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Fingerprint Identification
I. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
II. Court Testimonies


AFIS is a computerized solution that captures Fingerprint images and other entries ion the ten-print
cards, useful for inquiry, verification and registration of fingerprints.
It is an indispensable tool in fingerprint identification by automatically matching known and
unknown fingerprint against the database of ten-prints and latent prints.
1. Ten-print processing:
a. Barcoding – place the Barcode on Ten-print Card. Ten print barcode number is a unique
value to identify an enrolled ten-print card.
b. Ten-prints scanning – the ten-print card, particularly the ten print images shall be with
minimum 500 dpi scanner
c. Image cropping – after scanning, the fingerprint images are cropped from the scanned
images from right thumb to right little finger and left thumb up to left little finger. The
fingerprint images are processes with feature extraction.
d. Fingerprint enhancing – perform Fingerprint Visual Quality Assurance to enhance the
fingerprint quality images.
e. Demographic Data Encoding – Input all descriptive information available from ten-print
card e.g. Name; Nick-name; Date of Birth etc.
f. Ten-print Inquiry – conduct inquiry to ten-print database for ten-print to ten-print inquiry
and an inquiry to latent print database for ten-print to latent print inquiry.
g. Verification – Perform fingerprint verification on the candidate list which is the result of
either Ten-print to ten-print inquiry or ten-print to latent print inquiry. Compare one by one
the search fingerprint against the candidate fingerprint, marked the minutia points on the
search and candidate fingerprint image, and decide by selecting Hit or No Hit for each
h. Ten-print Registration – register the ten-print into Ten-print Database.

2. Latent Print Processing

a. Case Number – in every latent print there should assigned case number.
b. Photographing of Latent Print – once the latent print has the proper markings and case
number, it will now photograph by latent print photographer.
c. Capturing of Latent Print Image – transferring the latent image by using the image
capturing unit.
d. Latent Print Enhancing- the image enhancement is applied to image as a layer image
enhancement. The minutia placing is done after the image enhancements applied to the
e. Encoding of Textual Information – the descriptive data entry shall be input for all
available information.

f. Latent Print Inquiry – an inquiry to ten-print database for latent to ten-print inquiry and
inquiry for latent to latent print inquiry in latent print database.
g. Verification – the latent print identification would be performed after Latent Inquiry (LI) or
Latent-to-Latent Print Inquiry (LLI) for unresolved latent prints.
The fingerprint verification shall allow user to:
1) List the candidate list of ten-print for LI.
2) List the candidate list of unresolved latent print for LLI.
3) Show the ten rank of candidate list of ten-print for LI.
4) Show the ten-rank of candidate list of unresolved latent print to LLI
5) Compare one by one the search latent print against the candidate fingerprint.
6) Use the tool to manually marking the minutia points on the search latent print and
candidate fingerprint image.
7) Show the auto-extracted image ridge details relationship.
8) Turn on the visual verification chart for each fingerprint comparison.
9) View the descriptive data of search and candidate print.
10) Decide by selecting the HIT or NO HIT for each comparison.
h. Latent Print Registration – is the process to register the unresolved data into Database,
Matching System and Archive Database.

3. AFIS Functions:
a. Ten-print to Ten-print Inquiry (TI) - it is an initial function initiated by the ten-print
operator, an inquiry of search Ten-print from the filed Ten-print of the AFIS Database for
rolled print.
b. Ten-print to Latent print Inquiry (TLI) – it is an inquiry in matching system on the
unresolved Latent print Database
c. Latent print to Ten-print Inquiry (LI) – one of the functions used to search an input latent
fingerprint of an unsolved crime from the rolled print Database.
d. Latent to Latent Inquiry (LLI) – an inquiry made by the Latent Operator to search an
unsolved crime to the database of unresolved Latent print.

 Expert
a. A person who had special and competent knowledge of a subject, and who obtained this
special knowledge either through study or through experience.
b. one whose testimony regarding the identification of fingerprints (latent and inked) has been
recognized and accepted in a court of justice, as a general rule.
 Qualifying the Expert Witness
a. He will be asked of his Name, Address and Occupation
b. Where, When, and How long he had studied the subject that he is about to testify.
c. Numbers of fingerprints he had taken, classified, filed and compared.

d. The qualified examiner should be able to answer the following:

1) How many comparisons of fingerprint for purpose of identification would you
estimate that you have made?
2) What is the basis on which an identification of person by means of fingerprint is
3) What do you mean by classify?
4) What are the basic patterns?
5) What are the characteristics of an Arch?
6) What are the characteristics of a Loop?
7) What are the characteristics of a Whorl?
8) What do you mean by pattern area?
9) What do you mean by core?
10) What is delta?
11) What do you mean by type lines?
12) What is Radial Loop?
13) What is Ulnar Loop?
14) How are these pattern types utilized in classifying fingerprints?
15) What is the result of the classification?
16) In what way, if any, did this aid you in your search?
17) Did you find such a set of prints?
18) I now show you a set of fingerprints, Plaintiff’s Exhibit ___ for identification, and
ask you if this set of prints to which you have just referred?
19) I now show your Plaintiff’s (defendant’s) Exhibit no. ___ for identification,
consisting of enlarged photographs of two fingerprints, and ask you if you
recognize it?
20) What does this exhibit represent?
21) What individual characteristics did you look for?
22) How many points of similarity are necessary to establish identification?
23) In this case, if any, points of uniqueness can you point out?
24) In comparing fingerprints, what is the significance of finding the point of

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