Anomaly Detection and Time Series Analysis1

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Anomaly Detection and Time Series Analysis

Conference Paper · June 2023

DOI: 10.1109/ICICAT57735.2023.10263680


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2 authors:

Durgesh Srivastava Lekha Bhambhu

Chitkara University Chitkara University


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Anomaly Detection and Time Series Analysis
Ayush Anand Dr. Durgesh Srivastava Dr. Lekha Rani
Chitkara University Institute of Chitkara University Institute of Chitkara University Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology
Chitkara University Chitkara University, Chitkara University,
Rajpura, Punjab, India Rajpura, Punjab, India Rajpura, Punjab, India

Abstract— Anomaly detection and time series analysis are Contributed to improving the accuracy of the isolation forest
essential techniques in data science, with numerous and exponential smoothing algorithms.
applications in various domains. Anomaly detection involves
2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology (ICICAT) | 979-8-3503-0282-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICICAT57735.2023.10263680

identifying patterns in data that deviate from the norm, while II. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
time series analysis involves analyzing data that changes over
time. Combining these two techniques allows for detecting Anomaly detection and time series analysis have shown
abnormal patterns in time-varying data, which can be used for immense potential in various applications such as finance,
various purposes, such as identifying equipment failures, healthcare, transportation, and cybersecurity, to name a few.
detecting fraud, and predicting future trends. However,s However, challenges still need to be addressed, and future
several challenges are associated with anomaly detection and directions must be explored. Some of these challenges and
time series analysis, including the complexity of data, the need directions include [10] [11]:
for accurate labelling, and the difficulty of detecting rare
events. This paper reviews different types of anomalies, and the Scalability: As the amount of data grows exponentially, the
standarmethodsds used for anomaly detection and time series scalability of anomaly detection and time series analysis
analysis, and the challenges and future directions for this field. methods becomes increasingly important. New methods
We also propose potential solutions for improving the efficient need to be developed to handle large-scale data.
anomaly detection and time series analysis efficiency and
accaccuracyvanced algorithms and parallel processing. Explainability: In many applications, it is essential to
Ultimately, this paper provides an overview of the current understand why an anomaly was detected. Therefore,
state-of-the-art techniqanomaly detection and time series developing methods that provide explanations for anomaly
analysis techniques and highlights the potential for future detection results is critical.
research in this field.
Real-time detection: Many applications require real-time
Keywords— Anomaly detection, forest isolation, time series, anomaly detection, such as in industrial automation or
exponential smoothing cybersecurity. Developing methods that can detect
anomalies in real time is a challenge [12].
Anomaly detection and time series analysis are two Multi-variate analysis: Most anomaly detection and time
critical areas in data science that have been widely studied series analysis methods focus on univariate data, but many
in recent years. Anomaly detection refers to identifying real-world applications involve multivariate data.
unusual events or patterns in data, while time series analysis Developing methods that can handle multivariate data is a
involves analyzing data collected over time [1]. This paper challenge.
provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in these III. MODEL DEVELOPMENT
areas and identifies some key challenges and future
directions. 1. Data Gathering: Gather information pertinent to the issue
you're attempting to solve. Many resources, including APIs,
Anomaly detection and time series analysis have been databases, web scraping, etc., can be used for this [7][8].
studied in various domains, including finance, healthcare,
transportation, and energy. One recent study by Hasan et al. 2. Data Preprocessing and Cleaning: Data must be cleaned
(2021) proposed a novel method for detecting anomalies in and processed after gathering data. Missing values, outliers,
time series data using convolutional neural networks. duplicates, and scaling normalising the data are all removed
Another study by Lu et al. (2020) presented an approach to in this process.
predicting traffic flow using time series analysis and 3. Feature Extraction: Find pertinent traits that may be
machine learning techniques. These studies highlight the useful in spotting anomalies. Experts in the relevant fields
potential for anomaly detection and time series analysis to or methods like PCA, LSA, or LDA can accomplish this.
address real-world problems and improve decision-making.
4. Model Selection: Pick a reliable anomaly detection
Other recent developments in the field include deep learning method that matches your data and issue the best. This can
techniques for anomaly detection, such as recurrent neural be accomplished by experimenting with and assessing
networks (RNNs) and autoencoders. For example, a study several algorithms, including SVM, Isolation Forest, KNN,
by Schlegl et al. (2017) proposed an unsupervised anomaly and Deep Learning techniques[11].
detection approach using RNNs, which achieved state-of-
the-art performance on several benchmark datasets. In 5. Model Training and Evaluation: Using the preprocessed
addition, researchers have explored the use of time series data, train the chosen model and assess its performance
analysis for detecting anomalies in medical data, such as using appropriate metrics like precision, recall, F1-score,
electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and sleep data[8]. ROC curve, or AUC.

