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PART 1 – Ashlie & Stephen

Ex. 1 Watch two short films about Ashlie and Stephen arriving at Bestival on the Isle of
Wight. Prepare to talk about what happened during their visit.

Bestival – Scene 1
Link to the video:
1. Where were Ashlie and Stephen going? Which means of transport did they use?
2. What had Stephen forgotten? Was it a problem?
3. What were they going to do at a music festival?
4. What did they think of camping?
5. What did they borrow to travel easily?
6. Where did each of them want to go when they finally arrived at Bestival?
7. Who did Ashlie meet? What were they talking about?
8. Where did Ashlie and Stephen meet again?
9. What had Ashlie ordered before Stephen came?
10. What was Stephen wearing?
11. Why didn’t Stephen want to sleep in a tent?
12. How did putting up a tent go?
13. What happened at the end of the video?

Bestival – Scene 2
Link to the video:
1. How did Ashlie and Stephen sleep last night?
2. What was the first thing Ashlie needed in the morning?
3. What didn’t they have?
4. Where did Stephen go?
5. Who was Stephen talking to?
6. What did Ashlie and Stephen join?
7. What did they decide to eat?
8. What went wrong?
9. What happened at the end of the video?

PART 2 – The classic British car
Ex. 2 Watch the video and prepare answers to the questions below.

Link to the video:

1. What can we found at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu in Hampshire?
2. What do we know about 1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Alpine Eagle?
3. Why could only the rich afford a motor car in the past? What changed later?
4. What do we know about the British car industry?
5. What do motor enthusiasts can do?
6. Why are people thinking about more eco-friendly cars nowadays?
7. Why did Rachel buy an electric car?
8. What are the advantages of having an electric car?

- to fancy doing something
- a caterpillar
- to get dressed up
- an outer space
- I’m off to bed
- to put a kettle on
- to put up a tent
- a puppetry
- My tent is soaking.
- We’re stranded.
- can afford something
- go for a spin
- be in decline
- a petrol-guzzling car

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