POLITICAL SCIENCE - Contemporary International Relations Jun Jul 2022

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Total No. of Pages : 7] Code No.

B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. VI Semester (3YDC) Examination, June/July - 2022
Course Code No. & Name : BA623PSDSE(C) - Contemporary
International Relations (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Min. Marks : 40
[Marks : 5 × 4 = 20]
Instructions to the candidates :
A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer any five of the following questions in about 10 lines each.
D M“ üì …¨ ÐésìýÌ- Z HOÐþð ¯é I§æþ$ ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ Mæü$ Üç $Ð@þ*Ææÿ$ 10 ³ç …Mæü$¢Ë- ÌZ Üç Ð@þ*-§« é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.
b) Each question carries 4 marks.
³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 4 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$PË$.

1) Explain the meaning of international economic cooperation and list its types.
BǦMæü çÜÐ@þ$“Væü™èþ AÆ>®°² ™ðþÍí³, A…§æþ$ÌZ° ÆæÿM>˯@þ$ õ³ÆöP¯@þ…yìþ.

2) What are the objectives of General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT)?
Ðé×ìýfÅ…, çÜ$…M>ËOò³ Ý뫧éÆæÿ×ý Jç³µ…§æþ… (V>ÅsŒý) Ë„> Å˯@þ$ ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.

3) Trace the origin of SAARC and list its Summit meetings.

ÝëÆŠÿP BÑÆ>ÂÐé°², (ÝëÆŠÿP) ÕQÆ>“Væü çÜÐ@þ*ÐóþÔ>˯@þ$ ™ðþÍĶý$gôýĶý$…yìþ.

4) Explain the significance of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992.

1992 Ð@þ*[íÜtMŠüt Jç³µ…§æþ… {´ë«§é¯@þÅ™èþ¯@þ$ ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.

5) Elaborate the concept of Biodiversity.

iÐ@þOÐðþÑ«§æþÅ… ¿êÐ@þ¯@þ¯@þ$ ÑÔ¶ý©MæüÇ…^èþ…yìþ.
6) Assess the problem of ethnicity in international relations.
A…™èþÆ>j¡Ä¶ý$ çÜ…º…«§éËÌZ gê† çÜÐ@þ$çÜÅ Væü$Ç…_ ™ðþËç³…yìþ.

7) Write about any two international terrorist groups.

HOÐðþ¯é Æðÿ…yæþ$ A…™èþÆ>j¡Ä¶ý$ E“VæüÐé§æþ çÜ…çÜ¦Ë Væü$Ç…_ {ÐéĶý$…yìþ.

8) Give a brief account of the 1962 Indo-China war.

1962 ¿êÆæÿ™Œþ&O^ðþ¯é Ķý¬§æþ®…¯@þ$ Mæü$Ïç³¢…V> ™ðþËç³…yìþ.

9) Enumerate the Principles of ‘Panchasheel’ Agreement?

‘ç³…^èþÖË’ Jç³µ…§æþ…ÌZ° çÜ*{™éË$ HÑ$sìý?

10) Narrate the problem of Tamil ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.

}Ë…MæüÌZ° ™èþÑ$â¶ý gê¡Ä¶ý¬Ë çÜÐ@þ$çÜů@þ$ ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.

[Marks : 5 × 12 = 60]
Instructions to the candidates :
A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer all of the following questions in about 30 lines each.
D M“ üì …¨ A°² ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ Mæü$ JMöPMæüP§é°Mìü Üç $Ð@þ*Ææÿ$ 30 ³ç …Mæü$¢ËÌZ Üç Ð@þ*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.
b) Each question carries 12 marks.
³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 12 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$PË$.

11) a) What is international economic integration? Examine its various forms.

A…™èþÆ>j¡Ä¶ý$ BÇ®Mæü çÜÐ@þ$“Væü™èþ A…sôý HÑ$sìý? A…§æþ$ÌZ° ÑÑ«§æþ Ææÿ*´ë˯@þ$ ç³ÇÖÍ…^èþ…yìþ.


b) Explain the characteristics of Multinational Corporations and analyse

their role in economic development.

ºçßý$â¶ýgê† çÜ…çÜ¦Ë Ë„æü×ê˯@þ$ ÑÐ@þÇ…_, BǦM>ÀÐ@þ–¨®ÌZ Ðésìý ´ë{™èþ¯@þ$ ÑÔóýÏíÙ…^èþ…yìþ.

BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 2
12) a) What is International Monetary Fund? Describe its structure and functions.

A…™èþÆ>j¡Ä¶ý$ {§æþÐ@þÅ °«¨ A…sôý HÑ$sìý? §é° Ð@þÅÐ@þÝë¦ç³Mæü °Æ>Ã×ý…, Ñ«§æþ$˯@þ$ Ð@þÇ~…^èþ…yìþ.

b) What are the factors responsible for the formation of ASEAN?

BíÜĶý*¯Œþ HÆ>µr$Mæü$ §øçßý§æþ… ^óþíܯ@þ M>Ææÿ×êË$ HÑ$sìý?

13) a) Give an account of the global concerns on environment.

{´ëç³…_Mæü ç³Æ>ÅÐ@þÆæÿ×ý çÜÐ@þ$çÜÅËOò³ K ÐéÅçÜ… {ÐéĶý$…yìþ.


b) Elaborate the meaning of international terrorism and discuss the reasons

for its growth.

