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Geography worksheet
Class-11, (Structure and Physiography)

1. Why India is known as subcontinent.

2. Name the river which has the largest river basin in India.
3. Which river was known as the “sorrow of Bengal’’?
4. Why Godavari River is often referred to as ‘Dakhshin Ganga’?
5. Define Physiography.
6. What do you understand by dun?
7. What are the different physiographic divisions/terrain of India?
8. Make a comparison between three parallel ranges Himalaya?
9. Explain the various regional, latitudinal (W-E) divisions of northeaster n mountains?
10. How northern plains are formed?
11. Explain longitudinal and latitudinal division of northern plain.
12. Write a note on peninsular plateau.
13. Distinguish between Central highlands and Deccan plateau.
14. Write a short note on Indian desert.
15. What is the difference between Eastern and Western Ghats?
16. How western coastal plains are different from eastern coastal plain?
17. Why is the western coastal plain devoid of any delta?
18. Based on the variations in its geological structure and formations, India can be divided
into three geological divisions. Explain
19. Make a comparison or difference between Lakshadweep Island and Andaman and
Nicobar Island.
20. Physiographic divisions of India have great diversity but all features are complimentary
to each other. Justify
21. Draw /paste various features formed by river.( Delta, Ox-bow lake, Meanders, Waterfall,
Rapids, Gorge,V-shaped and U- shaped valley)

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