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Animal agriculture is a multibillion-dollar industry controlled by some of the worlds most powerful

people and it’s an industry rooted of lies, secrecy, and animal abuse, our schools, governments,
doctors, and media, have hidden the truth for long enough here is what they don’t want you to see.
In the dairy industry cows need to be pregnant inorder to prodeuce milk and inorder to collect the
bull sperm to impregnate the female cow the farmer masturbates the cows penis once the sperm
has been collected the female cow is restrained whilst the farmer inserts there arm into the cows
anus to hold the cervix in place then a metal rod is used to insert the sperm into the cows vagina
then when the mother gives birth her baby is taken from her so that the milk intended for her calf
can be sold to humans if her baby is male he is considered a waste product in the dairy industry and
is usually killed within a week but if the cows baby is female she will also become a dairy cow and
will go through the same process as her mother year after year when dairy cows can no longer
produce milk there sent to the slaughter house to be killed.

Only female chickens lay eggs which means that when the male or female hatch the male chicks are
left on the convertor belt and are killed immediately by a macerator this is because they are
considered a waste product in the egg industry the process is the same for all eggs including free
range organic and RSPCA approved eggs the female baby chicks are taken off the conveyor belt
where the tips off there beaks are burned off without pain relief the female chicks are then
transported to farms to where there forced to lay hundreds of eggs in crowded and unsanitary
conditions after a year and a half the chickens are carelessly thrown into crates and loaded on trucks
destined for the slaughter house the chickens who are already severely traumatized from careless
handling and crowded conditions this journey will be the first and last time they see the light of day
when there at the slaughter house the chickens are hung upside down and are lowered head first
into a tank of electrified water in order to stun then shortly after there throats will be cut by an
automated blade if the chickens move their heads when there approaching the blade they may end
up drowning in the scolding water further down the process

In the pork industry the same process begins with the farmer collecting the male pig sperm by
masturbating the boars penis the farmer then inserts the sperm into the female pigs vagina in order
to impregnate her once the mother pig gives birth she is then confined onto a metal device called a
farrowing crate where she is unable to move or turn around to see her babies and all of her piglets
all have their teeth clipped and there tails cut off with no pain relief and unhealthy piglets are
deemed a waste product and are slammed against a concreate wall or floor by farmers. This is
standard practice in the pork industry then when the pigs are 6 months old there sent to the
slaughter house to be killed. In the pork industry pigs are lowered into c02 gas chambers where they
will suffocate and burn from the inside out finally, they will then be hung upside down to have their
throats slit

In the fishing industry fish are thrown into ice cold water where they can take up to 30 minutes to
suffocate to death. But even though their screams are silent there has been scientific proven that fish
can still feel pain. these practices happen to all types of animals all over the world Australia, USA,
United Kingdom, Canada, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, France, Mexico, and many many more.

The only way we can end this suffering is to stop eating animals, wearing animals, and using animals
for experiments and entertainment. scientific proof and studies have shown that meat, dairy, and
eggs could cause a variety of diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer, more than
800 scientific studies world wide have proven that processed meats such as bacon, hotdogs, and deli
meats, are a class 1 carcinogenic meaning that they cause cancer in humans even though these
products are known to be harmful to our health there heavily available to children at schools and sick
patients in hospitals. But a plant-based diet can provide all the essential vitamins and nutrients
including protein, iron, and calcium, and has even been proven to reverse certain diseases and
cancers animal agriculture is not only responsible for inflicting unimaginable suffering on animals it is
the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction,
its time we change the way we view animals to see them as individuals who are here with us and not
for us


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