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6. Deployment: Use the model to spot anomalies in real-
time data after it has been trained and assessed. This can be
accomplished by integrating the model into current systems
or through APIs.
7. Monitoring and Maintenance: To keep the model accurate
and efficient over time, track its performance and retrain or
update it as necessary.
The problem, the data, and the proper methodologies must
all be well understood to build an efficient anomaly
detection model. Collaborating with professionals with a
range of data science, machine learning, and domain-
specific expertise is advised.
This algorithm uses decision trees to isolate anomalous Fig.1. Structure of Isolation forest algorithm
points. It can detect anomalies in high-dimensional data and
is relatively fast but may not perform well on data with Table 1 shows the anomaly score calculated by the distance
strong correlations. Figure 1 shows the structure of the of each instance to its cluster center multiplied by the
algorithm [9]. instances belonging to its cluster. Table 2 shows the
improved accuracy rate by decreasing the contamination
The parameters used in the Isolation Forest method can
factor and increasing the n_estimator value[24].
considerably impact its performance and anomaly detection
accuracy. Here is a reason for the algorithm's parameter TABLE I. : IMPLEMENTATION OF ISOLATION FOREST ALGORITHM FOR

1. The number of trees in the Isolation Forest algorithm Input Feature 1 Feature 2 Anomaly score
(n_estimators) impacts the model's robustness and
computing efficiency. Increasing the number of trees 1 10 0.5 -0.119077
enhances the algorithm's general accuracy and raises 2 15 0.75 -0.115881
the computing cost. The trade-off between accuracy and
efficiency determines the number of trees used. It is 3 20 1.0 -0.120945
frequently chosen based on empirical evaluation and 4 25 1.25 -0.129398
cross-validation experiments to achieve the best
2. Subsample Size (max_samples): The subsample size How we can Improve the accuracy of the algorithm:
determines the number of samples randomly selected to 1) Increase the number of trees: Increasing the
form each tree in the Isolation Forest. It impacts the number of trees employed in the isolation forest algorithm
diversity and quality of the sub-samples utilized to can help the algorithm's accuracy. The method becomes
construct the trees. A greater subsample size can more precise as more trees are employed.
improve anomaly detection performance by increasing
sample diversity and reducing the impact of outliers. TABLE II. ACCURACY RATE OF ISOLATION FOREST ALGORITHM
Larger subsamples, on the other hand, increase
computing complexity. Subsample size is frequently ALGORITHM ACCURACY
chosen based on empirical evaluation and cross-
validation to achieve the best balance of accuracy and ISOLATION FOREST 85%
efficiency. ALGORITHM
3. Contamination Level (contamination): In the Isolation
Forest algorithm, the contamination level parameter
determines the proportion of outliers or anomalies FOREST ALGORITHM
expected in the dataset. It aids in the determination of
the threshold for identifying observations as anomalies.
The domain and application determine the 2) Increase the sample size: Increasing the sample
contamination level used. It necessitates balancing the size improves accuracy by catching more different patterns
goal to detect all anomalies (high contamination level) in the data. However, it adds computing complexity and
with the tolerance for false positives (low may result in slower processing time [18].
contamination level). The contamination level can be 3) lower processing times. Adjust hyperparameters:
chosen based on existing knowledge of the dataset or The accuracy of the isolation forest can be increased by
through testing and evaluation based on the unique adjusting several of its hyperparameters. One area that can
requirements of the anomaly detection task [12][13]. be tuned for performance is the sub-sampling size or
thumbprint of the sample utilized to construct each tree [19].

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4) Feature engineering: can assist the isolation forest focuses on isolating anomalies, making it less affected by
algorithm in performing more accurately by pre-processing outliers and noise in time series data.
the data to extract pertinent features. Techniques 4) Scalability and computing efficiency: The Isolation
normalization, scaling, and dimensionality reduction maybe Forest technique is scalable and efficient. It has a linear time
this. complexity and can efficiently handle massive datasets. The
technique chooses sub-samples at random and splits them
using binary trees, which minimizes computing load and
makes it suitable for analyzing large time series datasets.


