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Expt. No. Page No.


To.ptuepae 250mL M/A0.feruous Ammanium sulphat (Mohr.

Materials Requirted Beaker

Conical Elcsk (2 Gom)
Fuunn ell
Glass oc
Tripcd chand
BunSen busnerc

chemical Reauined "Mob Salt

Dilute H, SO.4
Disilled wate

THEORY MoleculaL mass f mohrr alt = 392 4 Imole

Malarity(H) =2 masS of Sutbstance
molamass of SubsteunCe xVol.

Mass of substance (w) = Molarite, XMolar massof Substae

Massof Substance (w)=
6.05X342X0.25= 4.a
4.4gm of Moar Salt ts to be dissolved in ditled
Water iate the so that net olume. of Solution s 250ml

PROCEDORE )Neigh 4.44 af fetouS ammonium sulphate and tansfer

it into a 250 ml measurting lask thtouah a funnel.
dib Trcan sfeL the colid sicking to the funnel with the help
sf distilled water into he flask and add dilute
Ha8Os into the flask drop wlse to qet the cleart son.
Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No.

ah shake the ftask ill the Substance dissolves and make

the Sol ution upto the ma

Result 250 ml M/20 Mobrt Salt olution pepated.

PRECAUTIONS Shake the flaskcontinuoasly nhile addingdistiled
water co tthct the soln becom es homogenoul.
Add some dilute Ha SD4 to avid hy,dralysis of Mohtt
Avoid paallax ertort while making solution uptG the

Teacher's Signature

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