Class XI Annual

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Annual Examination (2023-24)

Class - XI
Time- 3 Hours Subject- Economics M.M- 80

i. All questions in both sections are compulsory.

ii. Marks for question are indicated each question.

iii. Very answer type questions carrying 1 and 2 marks each. They are required to be answered in one sentence.

iv. Short answer type questions carrying 3 and 4 marks each. Answer to term should not normally exceed 120 words.

v. Long answer type questions or numerical carrying 6 marks each. Answer to term should not normally exceed 180

1. An economic problem arises due to: (1)

(a) Unlimited human wants, Unlimited resources
(b) Limited human wants, Limited resources
(c) Limited human wants, Limited resources
(d) Unlimited human wants, Limited resources.
2. Which of the following is not a property of indiffernce curves? (1)
(a) Indiffence curve slopes downwords.
(b) Two indifference curves cannet represents higher level of satisfaction.
(c) Higher indifference curve represents higher level of satisfaction.
(d) Indifference curve is concave to the point of origin.
3. When total utility is maximum marginal utility is _____. (Minimum/Zero) (1)
4. Which of the following influence price elasticity of demand? (1)
(a) Price of given commudity
(b) Availability of substitute goods.
(c) Price of substitute goods.
(d) Price of complementary goods.
5. Define marginal revenue. (1)
6. Price discrimination is a feature of ______. (1)
7. Homogeneous product is sold only in perfect competition. (True/False) (1)
8. Price ceiling is imposed above the equilibrium price. (True/False) (1)
9. Price = AR is found in which market strmeture. (1)
(a) Perfect competition
(b) oligopoly
(c) Monopoeistic corpition
(d) All the above
10. Define average revenue. (1)
11. Distinguish between positive economics and normative economics. (3)
12. Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. (3)
13. State the relationship between marginal cost and average cost. (3)
14. Distinuish between change in demand and change in quantity demanded. (3)
15. Define long run production function. State the relation between total product and marginal product. (6)
16. Explain the conditions of consumer’s equlibrium under indiffence curve apprach. (6)
17. Distinguish between ‘price ceiling’ and ‘price floor’. Eplain implications of price ceiling. (6)

[PART-B: Statistics for Economics]

18.Name two types of athematic mean. (2)

19.Define median. (2)

20.What are the merit and limitations of arithmetic mean. (2)

21.Discuss briefly the nature of statistics. (2)

22.Explain any three demerit of median. (2)

23.Give the feature of good average. (4)

24. State the characteristics of mode. (4)

25.Distinguish between bar diagram and a histogram. (4)

26.Compute the median from following data. (6)

marks 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
No.of students 2 3 7 8 10 12 41 16

27.Find out mean of the following series by grouping method; (6)

size 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
frequency 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 6

28.Compute the correlation from following data. (6)

X 10 20 30 40 50
Y 25 20 15 10 5


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