1. Exponential Smoothing (ETS): ETS is a time series

algorithm that combines level, trend, and seasonality to
represent the data. ETS is a versatile model that can handle
data from time series that are additive and multiplicative. It
works well for short-term forecasting and is implementable
in R and Python. ETS, however, operates under the
assumption that the data is steady; hence it could not be
effective for non-stationary data.
In particular, the smoothing factor-alpha in the Exponential
Fig. 2. Grapgh of Isolation Forest Algorithm
Smoothing technique can substantially impact the accuracy
of the anticipated values. Here is a reason for the algorithm's
Fig 2 shows the point plotted with the help of Table 1, with parameter selection [15 [16].
feature 1 being the X-axis and the anomaly score being the The alpha parameter controls the weight of the current
Y-axis. observation when determining the smoothed value. It
V. COMPARISON OF ISOLATION FOREST regulates the smoothness of the projected data. The choice
ALGORITHM WITH RESPECT TO ANOTHER of alpha is determined by the specific properties of the time
ALOGORITHM FOR ANOMALY DETECTION series data and the intended trade-off between
responsiveness to recent changes and forecast stability.
1) High-dimensional data handling: The Isolation
Forest technique can handle high-dimensional time series • Larger alpha values (closer to 1) emphasize recent
data. Unlike other algorithms such as k-means or DBSCAN, observations, making the projection more sensitive
Isolation Forest is not plagued by the curse of to short-term volatility. This is appropriate for time
dimensionality. It discovers anomalies efficiently even in series data with high volatility or when recording
massive datasets with many features, making it suited for rapid changes is required.
difficult time series analysis [14]. • Smaller alpha values (closer to zero) give more
2) Ability to deal with varied densities: The Isolation weight to previous observations, resulting in a
Forest algorithm resists varying densities in time series data. smoother forecast. This is appropriate for time series
It makes no distribution or density estimation assumptions data with moderate volatility or for capturing long-
and can find abnormalities in sparse and dense data term patterns.
locations. Because of its resilience to shifting density
With an alpha value of 0.5, the exponential smoothing
patterns, it is well suited for detecting anomalies in time
process generates random data in this program. It then
series data with uneven patterns [15].
builds a table with the input and output data and plots the
input and output data on a graph.
TABLE III: IMPLEMENTATION OF EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING ALGORITHM Table 2 shows that it is generated with random values by
applying an exponential smoothing algorithm with an alpha
Input Output value of 0.5. The accuracy is improved by setting the alpha
24 24.00 value to 0.2, which aligns well with the dataset. It consists
75 49.50 of three main components: trend, seasonality, and noise. The
4 26.25 trend component is created using a random normal
distribution, representing the data's underlying upward or
95 60.62
downward movement. The seasonality component is
51 55.81
generated as a sine wave pattern, capturing repeating
patterns over a specific time interval, such as monthly or
3) Insensitivity to outliers: Isolation Forest is resistant yearly cycles. The noise component introduces random
to data outliers. It builds a binary tree-based model to isolate variations into the data, simulating unpredictability.
anomalies by randomly picking characteristics and splitting Combining these components with a base value, the
points. Compared to distance-based algorithms like k- generated dataset exhibits characteristics commonly
nearest neighbour algorithms like DBSCAN, the method observed in real-world time series data. Synthetic data
demonstrates the functionality and accuracy of the

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exponential smoothing algorithm in capturing trends, series by eliminating the impact of outliers and short-term
seasonality, and noise in a controlled environment. volatility.

In conclusion, time series analysis and anomaly detection
Algorithm Accuracy are essential data science tools. These methods are now
Exponential Smoothing 95.25% necessary for spotting odd patterns and trends in time series
Algorithm data due to the daily increase in data production. While
Improved Exponential 99.12% several algorithms have been created to help in this process,
Smoothing Algorithm each one has its own special advantages and disadvantages.
The trade-off between false positives and false negatives is
one of the most difficult aspects of anomaly detection. Too
many false positives can undermine confidence in the
system, while too few real abnormalities can have disastrous
consequences. In contrast, time series analysis encounters
difficulties such trend changes, missing values, and noisy
data, which have an impact on the accuracy of the models.
Notwithstanding these obstacles, a lot of work has been
achieved in increasing the precision and effectiveness of
time series analysis and anomaly identification. The
precision and speed of detection have substantially
increased as a result of the development of new machine
learning algorithms and deep learning approaches.
Furthermore, these methods have become even more
effective as a result of their integration with big data
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