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Haryana, a state in northern India, has a population of approximately 29 million people, according to

recent estimates. This population is distributed unevenly across its rural and urban areas, contributing to
the state’s diverse socio-economic landscape.

Rural Haryana is home to about 65% of the population, which equates to around 18.85 million people.
These residents primarily depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. The rural
population is spread across numerous villages and small towns, maintaining a traditional lifestyle with
close-knit community ties. However, this demographic faces challenges like limited access to quality
education, healthcare, and infrastructure, which are critical areas for development and improvement.

Urban Haryana, on the other hand, accounts for about 35% of the population, approximately 10.15 million
people. This urban population is concentrated in cities like Gurgaon, Faridabad, Panchkula, and Hisar,
which are major economic hubs. These cities attract a significant number of migrants from within the state
and other parts of India due to better employment opportunities, education, and healthcare facilities. The
urban areas are characterized by rapid industrialization, modern infrastructure, and a high standard of
living. However, they also face challenges like traffic congestion, pollution, and the need for sustainable
urban planning.

The sex ratio in Haryana has been improving over the years, now standing at approximately 922 females
for every 1,000 males. The state has a youthful demographic, with a substantial proportion of its
population under the age of 35. This young workforce is a valuable asset for Haryana’s economic growth,
driving innovation and development across various sectors.

In conclusion, Haryana’s population of 29 million presents both opportunities and challenges. Balanced
and inclusive development strategies are essential to address the needs of both its rural and urban
populations, ensuring sustainable growth and improved quality of life for all residents.

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