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Basic Life Skill for Youth

Multiplication Session Plan

Facilitator Name : Village:

Topic: Self-Esteem Duration: 1Hr 30 min

Objectives :
1. Introduce the concept of Self-Esteem to youngsters.
2. Explore and Understand the significance of Self-Esteem in one’s life and how it can be
3. Apply the key takeaways in daily life and become confident individuals.

Activity-based presentation, group work

Date :

S. No Time Topic/Activity

1 5- 10 Introduction : Ice-breaking activity

minutes The participants will introduce themselves through this activity:

Ask all the participants to stand up and arrange themselves according

to their birth month (January first and so on) without talking to each
other. Set a time limit of 1 minute (or more if the number of participants
is higher).
Once arranged, the participants will introduce themselves sit in groups
of 5-8 members( a group will consist of participants who happened to
stand together in the birth month activity)

2 10 minutes Roll the dice Activity:

10 volunteer students will come up and each will throw a dice shaped
box. This dice has a challenge/question written on each side. The
participant who throws the dice will answer the question which appears
at the top of the dice after he throws it.
(Five things you like about yourself, something helpful you’ve done,
your 3 strengths, areas of improvement in you, a time in your life you
tried/worked hard, something you are proud of in your life)
3 25 minutes Interactive PowerPoint presentation including questions from
participants and self-reflection.

4 10 min Video:
An animated short film named “The Reflection in me” encourages
positive thinking about oneself, fostering self-esteem and self-love.

5 3-5 minutes Taking students' key ideas about the video and their learning.

6 15 minutes Group activity

My Basic needs chart (page#42 booklet)
Each group of 5-8 participants will get a table to fill and present their

7 5 minutes Short summary and wrap up .

Facilitator Name : Village:

Topic: Goal Setting Duration: 2 hr

Objectives :
4. Introduce the concept of goal setting to youngsters.
5. Explore and Understand the significance of setting long term and short term goals in
one’s life and how they can be achieved can be improved.
6. Apply the key takeaways in daily life and become goal-oriented individuals.

Activity based presentation, group work

Date :

S. No Time Topic/Activity

1 3-5 minutes Energizer

2 10 minutes Interactive Powerpoint presentation including questions from

participants and self reflection on Introduction to goals. The
presentation includes following Activities along with content:

3 10-15 Activity 1 : Share steps activity

minutes Theme: short and long term goals
All members of each team will stand in separate lines. A finish line will
be set at a distance. All team members will be provided with a
cardboard step with one extra in front of the first person. In order for
the line to move forward one step, the person at the end will run to the
first person carrying the extra step so the line moves forward.

25 minutes Activity 2: Bull’s eye activity in teams

A chart with concentric circles will be provided to each group.
Participants will write down a short term goal in the innermost circle.
The things they need to do in order to achieve the goal will be written
on the outer circles. Things which need to be done first are further
from the innermost circle.
Each team will present the chart they made.
4 3-5 minutes Energizer

6 15 minutes Group activity

Our own SMART Goals
Every individual will set a goal for the future (not necessarily
academic). It can be something intellectual, emotional , social,
physical or spiritual. Then, following the SMART goal algorithm, every
participant will trace a path for himself/herself to achieve the goal.
The format is given in the table.

7 5 minutes Short summary and wrap up .

Facilitator Name : Village:

Topic: Handling Disputes Duration: 1Hr 30 min

Objectives :
7. Introduce the concept of handling disputes to youngsters.
8. Explore and Understand the significance of tackling efficiently with disputes and how a
solution can be achieved
9. Apply the key takeaways in daily life and become responsible individuals.

Activity-based presentation, group work

Date :

S. No Time Topic/Activity

1 3-5 minutes Introduction to the topic, ideas from participants

2 10 minutes Interactive PowerPoint presentation including questions from

participants. The presentation includes the following Activities along
with content:

Choosing the right way to resolve a conflict.

45 min Activity: courtroom activity

Divide the students into groups and assign each of them a disputed
narrative. They will present a role-play of the narrative and act in the
process of finding a solution.

4 3-5 minutes Energizer

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