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University of Mumbai


1. Name of the Student: Ghadi chaitali Madhukar

(Beginning with Surname)

2. Class: SY BSc. Actuarial science and Quantitative finance

3. Div: B

4. Roll No.: 450

5. Name and Address of the College: Institute of Actuarial and Quantitative Studies,
Andheri west.

6. Extension Work Project enrolled for: (Anyone from the Following): Please mention
here and delete names of other projects from the following list.

I) Vocational Career Oriented Projects

1. Career Project [CP]
II) Community Oriented Projects
1. Population Education Club (PEC)
2. Survey Research
3. Education for All (EFA- NIOS, IDOL)
4. Environment Education
5. Civic Sense (CS)
6. Consumer Guidance (CG)



Please start typing your answers from this page where information is asked for.

 Acknowledgement by the Student

(Please mention the kind of support provided by DLLE Unit, Principal & Extension
teachers, workplace staff, community, and others.)

START TYPING: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who supported
me during this Extension Work Activity. The DLLE Unit provided invaluable guidance and
resources that were instrumental in the successful completion of the project. I am particularly
grateful to the Principal and Extension teachers for their continuous encouragement and
insightful feedback. The staff at the workplace, especially Mr. Mandar Naik, generously shared
their time and expertise, which greatly enriched my understanding of the profession. I also
appreciate the academic community for their constructive criticism and engagement. Their
collective support made this project not only possible but also a rewarding learning experience.

 My reason for joining Extension Work Activity:

Answer: I joined the Extension Work Activity primarily for the practical learning experience it
offers. It provides an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios,
thereby enhancing understanding and retention. Additionally, it allows for interaction with
professionals from various fields, offering insights into their work, challenges, and successes.
This exposure can be instrumental in shaping career choices and developing professional skills.
Furthermore, these activities foster essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and
communication. Overall, the blend of practical experience, professional exposure, and skill
development made the Extension Work Activity an appealing choice for me.

 Please write about:

• How I started
• How I was trained – acquired skills
• How I built rapport with the others / community around.
• How I worked and the kind of work, carried out
(Write in detail with your experiences & Project related data)

Answer: I embarked on the Extension Work Activity with the objective of understanding the
profession of a Chartered Accountant. The journey began with a virtual interview with Mr.
Mandar Naik, a practicing Chartered Accountant. This process required self-directed training,
extensive research, and effective communication. Building rapport with Mr. Naik and the
academic community was achieved through clear communication and sharing of insights. The
work involved transcribing the interview, highlighting key points, and creating a booklet and
chart outlining the career path of a Chartered Accountant. Despite the challenges, the project
was a rewarding experience that provided practical insights into the profession and enhanced
my research and communication skills.

 Please write about the difficulties you faced while conducting activities.
Answer: One of the main challenges I faced was coordinating a suitable time for the interview
due to Mr. Naik’s busy schedule. Additionally, preparing effective interview questions
required a lot of research and understanding of the subject matter. Compiling and presenting
the information in a clear and concise manner was also a challenging task. However, these
challenges were valuable learning experiences and have equipped me with better planning and
coordination skills.

 How did you overcome the difficulties?

Answer: To overcome the difficulties encountered during the project, I adopted a proactive
and flexible approach. For scheduling conflicts, I maintained open communication with Mr.
Naik and offered multiple options for the interview. To create effective questions, I conducted
extensive research and sought advice from knowledgeable sources. For compiling and
presenting the data, I focused on logical organization and clarity, and incorporated feedback on
my drafts. These strategies not only helped me overcome the challenges but also enhanced my
problem-solving and project management skills.

 Please write about your expectations from extension work activities.

Answer: From extension work activities, I expect to gain practical knowledge and real-world
insights that complement theoretical learning. These activities provide an opportunity to
interact with professionals, understand their work, and learn from their experiences. I also
expect to develop essential skills such as research, communication, problem-solving, and
project management. Furthermore, I anticipate these activities to broaden my perspective,
encourage critical thinking, and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Ultimately,

I expect extension work activities to enrich my learning experience and prepare me for future
professional endeavors.

 Are your expectations fulfilled? Please brief.

Answer: Yes, my expectations were indeed fulfilled. The project provided me with a valuable
opportunity. The insights gained from the interview with Mr. Mandar Naik were enlightening
and went beyond my initial expectations. I was able to understand the intricacies of the
profession, the challenges faced, and the skills required. The project also enhanced my
research, communication, and coordination skills. Overall, it was a rewarding experience that
exceeded my expectations and provided me with a wealth of knowledge and skills.

