recommended that Mr. James can get thebestoutof his cup of coffee when t measures 5°, which sapproximately after 13 minutes ofits preparation at | standard summer room temperatureand pressure. | Bractice Exercise 1L. Given below is some information about a promising young music artist. Study the information carefully and then writean analytical paragraph in about 150 words suggesting: + why you thinkhe has the promise of agreatartist ‘+ howhe shouldpriortise is uimate goals (i.e. which gaaloachiewe, when and why) 1+ what heshould do toachieve these goals + what difficulties you think he mayhavetofacein achievinghis goals What Should Pranav Wahi Do? Pranav Wahi (20 years unmarried male) Profession Guitarist, Lyricist, Music Producer Training ‘+ Foundation Course intastrumental Musi (Guitar rom KMIMP ARRahman Music Academy (1 year ago) ‘+ 1YearMusic Production Course from Sonic Field Music Production Academy, NOIDA (inprogress) Sourceofincome : Supportfrom father stageshows, background music score for artists/singers/rappers, TVshows, and shor fms MarriagePlans = Notinanyrelationshipeurrently noplan for marriage for thenextfive years Uttimate aim Produce music for Bollywood films, do solo shows, establish ‘own band with like-minded musicians launch albums and, singles of own songs, judge a realityshow, teach musicat a renowned institute, win Grammy award Ujore Practice Exercises 1. The pie chart below shows some data about the sources of greenhouse gas emissions from the food choices in the USA in 2008. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph analysing the given data. Wherever appropriate make comparisons and draw conclusions. Sources of greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. food choices Cereals —— | vinks, its ‘carbs gy \ snacks ete t jo Chicken ish yas 2. ‘The following bar graph and pie-chart show the seat occupancy and market share in per cent that six domestic airlines had last year. Study the data carefully and write an analytical paragraph in about-150 words. Make comparisons where appropriate and draw conclusions, Market share (in %) SEAT OCCUPANCY 164 vcs (Vi (Spice Jet) a (indico) Coe a ‘Air india. eno a iz = / ws a so — cian a - 8. Given below are the results of a phone survey of a group of 1000 students aged 13-16 about what they think of online elasses. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about, 150 words analysing the data. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. What Students aged 13-16 think of _l Find online lasses boring ‘Online Classes (in 36) . Find online classes interesting I Feel online classes adversely affect ~ health Bl Complain that online classes do not follow any set time table a I Complain that teachers are not well versed in the use of computer and information technology ‘The line graph below shows the number of fatal crashes by vehicle type in'X' country between 2014 and 2020. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the data, Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type in 'X' Country between 2014 and 2020 31,000 cee Gas “ nn nine vee Large Tucks 10,000 es Motorcyel ya 204 20152062017 20820192020 5. ‘The following line graph shows the number of mobile phones sold in India between 2018 and 2020 and their projected sales in 2021 and 2022, Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the data. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. 201s 20192020» 2021-2022 YEAR 6. The following line graph shows some statistics about the number of people living in extreme poverty in India and two other countries — Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo with some projections for the future. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 ‘words analysing the data, Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. A#tL Position India is Happy to Lose = A287 milton, fgets overtakes 300 ina Nigeria 5y 202, extreme poverty to fallto below 3% of population Congo overtakes india No. of peopl ‘poverty {in millions) 2016 2017 -—«018~—=«0ID~—=«02D~=«GASC«ORD 7. The line graph below shows recycling rates in three different countries between 2005 and 2015. ‘Study the information carefully and then summarise it in an analytical paragraph in about 150 words. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Household Recycling Rates in Three Countries between 2005 and 2015 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2008 2007 2009 2011. 2013 2015, — Germany ‘8. The line graph below shows some data related to the population of three species — River Dolphins, Crocodiles and Alligators in India between 2017 and 2020 and some projections for the next two years. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the data, Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Wildlife Population 0» Crocodiles 2 Dolphins eo Aligators sesesSsees 72 ale a ho 72 ray Ere 9. The line graph below shows some data related to the number of robberies that took place in a city in three different years. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the data. Make comparisons wherever appropriate and draw conclusions. Robberies (n thousands) Tan Fe Mac Ape Mayumi Sep. Oct oe 10. The visual below shows the process of casting votes on a voting day. Study the information given in the visual very carefully and then write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words summarising the main stepsofthe process. Do not add any information from your own side. You may be frsked before —> youare allowed to enter Enter the voting centre with a valid 1 (voter cad, Se eee aadhar card, driving licence etc.) acl the polling booth eS (SSS) Ss ora miediogto « (sunna permanent *— rust ond pto insblen Bree | You press the button ofthe voting machine cr stamp the ballot paper against the name | —» and symbol of your preferred candidate/party Your vote is cast and you exit the paling station 11. The line graph below shows temperature fluctuations on a particular day in a city. Carefully study the information and then write a paragraph analysing the data. Make