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BIOLOGY Question Bank

1) Give function of golgi complex. 2
2) State function of Ribosomes. 2
3) Distinguish between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell. 2
4) Draw and label prokaryotic cell. 2
5) Mitochondria are called the power house of the cell. 2
6) Explain fluid mosaic model of cell membrane. 4

1) Distinguish between DNA and RNA. 2
2) Draw neat labelled diagram of DNA. 2
3) Give the classification of protein. 3
4) If double stranded DNA has 14% C. What percent A, T, G are present . 2
5) Explain classification of carbohydrate. 4
6) What are the types of RNA? Mention. 4
7) List important properties of enzyme. 4

Cell division and cell cycle

1) With Suitable diagram describe cell cycle. 4
2) Enlist the phases of meiosis. 2
3) Enlist the stages of prophase I of meiosis. 2
4) Explain the process of mitosis. 4
Human Nutrition
1) Give the function sphincters of stomach. 2
2) Draw neat labelled diagram of digestive gland. 4
3) Write short note on human dentition 3
4) Describe the structure and function of the various parts of the human alimentary
canal. 4
5) Write the chemical reaction that take place in. 3
1) Mouth 2) Stomach 3) digestion of nucleic acid.
6) Describe in detail the digestion which take place in the small intestine. 4
7) Draw neat labelled diagram of tooth. 3

Excretion and Osmoregulation

1) Explain in detail Human Excretory system with diagram. 4
2) Birds are ureotelic in nature. Give reason. 2
3) Give the composition of urine. 3
4) Draw neat labelled diagram of V.S. of Kidney. 3
5) Role skin in excretion. 2
6) Explain ultrafiltration. 3
7) Give any two disorders of Kidney. 3

Respiration and energy transfer

1) Write a note on fermentation. 2
2) Explain the process of glycolysis. 4
3) Describe Kreb cycle . 4
4) What is R.Q. ? What is its value for fats? 4
5) Write explanatory note on ETS. With diagram. 4

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