Exercise 4.2 - Competition and Conflict (Grado, Maime)

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Name: Maime Rhowin G.

Grado Section: E1 Date: March 19 2023

Exercise 4.2
Competition and Conflict

One of the factors involved in organizational conflict is competition. This exercise will provide you with
an opportunity to see how complex conflict can be.


First, pair up with another student and read the situation described here. Then individually decide what
each of you will do.

Both of you are employees working for separate branches of a national bank. There are seven employees in
each branch: a branch manager who manages the branch and recruits new business; a customer service representative
who helps customers with loans, IRAs, and special banking problems; a teller supervisor who supervises the tellers;
and four tellers.

You are the customer service representative for the Hollow Valley Branch, and your partner is the customer
service representative for the Steeple Peak Branch. Both branches are in the same town but usually deal with different

Both of you have heard a rumor that the two branches are going to be merged in a year, that one of the
managers will be transferred to another area, and that one of the customer service representatives will be promoted to
be the assistant branch manager. You both figure that the customer service representative with the highest volume
of loans will be the one promoted. Each of you must make a decision and will not be allowed to talk with the other
about this decision. If both of you compete and try to increase the loan volume by going into the other's geographic
area, the area manager will be angry and will promote one of the teller supervisors. If neither of you competes and if
instead you both try to increase the volume of loans by staying in your own area, the most productive will be promoted
and the other will receive a raise. If one of you competes and the other does not, the person who competes will be
guaranteed the promotion and the other person will be demoted to teller because his/her loan volume dropped.

Without talking to the other person, decide what you are going to do, and write this choice below.

For me, I will choose to cooperate in my own Branch, and focus of the posibility on how to increase the loan volume as I
promote Loyalty and Integrity in the branch I am working. As the Customer service representative that currently working in
Hollow Valley Branch, I support the process of Competing, because it will help me to gain new ideas and how to work in
problem solving within our organization and for future outcome and purposes. It will help to strive a success in our branch. So
that, I am willing to dedicate my full potential in helping about decision making process because I aim to maximize my chances
of advancement within the organization, that is only if I don’t know the point of view of the other person niether the

What did the other person do? If you were the area manager, should you have seen this situation coming? What
could you have done to prevent competition?

If I were in charge. There's a good chance I would have anticipated this kind of scenario. My response here will differ from
my perspective on my response to question number 1. In order to resolve situations like these, I shall steer clear of rivalry and
encourage cooperation amongst the other branches. This is intended to promote a happy atmosphere. To do that, effective
communication is necessary to clarify any potential adjustments and expectations from everyone involved. However, as
promotion is a sensitive topic, particularly for employers, those who are prepared to stand for a better position may choose to
pursue it. Establishing a fair promotion and appropriate strategy will assist employers in understanding and motivating the
potential results of team support and individual effort recognition. As a result, everyone will collaborate in a good environment.


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