comparisons and draw conclusions, wherever appropriate. ‘Temperature (°C) Sam 6am Sam 12 3pm 9pm 9pm 12 noon midnight Time 12, Given below is a visual that describes how a particular company makes sea salt. Study the information given in the visual very carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Processing Brine (Solar Evaporation) shallow ponds and allowed ns: oo exc N54 =- Shae a > esohitte ana signty Salt settes out as ‘The final Brine contains Sai pean aoee gaya eee aa ss anes es | eel ee ees ns Salewashed in ttesh water sats esined for 2073 months For tables Fes washed agan, caine, and cried nan air oven, 13. The infographie below shows differences and similarities between Lead and Tin, Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate. Lead vs Tin =I 7 coms ester reel = = re Eee) onan | on a = 14. The following infographic shows differences and similarities between Golden Rice and Normal Rice. ‘Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. ‘Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate, Golden Rice vs Normal Rice Golden Ree Normal ice caidenscewemeicy | soma recuse erwrion eceeten icy | Gti nds ba ‘of beta carotene =e Amount oF ‘Aesadwonsetien | ome cmn B-CAROTENE PRESENT | carotene or vitamin A ‘Vitamin & scenery sy ae [MODIFIED VARIETY engineered crop cos vans ‘stoconit | cauectvtmina bone vim Acerey ‘etcerey ‘onton000 aaa | seraeie a Copattinanes | cebeegbnnes co.oun Yelowincslor | Whiten cso 15. The infographic below shows differences and similarities between the symptoms of Corona Virus and the common Cold Virus. Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate. Coronavirus vs Cold Symptoms SS od a ees domanowes | pear ata edays | appear witin the ht thereieare” | 2t03 deo ecton = oo — Sa conn a va — — amendpace | Sometines ae mnie fore common sotto are — olen rare to joer Sometimes fare Ss Ne 16. The table below gives before and after exercise pulse rate figures for five students. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the data, Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate. Pulse Rate Before and After Exercise Student Pulse Rate at Rest | Pulse Rate After Exercise Tested (beats/min) (beats/min) a 70 7 8 m4 106 € 8 120 D 0 ot E 78 12 17. The table given below shows five year (1998-2003) figures in US Dollars of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) based on exchange rate, All figures are in billions. Study the information carefully and then summarise itin the form of an analytical paragraph. GDP, based on exchange rates, over time (Values in billion USDs) 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 usa | 10882 | 1038 | 10020 | 9762 | 9213 | 9720 eu 10970 | 9040 | 3303 | s2s0 | aon | seo uK ares | 1564 | 1430 | 1438 | 1450 | 1423 china | 457s | aase | 1305 | azs2 | ass | aaa India 599 510 479 a7 «a7 aus 18, The table below shows the sales figures of 10 top delivery persons ofa food delivery company. Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions where appropriate. Name | Zone | Average Number of | Total Sales in Ordersina Week_| Indian Rupees L Nitin__| North 2 3105000 2 Alam |_West 268 3107500 3. Teil ‘West 224 99000 4 | Jacob | East 286 1108500 5. | Ragin’ [North 26 75000) 6. | _Kishore | _ East 228 31000 7_| Surinder | North 267 1160000 8. | _Mahima | South 273 1189000 9. | Rukhsana | South 234 1163000 19. The following table shows some data about temperatures recorded in summers at five different locations in a schoolyard. Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an. analytical paragraph. Makecomparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate. Locations in the Schoolyard a 2 3 4 5 Glass and Ground | “other || asphatt || Graver |] *S29* | asphate cover grass plants sun/shade | Sun shade sun shade sun tempentne | 255 | 2e9'¢ | 386 |) aac | saz 20. The following graph shows the increase in military expenditure of six countries between 2000 — 2009. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words summarizing the information. Make necessary comparisons and highlight trends. [MILITARY EXPENDITURE INCREASE 2000 - 2009, ‘Nt Dota ins iios USA Ching Russa UK Inga France 21. The line graphs below show the amount of carbon dioxide in air and fluctuations in global temperatures respectively. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150 words briefly summarising the data in the graphs. Highlight the correlation between rise in carbon dioxide and rise in global temperature. a 47 ] cuoeatreweenarune anton pone aR us 8s us co we 165 us 1 we 1 a6 ise ho 20020 sO ven ——- ee 20m 70022008 20087008 yen ——> 22. The following table shows some statistics about the growth of tourism in India from 2004 to 2011, Writean analytical paragraph in about 150 words briefly summarizing the data. In your paragraph you must highlight ‘the gonoral tendin the number of tourists visitng “hich the two tourist types have shown anincrease ‘percentage change oer the previous year orate ast few years Your | Forsgn Tourist | Domestic |] Year | Forsign Tourist | Domestic ‘Arivala | ‘Touriste ‘Arvvals | Tourita tmition) | mitiony ition) | sion 2004] 346 | 3100 |] 2008) 528 | 5680 2005| 92 | 3950 || 2009) 516 | 6500 2006| 445 | 4720 |! 2010) 558 | 705.0 2007| 508 | 270 || 21] sat | 7400 23. The following bar graph shows the percentage of [lJ utan. people (both urban and rural) eating fast food JJ aval once a week in Maharashtra. Study the information carefully and then write a paragraph in about 150 words analysing the z data. Highlight the key feature(s) and make 3 2 apprepriate comparisons wherever possible i Lk riage BPG: Pidla gt 24, The following bar graph shows statistics related to rainfall in two tea growing regions —the Dooars in Jalpaiguri and the Terai in Darjeeling. Study the information carefully and then write an analytical paragraph summarizing the data and highlighting the major trend in rainfall patterns. ANAL tan Rainfal in Dooars (Jalpsiguri) end Terai (Dorjeeting) [Ei rion dati [[ilowintneontat 0

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