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1. Probation
You will be in the probationary period for six months. The probationary period may be extended
at the discretion of the Management, and you will remain on probation until a written confirmation
order has been issued.
2. Full time employment
You are required to work full-time for the Company and your commitment should solely be
towards the Company's business and interests. It is prohibited for you to engage in any other paid
work (whether part-time or otherwise), provide advisory services, or have any direct or indirect
involvement in any other trade or business during your employment with the Company, unless
you have obtained written permission from the Company's Management. Additionally, you are
not allowed to seek membership in any local or public organizations without obtaining prior
approval from the Management.
3. Confidentiality
Unless required by law, you shall not, at any point during your employment or thereafter, divulge,
disclose, or make public any information about the Company's affairs, administration, or
conducted research, whether such information has been disclosed to you or otherwise comes to
your knowledge.
4. Intellectual Property
If you come up with any ideas for enhancing designs, procedures, formulas, systems, etc. in
connection with the company's operations or business, you shall completely disclose them to the
company and they will be and be the company's exclusive property and right.
5. Responsibilities & Duties
The policies and procedures of the organisation, which address behaviour, discipline, and other
issues, will apply to your work there. You'll constantly be conscious of the obligations and
responsibilities that come with your job and act appropriately. To guarantee outcomes, you must
execute well.
6. Termination of employment
Your services may be terminated without notice or payment in lieu of notice during the
probationary period and any extensions thereof. However, after confirmation, either party may end
the agreement by providing one month's notice (90 days) or payment in lieu of notice.
Upon resignation/termination of employment, you will immediately hand over to the Company all
correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, documents, market data, cost data, drawings,
affects or records belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not retain or make
copies of these items.
Furthermore, you will return any company property that may have been in your possession upon
resignation or termination of employment. Despite the clause mentioned earlier, the service
agreement may also be cancelled for the reasons listed below. There will be no financial
recompense for this.
• If you fail, refuse or neglect to carry out and perform your duties assigned to you by the
company. For loss of confidence in you by the company for any of act committed by you
• If you are found to be guilty of fraud, insubordination or misconduct whether in course of
performance of duties entrusted to you or otherwise
• If you are found unfit for being entrusted with the responsible work commensurate with
your position in consequences of any misconduct, moral turpitude. "If you commit any act
prejudicial to the continuing good relationship between you and the company.
• If you commit breach of any of the terms of this letter of appointment.

7. Authority
You have no right to commit funds or engage into any kind of agreement, contract, or arrangement
with a second party or third party without first obtaining the management's consent. Any attempt
to go beyond your stated authority will be considered seriously, and appropriate disciplinary or
legal action will be taken.8. Terms and Conditions

1). There will be a loss of pay for (additional) leaves other than sick leave.

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