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o4 “Hérodiade” Massenet. AIR OF SALOME. espressivo —_ = Andantino cantabile, Co-tui dont ta pa He whose words by their 3 Pi mosso. role ef-fa-ce toutes pei - nes, Le Prophite est i - vif might obit er-ate all sor ~ row, Lo! the Prophet is herel — Andante cantabiled 62) a tempo, cost vers Ini que je vais! fo him Zit “appear, Tt est doux, Be es kind, — poco rall a tempo, Lan == «a, il est bon, sa pA role est se - rei ne: Tt par- Ie he is good, His words bring hope eack mor ~ row! ‘He speck - eth! —_——., pad tout se fait. Plus Ie Fer sor a plai - ne Lair atten if ‘al is hushed! — Sigh - ing breees_ meme re joie Pause on the way, atempo pas- se sansbruit Ab! quand reviendract-i1? hear-ing his voice! ABlechensoill. hecome back? presbressivo ella voce. SSS a tempo ——_>_ 3358 «quand pourraisje Teo-ten - dre? Je souffrais” jé-tais seule et moncoear vest cal-mé Whenshall Ito Kimhearh-ex? Sad was J woe be-gone,but my heart feace-ful grow z espress 14018 96 When eer Theard his voice — Sah Prophis- te bien ai~ OnProphet, $0 be-tove Life,” ral, Life wideout then! wire. tempo poco pli mass so ” foco a poco appassionate née A= vait sui- vi ses pas, Qui mfac-cxeil - And fol - tow him a ~ Tong. He be — hold porn a co appassionato, fant a= ban =. donne A child, by all aban = _dovldt Tit tn jour, me, one day, female, sabes f Tempo I. Btqvil miouvrit ses bras! TL est doux,— il est bon, * Recetoed me tn Me arms! He ts hind, he is good CE espressivo colla voce. Sa pa- role -est se - rei - Tl par-le tout se tait His words bring hope each mor ~ He sprak-ett! all is: hushed! 4018, i» — plus 18- ger sur ta plat - we Sigh-ing breee-es. now re joice, oe Lair at-ten- tif pas -se sana bruit Pause on their way. hearing his voice! — —_ TL par - He speak __ An! quand re - vien-dra-t-il? Al when sill he come back? S espressiv calta voce ‘din. boro ral. P, ca bf Quand pourrainje Ien-ten dre? Je souffrais,_jb-tais seule et moncoour sest cal-mé Whenshall, Ito Km eark-en? Sad was J, tooe~be~gone,but-myheart peaceful grr Pp ze PS SE atin En &-coutant sa vo mé-lo - dieuse ¢t ten- When cer I heard kis voice — melo ~ dicous and ten oer = dre, Mon covur est cal 1 der} My heart calm-ness — a L — Prophé = te bien ai-mé, puis jé vi- vee sans toil Oi! Proph-et, so beloved, can I live with- aut theel— > 2 SS ee ~eN = _rall. a tempo piv appasionato. Prophé - te bien ai-mé, puis Je vicwre, vi - vre saa toi! OI Propieet, 50 beclovedswhat ts “Life, Life without thee! iP t' ‘ABI quand! re-vien-dra-t-il? quand pour rai Je Yen ten - AR when will he come tack? W) fo kim hark SS pp tembaaninnte Prophé = te bien ai-mé, puis je vi- re sans toi OR! Prophet, so be loved zohat is Life without thee I 14018,

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