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The Crime Scene

By Boca Raul Sebastian, Pop Raul Călin,

Andrei Damian & Andrei Coțovanu

In the fall of 2003, Tom Miller, one of the best detectives in Europe got a call
from the Texas Police Department. They sounded worried about the new crime
scene that occurred. He was an average 48 year old man, with long brown hair,
and the height of 196 cm. He always loved painting because that was calming
him down. He said to call the police and tell them that he was on his way to
America. So, he buys a plane ticket to Texas where his journey begins.
After he landed, he took a taxi to the Texas Police Department. Once arrived
at the police station, he was greeted by the police department captain. They
shook hands and got in the captain's police car. And drove off to the crime
The crime scene took place at a white motel, at room 208, and the corpse
was found on the floor. Once arrived at the crime scene, they entered the
building. After a few moments of exploring the crime scene, they found a knife
with blood stains on it and some fingerprints on it. They took the knife to the
police station lab to scan them.
-I wonder at what hour the crime took place... (Tom Miller)
-We should also test the blood on the knife. (Police Captain)
-Hey, that’s a wonderful idea (Tom Miller)
-Well, looks like the scanning is complete.
On the lab monitor appeared 3 profiles: Andrew Wilson, Nelson Rodrieguez
and Kieth Northwest.
They gathered them all in an interrogation room, and so begun the so called
-Suspect number 1. (Police Captain)
-Yes? (Andrew Wilson)
-Where were when the crime took place? (Police Captain)
-Where was that? (Andrew Wilson)
-12th of November. (Police Captain)
-Mostly at work. (Andrew Wilson)
-And where do you work? (Police Captain)
- I work at a carwash in California. (Andrew Wilson)
-Alright, you may leave the room. (Police Captain)
-Sweet. (Andrew Wilson)

-Suspect number 2, you may enter the room. (Tom Miller)

-Ok (Nelson Rodriguez)
-Where were you on the 12th of November? (Tom MIller)
-At the job. (Nelson Rodriguez)
-And what is your job? (Tom Miller)
-I’m a clown in my free time, but my main job is to be an owner of a
construction company. (Nelson Rodriguez)
-And where did you work on the 12th of November? (Tom Miller)
- I worked in Kansas. (Nelson Rodriguez)
-Alright, you can leave the room. (Tom Miller)

-Suspect number 3, please enter the room. (Police Captain)

-Hello (Kieth Norhtwest)
-Where were you on the 12th of November?
-At home with my wife and kids. (Kieth Norhtwest)
-You’re lying! (Police Captain)
-How do you know that? (Kieth Norhtwest)
-1. No one stays at home with the wife and kids on a Sunday night. (Police
-2. You don’t have any relatives. (Police Captain)
-…oh... I forgot that. (Kieth Norhtwest)
-Where were you?! (Police Captain)
-Alright, Alright! I was at the club with some of my friends. (Kieth Norhtwest)
-And what did you do there? (Police Captain)
-What can you do on a Sunday night at a club?! I was there with my friends to
meet some girls. (Kieth Norhtwest)
-Hmmm...... You can leave the room. (Police Captain)
-Finally (Kieth Norhtwest)

-Got any ideas? (Police Captain)

