Class V G.Science First Term Notes of Unit 1 New 2024-25

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Subject: G. Science Class: V

Scientific fact: Jellyfish are approximately 95-98% water and have no eyes, ears,
mouth, heart, brain and have no bones.
Topic: Classification of Living Things

Ref: Unit 1:(Book Exercise)

Book work:

1. Circle the correct option.


a. Plantae

b. Two

c. They all have a backbone

d. Mammals

e. Ostriches and Kiwis

f. Amphibians

g. Insects

4. Complete the following table and give examples of each.

Monocot plants Dicot plants

Example: Wheat, rice. Example: Rose, pea.

Vertebrates Invertebrates

Example: Shark, horse. Example: Butterfly, snail.

5. Write the correct answer to show which group each of the animals belong to. Also
choose the correct initial to show if it is a vertebrate or invertebrate.

1. Bird (V)
2. Mammal (V)

3. Worm (I)

4. Fish (V)

5. Sponges (I)

6. Insects (I)

Notebook Work

Answer the following questions.

Q1. Define classification.

Ans: The method of arranging the organisms into groups is called classification. When
we classify things, we put them into groups based on their characteristics.

Q2. Write importance of classification.

i. Classification helps in the identification of living organisms.

ii. Classification helps in understanding the variety of living organisms.

iii. Classification is essential for making the study for scientists easier.

Q3. Draw the flowchart of Five Kingdom classification with examples.

Five- Kingdom

Monera Fungi Animalia Plantae

e.g e.g e.g e.g
Bacteria Algae Mushroom Animals Plants
Bacteria Algae Mushroom Elephant Plant

Q4. Write the key characteristics of kingdom Monera, kingdom Protista, kingdom


Kingdom Monera:

i. They are unicellular organisms.

ii. They are microscopic and found everywhere.

iii. Most bacteria cause diseases in animals and plants.

e.g., Bacteria.

Kingdom Protista:

i. They are unicellular, colonial and multicellular organisms.

ii. Algae have chlorophyll and make their own food.

iii. They are found in ponds, lakes, sea etc.

e.g., Algae

Kingdom Fungi:

i. They are unicellular, multicellular and filamentous organisms.

ii. They lack chlorophyll and cannot make their own food.

iii. They absorb food from their surroundings.

e.g., Mushroom

Q5. Differentiate between Monocot and Dicot plants.

Part of Plant Monocot plant Dicot plant


One cotyledon Two cotyledons


Fibrous roots
Tap roots

Flower Have petals in multiples of 3. Have petals in multiples of 4 or 5.

Leaf Narrow, parallel veins Oval or palmate net like veins

Q6. Draw the flow chart of Vertebrates and Invertebrates (Draw one diagram with
each class)

1. Vertebrates:
Vertebrates (with

Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

2. Invertebrates:


Arthropods Echinoderms Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs Worms

Q7. Differentiate between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals with examples.

Ans: Warm-blooded animals: These animals can regulate nearly constant body
temperature. Example: Birds and mammals.

Cold-blooded animals: These animals cannot regulate their internal body temperature
with the change in the environment. Example: Fish, amphibians, reptiles.

Q8. Write key characteristics of groups of vertebrates.

Ans: a. Mammals:

i. They are warm-blooded animals.

ii. They have hair or fur on their bodies.

iii. Their babies are fed on the mother’s milk.

Example: Humans, dolphins.

b. Reptiles:

i. They are cold-blooded animals.

ii. They lay eggs on land.

iii. Their skin is covered with hard and dry scales.

Example: Snakes, lizards.

c. Birds:
i. They are warm-blooded animals.

ii. They have feathers, wings and a beak.

iii. They lay eggs. Some are flying birds and some are running birds.

Example: Ostriches, Parrots.

d. Amphibians:

i. They are cold-blooded animals.

ii. They lay eggs in water.

iii. They can live in water as well as on land.

Example: Frogs, Toads.

e. Fish:

i. They are cold-blooded animals.

ii. They live in water and have streamlined bodies.

iii. They have gills for breathing.

Example: Shark, trout.

Q9. Write key characteristics of groups of invertebrates.

Ans: Arthropods:

i. They are found everywhere on Earth.

ii. They are the major source of food for other animals.

iii. Scientists have divided them into five main groups.

a. Insects (ant) d. Centipedes

b. Arachnids (spider) e. Millipedes

c. Crustaceans (crabs)

i. They live in water and have spiny skin.

ii. They have star shaped bodies.

E.g. Starfish


i. They live in water and do not have body parts.

ii. They cannot move on their own and stay attached to underwater rock.

E.g. Sponges


i. They live in water and have a bag-like body having tentacles

ii. They are carnivores.

E.g. Jellyfish


i. Some live on land but most live in water.

ii. They have a soft body protected by a shell.

E.g. Snails


i. Most worms have soft, elongated bodies.

ii. They live in soil, in water or inside other animals.

E.g. Earthworm

Q10. Write main characteristics of insects.

Ans: i. Insects are the largest group of invertebrates.

ii. They have segmented bodies, jointed legs and possess exoskeleton.
iii. The body of an insect is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.


Examples of Insects: Butterfly, bee, cockroach.

Q11. Define the following.

a. Biodiversity: The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat
is known as biodiversity

b. Endangered species: These are species which are facing the danger of extinction.
Example: Blue Whale.

c. Extinct species: These are species that no longer exists and vanished from Earth.
Example: Dinosaurs.

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