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Northern Ireland

PART 1 – Ashlie & Stephen

Ex. 1 Watch two short films about Ashlie and Stephen visiting Northern Ireland. Prepare to
talk about what happened during their stay.
Northern Ireland – Scene 1
Link to the video:
1. Where did Ashlie and Stephen arrive at?
2. What was Ashlie keep doing?
3. What was so interesting about that place?
4. What were they going to visit?
5. How did they spend their time at the Giant’s Causeway?
6. What did they do next?
7. What was going on in the surf shop?
8. How did their first surfing lesson go?
9. What did they learn?
10. Who was more successful?
11. What did they decide to do after their lesson?
12. What was the problem?

Northern Ireland – Scene 2

Link to the video:
1. What were Ashlie and Stephen doing at the beginning of this video?
2. Where were they?
3. What is Dunluce Castle famous for?
4. What scary story is related to this place?
5. At which hotel did they have a reservation? What did they know about this place?
6. What were they talking about with a receptionist?
7. Why was a Ghost room built? Who built it?
8. What did people, who visited the hotel, hear?
9. How did a Ghost Room look like?
10. What ‘surprise’ did Stephen prepare for Ashlie? Was she thrilled about it?
11. How did they sleep?

PART 2 – Northern Ireland’s street art
Ex. 2 Watch the video and prepare answers to the questions below.

Link to the video:

1. What is Belfast famous for currently?
2. What was it famous for in the past?
3. What is the role of murals? Where can they be found?
4. What do they tell us about?
5. What is Belfast city like now?
6. What do young artists tell us about street art?
7. How significant is the street art scene in Belfast today?

- to keep doing something
- a guidebook
- folk tales
- a coastline
- a wetsuit
- to be able to do something
- to start off with basics of surfing
- to paddle
- to swallow half of the ocean
- I’m freezing cold
- something is soaking wet
- see the sights
- except for
- a haunted castle
- to sleep like a log
- creepy
- make headlines
- a reminder of something

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