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Name: Made Tasya Novita Sari

NIM: 230020013
English Assignment: Summary of Past tense pattern

Simple Past Tense:

Subject + Verb (ed/2nd form) + Object
+ She cooked a delicious meal.
- She did not cook a delicious meal.
? Did she cook a delicious meal?
WH Question: What did she cook for dinner?

+ They visited Paris last summer.

- They did not visit Paris last summer.
? Did they visit Paris last summer?
WH Question: When did they visit Paris?

+ He finished his homework early.

- He did not finish his homework early.
? Did he finish his homework early?
WH Question: What time did he finish his homework?

+ The team won the championship.

- The team did not win the championship.
? Did the team win the championship?
WH Question: Who was the MVP of the championship game?

+ She read a fascinating book.

- She did not read a fascinating book.
? Did she read a fascinating book?
WH Question: Which book did she find fascinating?
Present Perfect Tense:
Subject + Have/Has + Past Participle + Object
+ They have visited five countries this year.
- They have not visited five countries this year.
? Have they visited five countries this year?
WH Question: How many countries have they visited this year?

+ She has finished her project.

- She has not finished her project.
? Has she finished her project?
WH Question: What project has she finished?

+ We have eaten at that restaurant before.

- We have not eaten at that restaurant before.
? Have we eaten at that restaurant before?
WH Question: When did we eat at that restaurant?

+ He has learned to play the guitar.

- He has not learned to play the guitar.
? Has he learned to play the guitar?
WH Question: How long has he been learning to play the guitar?

+ The company has announced its new product.

- The company has not announced its new product.
? Has the company announced its new product?
WH Question: What is the new product that the company has announced?
Past Perfect Tense:
Subject + Had + Past Participle + Object
+ She had already left when I arrived.
- She had not left when I arrived.
? Had she left when I arrived?
WH Question: Why had she left before I arrived?

+ They had finished the project before the deadline.

- They had not finished the project before the deadline.
? Had they finished the project before the deadline?
WH Question: What had they done to finish the project early?

+ He had studied French before he moved to Paris.

- He had not studied French before he moved to Paris.
? Had he studied French before he moved to Paris?
WH Question: How long had he studied French before moving to Paris?

+ We had already booked our tickets when they called.

- We had not booked our tickets when they called.
? Had we booked our tickets when they called?
WH Question: Why had we already booked our tickets?

+ The team had won five games in a row before the final match.
- The team had not won five games in a row before the final match.
? Had the team won five games in a row before the final match?
WH Question: Which games had the team won before the final match?

Past Continuous Tense:

Subject + Was/Were + Verb (ing) + Object
+ She was studying when the power went out.
- She was not studying when the power went out.
? Was she studying when the power went out?
WH Question: What was she studying when the power went out?

+ They were playing soccer when it started raining.

- They were not playing soccer when it started raining.
? Were they playing soccer when it started raining?
WH Question: Where were they playing soccer when it started raining?

+ He was cooking dinner while she was watching TV.

- He was not cooking dinner while she was watching TV.
? Was he cooking dinner while she was watching TV?
WH Question: What were they doing in the kitchen while she was watching TV?

+ We were walking in the park when we saw a shooting star.

- We were not walking in the park when we saw a shooting star.
? Were we walking in the park when we saw a shooting star?
WH Question: Who were you with when you saw the shooting star in the park?

+ The team was practicing hard before the big game.

- The team was not practicing hard before the big game.
? Was the team practicing hard before the big game?
WH Question: How long were they practicing before the big game?

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