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Computer Engineering – Semester 2

Basic Object Oriented Programming- 4320702

1. Explain Structure of C++.
2. Explain new and delete operator.
3. Explain manipulator with example.
4. Explain data types in C++.
5. Explain tokens of C++.

1. Explain Structure in C++.
2. Explain call by value and call by value with example.
3. Explain class and object.
4. Explain static member and static function with example.
5. Explain friend function.
6. Explain friend class.

1. What is constructor and destructor? List types of constructor.
2. Explain default argument constructor with example.
3. Explain copy constructor.
4. Explain parameterized constructor.

1. What is inheritance? and list types of inheritance.
2. Explain hybrid Inheritance.
3. Explain multilevel inheritance
4. Explain multiple inheritance
5. Explain abstract class.

1. Explain compile time and run time polymorphism.
2. Give difference between virtual function and pure virtual function.
3. List and explain types of modes in file handling.
4. Explain stream classes with example.

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