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Choose the correct option:

1. She is a very intelligent student. She is ________________________ [the most intelligent/more

intelligent than/] girl in this classroom.

2. I ________________ [visit always/always visit] my parents on Sundays.

3. Who ________ [is/are] your favourite pop stars?

4. If you heat the water, it ________ [will boil/boils] .

5. You ________________ [wouldn't arrive/won't arrive] on time unless you hurry up.

6. Paul ___________________ [will have worked/will be working] in London next summer in


7. My brothers________ ['/'s] car is very nice.

8. I must study hard for ___________ [to pass/passing] my exams.

9. Lisa and George ____________ [have got/has got] a great idea.

10. I have drunk too much and now I feel bad. I wish I ________________ [didn't drink/hadn't
drunk/] so much.

11. It's very dark here. I _____________ [can't see/mustn't/] you very well.

12. We ___________ [have to/don't have to] wait outside the restaurant. There aren't any empty

13. Three ___________ [thieves/thiefs] were put in prison.

14. How old are you? - I'm ________ [forty/fourty] .

15. They _________________ [were watching/watched/] TV when I ___________ [was

arriving/arrived] .

16. He plays volleyball ________ [on/at/in] Sundays.

17. The bus arrives ________ [at /on/in] London ________ [at/on/in ] six o'clock.

18. The car ____________ [was sold/is sold] yesterday.

19. Karen told the children _______________ [that they didn't play/not to play] football in the

20. I don't understand ________ [that/what/which] you say. Could you repeat it?

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