 What did you learn by Extension Activities? (gain / loss)

Answer: Through the extension activities, I gained a deeper understanding of the role and
responsibilities of a Chartered Accountant. Interviewing Mr. Mandar Naik provided me with
first-hand insights into the profession, its challenges, and rewards. I learned about the
importance of continuous learning, ethical conduct, and effective communication in this field.
The only loss, if it can be considered as such, was the time and effort required to coordinate
and conduct the interview. However, the knowledge and experience gained far outweighed

 How will Extension Work help you to contribute to the Society?

Answer: It provides educational value, promotes informed decision-making, and encourages
civic participation. By sharing your findings, you can help others understand the profession
and inspire them to pursue a similar career path. Furthermore, the skills you develop during
this process, such as research and communication, are valuable contributions to society. Thus,
your extension work plays a crucial role in societal development.

 What is your suggestion?

Answer: My suggestion for future projects would be to start the process early. This allows
ample time for planning, reaching out to professionals, conducting interviews, and compiling
the information. It might also be beneficial to interview professionals from various stages of
their career - from novices to veterans - to get a comprehensive understanding of the career


(Please use the following table related to your project only and delete other tables.
Table A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J)

Please fill the data for / in highlighted places / columns and then remove highlight once
you type your data.
Table A-

Sr. Date Topic Activity Hours Outcome

1 22/12/2023 Name of Person Interview 05
Interviewed & their 05
designation & their contact
1. CA. Mandar G. Naik
2 Name of Career: Chart 15
(Chartered Accountancy) Preparation
Contents of the chart prepared. 01 to 04
Chart 1: what is chartered accountancy,
process on how to become a CA and all
the related information.

3 Contents of the Booklet prepared: Booklet 05

Total 30 hrs.


Sr. Date Topic Activity Hours Outcome

1 Name of Locality Build Report with 10
(Location) Mumbai the Community
How did you develop a
rapport with the

2 Name of Place Poster / Charts

Mumbai Exhibition 10
1 Poster 10
2 Talk 10
3 Name of Career Talk / presentation 10
(CP) - chartered
Total 50

Table K:


For UG. PG. & B. Ed.
Sr. Date Activity Hours Outcome
1 First Term Training Program 05
2 College & Community Level Activity 80 For IOP 150
3 Second Term Training Program 05
4 Udaan Festival /Essay Writing 20
5 Project Report Writing 10
Total 120

 Names of the College & Community Level Activities in which student has taken active participation such as: street play, group songs,
poster, elocution, speech, lessons, industrial visit etc. (any other); Please give Details.

Sr. Date Name of the activity such Topic of the Participation for / as: Location/ Poster No of Signature of the
No as: Street Play, group songs, activity: writing, directing, Place of prepared Hours Extension Work
. poster, allocution, speech (Save Food, Child performing, music or performance Yes / No Teacher
lessons etc. Labor, singing, poster designing, (College /
Environment, painting etc. Community)
Pollution, women
empowerment etc.)
Poster designing yes

Please give other details (if any): (type here)


 Details of the activities attended by you performed at college or community level:

Sr. Yes / Participated No. of No of Hours
Name of the Activity Date Place / Location Topic / Subject
No No as Participants
i Exhibition
ii Seminar, Talk, Speeches
iii Visits
iv Street Play

v Competitions held such as

Elocution, Rangoli, Poster Making,
Street Play, Quiz, Debate, Essay,
Craft Making, etc.
vi Lessons taken by students if any
(for B. Ed. students)

vii Interview / survey No. of persons

viii Any other Activity

Essay Writing on social issues / Additional Information you

may wish to share with us for improvement.

Election literacy

Election literacy is a crucial aspect of a functioning democracy. It refers to the understanding and
awareness of the electoral process, the rights and responsibilities of voters, and the importance of
informed voting.

In a democratic nation, elections are the means by which citizens exercise their right to choose their
representatives. However, this process can only be effective if the electorate is literate about the
electoral process. This includes understanding how to register to vote, how to cast a vote, and how
to make an informed decision about which candidates to support.

Election literacy also involves understanding the role of different offices and positions within the
government, and how these roles affect the daily lives of citizens. This knowledge enables voters to
make informed decisions about which candidates are best suited to address the issues that matter
most to them.

Furthermore, election literacy promotes transparency and accountability in the electoral process.
When voters are educated about their rights, they are more likely to hold elected officials
accountable for their actions and less likely to be swayed by false information or propaganda.

In conclusion, election literacy is not just about knowing how to vote. It's about understanding the
significance of one's vote and making informed decisions that contribute to the betterment of
society. Therefore, promoting election literacy should be a priority for every democratic nation.

Please answer all the questions and give details as asked in this file. Type
information in detail in this file and attach pdf document of this file to the link
provided by your Extension Work Teacher.

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