-I think I know how the crime scene was committed. (Tom Miller)
-How? (Police Captain)
-Well, Kieth Northwest said he was at the club, to meet some girls, and after he
managed to convince one girl to go with him at the motel, where the crime
scene took place, and there, he killed her without remorse. (Tom Miller)
-Are you sure that’s the case? It sounds a bit brutal. Don’t ya think? (Police
-No, not really, we still need a little bit more evidence... (Tom Miller)
-Can we search his house? (Tom Miller)
-What for? (Police Captain)
-I just think there might be something related to the crime... (Tom Miller)
-Well, if you think there might be something important, we can do it. (Police
-Great, see you tomorrow at 7:45 A.M. at his house. (Tom Miller)
-Alright. (Police Captain)
At Kieth Northwest's house police find the same fingerprints as the ones at
the motel an a knife almost the same one as the one used at the crime scene.
-I think we caught him. (Police Captain)
-Yeah, seems like he’s the one. (Tom Miller)
After two days Kieth Northwest is found dead.
-Damn.... What do you think happened to him? (Tom Miller)
-I think he tried to suicide, and he succeeded. (Tom Miller)
-How? (Tom Miller)
-With the knife. (Police Captain)
-Looks exactly like your knife. (Tom Miller)
-Yeah, because he tried to attack me! (Police Captain)
-Why? (Tom Miller)
-I don’t know either, but somehow, he grabbed it and took his life. (Tom Miller)
This seems, odd..... (Tom Miller)
After a week after the incident, the other 2 suspects were found dead as
well. Tom, starting to feel like it isn’t a coincidence, he stays in his apartment,
staying at the coffee table at his apartment, disturbed.... he hears a knocking
on the door.... it’s the Police Captain.
-Helloo my old friend, how are you hanging? (Police Captain)
-Bad, really really bad. All of the suspects were found dead for no apparent
reason. (Tom Miller)
-Hey, don’t think much about it, it isn’t healthy for a mind like yours, you’ll feel
even worse. (Police Captain)
-Yeah, maybe... do you want to stay for dinner? (Tom Miller)
-Sure buddy. (Police Captain)
*After they eat*
-This food was absolutely delicious. (Police Captain)
-Thank you, I made it. (Tom Miller)
-Of course you made it Sherlock, you’re living alone, forgot? (Police Captain)
-Haha, very funny. (Tom Miller)
-I know right? Also, where's the bathroom? (Police Captain)
-Down the hallway. (Tom Miller)
-Ok, thanks. (Police Captain)
*Tom was washing the tableware, and in one of the plates reflection, sees
the Captain walking towards him menacingly with a knife in his hands, Tom
rapidly turns back and confronts him.
-What do you think you’re doing? (Tom Miller)
-Oh, nothing, just preparing to make a pie. (Police Captain)
-Oh......ok. (Tom Miller)
-You stupid idiot! I'm trying to kill you here! (Police Captain)
-What?! Why!? What have I ever done to you?! (Tom Miller)
-It’s nothing personal, believe me. (Police Captain)
-Then why are you, DOING THIS?! (Tom Miller)
-Because it’s fun! I like it! (Police Captain)
like-You’ve lost your mind...... (Tom Miller)
-Blah Blah Blah, these words are starting to get on my nerves... (Police Captain)
*Thus, the fight for their lives begun. The captain ran towards Tom with
the knife in his hands, Tom managed to block his attack by using a cutting
board. Then Tom ran upstairs to lock himself in his room where a gun was
-Come on Tom, don’t make this more difficult than it has to be, and please,
don’t make me ruin this beautiful door you got here.
-Oh, you really think it’s beautiful? (Tom Miller)
-Of course, how much did you pay for it anyway? (Police Captain)
-Like 500 dollars an mayb- (Tom Miller)
* BOYS! Weren’t you in a middle of something right now? I don’t
know, maybe in a fight for LIFE AN DEATH! *
-Oh, sorry, my bad (Tom Miller)
-Yeah, we’re sorry... (Police Captain)

*Doesn’t matter.... just... go back to your fight*

-Alright, uhh, where were we? Oh yeah. CAPTAIN, IF YOU DON’T GIVE
YOU! (Tom Miller)
-You don’t have the guts to do that! (Police Captain)
-Oh Yeah? You think so? Then take THIS! (Tom Miller) *BANG*
*Tom shoots through the beautiful door shooting the captain in the
-YOU FOOL!! You destroyed it! Not the doooor.... (Police Captain)
-You gave no choice... (Tom Miller)
-You’re a criminal! (Police Captain)
-I am the criminal?! I mean, I destroyed the beautiful door though an-


understand it’s a beautiful door, but, just stop, it’s supposed to be an
intense and action story, not some door magazine!*
-Okay, Okay! We’ll stop. (Tom Miller)
*After discussing about a stupid door, for about an hour and so,
the captain died of internal bleeding. The next day, Tom called the
Police Department and told them that to send all the police patrols
to his house as soon as possible. When the police arrived, there was
the captain dead on the floor, and next to him was Tom’s gun, Tom
told them what happened, they didn’t believe him at all, so they
charged him 20 years in prison, for the death of 4 people. The last
thing that Tom said to the police was “Here are my keys, the proof
that I'm innocent is on the security cameras.”.
After 3 weeks. The detective was released and got a
compensation of 10.000 dollars. And brought new tickets to

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