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1|a) Ans: Nationality is an identity of a community.

For a better understanding of nationality I

would like to define the nation briefly. A nation can be defined as objective and subjective.
Objectives such as language, ethnicity, common history, common culture for example a
community established on the basis of their common ancestry, language , territory, economic
life, common culture or a major religion. Subjectives such as solidarity, self-awareness, loyalty
for example a community that share the same historic background or same idea for the future.
Now we can relate that the nationality is like a connection or a relation between this
community(Nation) The nation I live in is Bangladesh.A nationality is also like an ownership of
the past and future big events, common culture of a territory where people with common ideas
or culture live and globally I am a Bangalee because of nationalism as nationalism comes even
before an established nation for instance the 1952 movement that was a movement for 'Bangla
language' the participants all wanted their language to be Bangla as majority of people used to
talk in Bangla and they used to consider themselves as 'Bangali ' nationality during the East
Pakistan period. After the war Bangle formed a nation-state Bangladesh and it should be run by
laws that help the the people of Bangladesh to grow together, the first rule is that they should
be called Bangladeshi and run and regulated with laws . This rule makes all the people of
Bangladesh to become one close group. As a Bangladeshi nationality I can have the rights on
this history, the language movement and the 1972 liberation war period. My nationality is
Bangladeshi and as a community of people from Bangladesh I am also a Bangali The word
Bangladeshi connects me with people who live in Bangladesh and Bangale is a word that
describes my community, wherever I go or meet any person who is originated from Bangladesh
belongs to that Bangali community and be known as Bangale. As a Bangladeshi(Nationality) I
am connected with all the common things, both subjectives and objectives. It does not matter for
my identity if a person from the same nation like me or same community have different political
preference or different religion because Nationality is something that is beyond the personal
preferences and religion It brings closer to the people of a nation for example "Pohela Boishakh"
a festival that is celebrated by all Bngladeshi people which means including people of all
religions because this is a festival of Bangladesh as Bangladeshi we all celebrated this shows

b) Ans: To answer this question we need to know what is National Identity and the connection of
National Cultural Heritage.. National identity cannot be established without some common
points or elements like culture, food, music, architects. People of a nation adopt national identity
on the basis of these common elements. National Cultural Heritage is something that was
significant in the past and also running in present and will be more valuable to the next
generation. Heritage glorifies a place ,region, community in front of the global. Heritage is an
open space anybody can be part of but National heritage can not be owned globally. National
cultural heritage a nation and helps to form national identity. National Cultural Heritage is
something that is chosen by nation or state; it can be both tangible and intangible. From
Bangladesh's context, Tangible national cultural heritage, for example; Mahasthangarh , Wari-
Bateshshwar these are tangible national cultural heritage. The artifacts which were collected
from these places show the life of our ancestors. The museum of Mahasthan is for the tourists
and local people so that they can have the idea of earlier people's lifestyle. From the excavation
of Shompura Mahavira archeologists have collected some artifacts like copper and silver coins,
ring , stone, bronze mirror etc. All these give us the idea that ancient Bengal Mahasthan was the
first capital of Bengal. Tangible cultural heritage that are buildings, monuments shows earlier
periods of a state or nation including the history and culture. Intangible cultural heritage for
example; music, myths, traditions. The music like Baul, Shari,Bhatiyali all have their own history
and each of them refers to a culture and story behind them. Baul songs represent the 'Baul
shomaj' some more intangible cultural heritage is the making of Tangail 'Porabari cham cham',
'DU-Mongol shova jatra. These things are the basic elements of a society, community to
establish an identity, this glorifies the identity of a state which is incorporated into national
identity. National cultural heritage is the trademark of a nation which helps to define the national

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