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House of Tudor (Q1)

1. Battle of Bosworth. Death of Richard III

2. Henry VII. (coronation - family – reign)

3. Battle of Stroke.

4. Henry VIII (government – health – death)

- Problems between Henry VIII and the Catholic Church.

- Describe Henry VIII’s wives and children. (What finally happened with his wives?)

5. Edward VI (government – life – reign)

6. Battle of Pinkie Cleugh

7. Book of Common Prayer?

8. What happened after Edward VI died? Who fought for the Crown? What finally happened
to each.

9. Queen Jane. (What happened to her?)

10. Queen Mary I (nickname – marriage – reign – death)

11. Queen Elizabeth I (nickname – reign)

- Relation between Elizabeth I and Philip II

- Problems with the church

12. What happened between Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scotland?

13. Who was the successor to Elizabeth I? What house followed?

14. Make up a chart with the Tudor family tree.

House of Stuart and the Commonwealth) (Q2)

1. Make up a family tree showing the relationship among the kings and queens.

2. Describe James I´s reign:

- government
- problems with the church
- personal life
- death

3. Describe Charles I´s reign:

- Government
- Death

4. Who were the Cavaliers and the Roundheads?

5. Who was Oliver Cromwell?

6. What did he do as Protector?

7. Who was his successor? And what happened during his administration?

8. Describe Charles II´s:

- government
- personal life
- death
9. What were the two major tragedies that happened during Charles II reign?

10. Who was James II?

- Government
- personal life

11. What happened between James II and James, Duke of Monmouth? Explain.

12. How did Mary II and William III take the throne?

13. What was their relationship to the throne?

14. Describe Mary II and William III’s reign?
- Government
- personal life
- death
15. Who was Anne? What was her relationship to the Crown?
16. Describe her personal life.
17. What was the Acts of Union? Describe.
18. What was the Acts of Settlement? Describe
19. Who was the next on the throne? and how?
North American Indigenous Tribes (Q3)

1. General information
- Origins (Where they came from)
- Population
- Characteristics

2. Big grouping of tribes (You must show in a map all the groups of tribes)
(The information you have to find of each group is: Location (in a map), geography, most
important tribes in each group, customs, settlement (houses), way of living. (Show many
many many pictures to explain)
- Arctic
- The sub arctic
- The northwest coast
- Southwest
- Northeast
- Southeast
- Plains
- The great basin
- California
- The plateau

3. Specific tribes (Talk about them, their wars and mention their principal chiefs)

- Sioux
- Apaches
- Navajos
- Ponies
- Cherokees
- Cheyenne
- Dakota

4. Battles and Treaties with the US army

5. Principal leaders
Crazy Horse, Red Sleeves, Hook Nose, Black Kettle, Dull Knife, Little Wolf, Red Cloud,
Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Victorio, Cochice
6. The Indian Removal Act

7. The trail of Tear

House of Hanover (Q4)
I. Complete the chart and answer the questions.
Kings and Queens of England House

George I: Hanover

George II: Hanover

George III: Hanover

George IV: Hanover

William II: Hanover

Victoria: Hanover

Edward VII: Saxe Coburg and Gotha

1. How did the crown change the House? Why was the Acts of Settlement 1701 that
important to the House of Hanover? Explain

2. Describe George I's reign: (King from1714 to 1727)

Government / personal life (wife and children) / death

3. Describe George Il's reign: (King from 1727 to 1760)

4. Describe George IlI's reign: (King from 1760 to 1820)


- The Act of 1773

- Problems with the American Colonies
- The Stamp Act and the other Acts.
- personal life(wife and children)
- The Act of Union 1800

5. Describe George IV's reign: (King from 1820 to 1830)

Government / death

6. Describe William IV's reign: (King from 1830 to 1837)

Government / death

7. Describe Queen Victoria's reign: (Queen from 1837 to 1901)

-Reign and PMs

-Life and family (Her early life, parents, marriage (Consort and children). Explain.
-Industrial Revolution

- Why did they say that England is "The empire on which the sun never sets"?

The first British colonies in America and the American Revolution (Q5)

1. What were the European countries that colonized North America? Tell their most
important reason.

2. Tell who the English monarch was then, and what the reasons were.

3. What was the first permanent British colony in America? Explain

4. Who were the pilgrims?

5. Tell about the Roanoke Island Colony. Explain.

6. Tell which the Thirteen Colonies were.

7. Tell how the colonies were divided. (Regions)

8. What were the causes for the American Revolution? Explain the Acts imposed by England
(Navigation Act, Wool Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Tea Act, Iron Act, and Intolerable Acts) and
how the colonies answered.

9. What was the Boston Massacre?

10. What was the Boston Tea Party?

11. What was the Continental Congress? Explain both.

12. Explain the Declaration of Independence.

13. Explain the War of the American Independence and battles.

14. What was the Treaty of Paris? Explain

15. Consequences.
The Mexican American War (Q6)

1. Duration of the conflict.

2. Name the presidents from the different parties at that time and during the conflict.

3. How was the political context in Mexico before the conflict?

4. How was the political context in the US before the conflict?

5. Texas Revolution and Independence (Explain the causes and battles)

6. What were the causes of the Mexican American War?

7. What was the Country's Manifest Destiny?

8. How did the Mexican American War start?

9. Explain the Declaration of War.

10. Battles that took place and generals involved during this conflict up to the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo.

11. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

12. Name some officers who eventually became Presidents of the USA.

13. What was Wilmot Proviso?

The American Civil War (Q7)

1. What was the American Civil War?

2. What were the different parties and principal leaders?

3. Duration of the conflict and who won?

4. How was the political context before the war?

5. What were the causes?

6. Which were the first seven states that were pro-slavery? Which other states joined them?

7. How many states formed the Union?

8. Explain the outbreak of the American Civil War.

9. Explain the war, and the main battles that took place.

10. Who was Abraham Lincoln?

11. What was his role in this war, and how did he die?

12. Who was Jefferson Davis, and what was his role in the war?

13. Who was Ulises S. Grant? and what was his role in this war?

14. Who was Robert E. Lee? and what was his role in this war?

15. How did this war end?

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