A…™èþÆ>j¡Ä¶ý$ E“VæüÐé§æþ… AÆ>®°² ÑÔ¶ý©MæüÇ…_, E“VæüÐé§æþ… ™èþÌñý™èþ¢yé°Mìü VæüË M>Ææÿ×êË$ ^èþÇa…^èþ…yìþ.

14) a) What are nuclear weapons? Explain the threats of nuclear weapons to
world security.

A×êÓĶý¬«§éË$ A…sôý HÑ$sìý? Ðésìý Ð@þËÏ {ç³ç³…^èþ ¿¶ý{§æþ™èþMæü$ MæüÍVóü Ð@þ¬ç³š ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.

b) Discuss the major determinants of India’s foreign policy.

¿êÆæÿ™èþ ѧóþÔ>…Væü Ñ«§é¯é°² {糿êÑ™èþ… ^óþíܯ@þ Ð@þ˜ÍMæü M>ÆæÿM>˯@þ$ ^èþÇa…^èþ…yìþ.

15) a) What are the events that led to Indo-China war of 1962.

1962 ÌZ ¿êÆæÿ™Œþ&O^ðþ¯é ÑÐé§é°Mìü §éÇ¡íܯ@þ çÜ…çœ$r¯@þ˯@þ$ ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.


b) Analyse the major issues in India-Bangladesh relations.

¿êÆæÿ™Œþ&º…V>ϧóþÔŒý çÜ…º…«§éÌZÏ ÑÐé§éçܵ§æþ A…Ô>˯@þ$ ÑÔóýÏíÙ…^èþ…yìþ.

BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 3
[Marks : 20 × 1 = 20]
Instructions to the candidates :
A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer all of the following questions.
D M“ üì …¨ A°² ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ Mîü Üç Ð@þ*-§« é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.
b) Each question carries 1 mark.
³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 1 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$P.

I. Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the Correct Answer.

D “ M ì ü …¨ ºç ß ý$O - â ñ ý - _ e M æ ü { ç ³ Ô¶ ý ² - Ë Mæ ü $ ç Ü ÇO - Ä ñ ý $¯@ þ ç Ü Ð@ þ *- « § é- ¯ é°² Væ ü $Ç¢ … ^è þ …yì þ .

16) Which of the following is a kind of a Trade Bloc?

ÒsìýÌZ JMæü ÆæÿMæüOÐðþ$¯@þ Ðé×ìýfÅ Mæü*rÑ$ H¨?

a) Customs Union MæüçÜtÐŒþ$Þ Ä¶ýʰĶý$¯Œþ
b) Common Market EÐ@þ$Ãyìþ Ð@þ*ÆðÿPsŒý
c) Economic Union BÇ®Mæü çÜ…çœ$…
d) None of these CÐóþÑM>Ð@þ#

17) The UNCTAD was established in :

IMæüÅÆ>fÅçÜÑ$† Ðé×ìýfÅ, AÀÐ@þ–¨® çÜÐ@þ*ÐóþÔ¶ý… HÆ>µOsñý¯@þ çÜ…Ð@þ™èþÞÆæÿ… :

a) 1964 b) 1965

c) 1966 d) 1967

18) The Bangkok Declaration led to the formation of :

»êÅ…M>MŠü {ç³Mæür¯@þ ©° HÆ>µr$Mæü$ §éÇ¡íÜ…¨ :

a) ASEAN BíÜĶý*¯Œþ b) BRICS {¼MŠüÞ
c) SAARC ÝëÆŠÿP d) None of these CÐóþÑM>Ð@þ#
BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 4
19) How many European States come under the Schengen Area?
òÜP¯Œþ gñý¯Œþ {´ë…™èþ… Mìü…§æþ G°² IÆø´ë §óþÔ>Ë$ E¯é²Æÿ¬?
a) 24 b) 25

c) 26 d) 27

20) Which of the following is a global environmental concern?

ÒsìýÌZ ç³Æ>ÅÐ@þÆæÿ×ý çÜ…º…«¨™èþ {´ëç³…_Mæü B…§øâ¶ý¯@þMæüÆæÿ A…Ô¶ý… H¨?
a) Floods Ð@þÆæÿ§æþË$
b) Tsunamis çÜ$¯éÒ$Ë$
c) Desertification HyéÈMæüÆæÿ×ý
d) Deforestation ArÒ °Ææÿ*Ã˯@þ

21) ‘Euro’ is the name of a :

‘ĶýÊÆø’ A¯óþ¨ §óþ° õ³Ææÿ$?
a) Company Mæü…ò³±
b) Currency MæüÆðÿ±Þ
c) Country §óþÔ¶ý…
d) None of these CÐóþÒ M>Ð@þ#

22) The UN Human Rights Declaration was made in the year :

IMæüÅÆ>fçÜÑ$† Ð@þ*¯@þÐ@þ çßýMæü$PË {ç³Mæür¯@þ gêÈ ^óþíܯ@þ çÜ…Ð@þ™èþÞÆæÿ… :
a) 1948 b) 1949
c) 1950 d) 1951

23) The Earth Summit, 1992 was held at :

1992 ÌZ «§æþÇ{† çܧæþçÜ$Þ¯@þ$ °ÆæÿÓíßý…_¯@þ ¯@þVæüÆæÿ… :
a) Washington ÐéíÙ…Væüt¯Œþ
b) New York ¯@þ*ÅĶý*ÆŠÿP
c) Rio de Janeiro Æ>Äñý* yìþ f¯óþÆø
d) Ahmedabad Açßýçé»ê§Šþ

BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 5
24) Which of the following is a terror tactics?
ÒsìýÌZ HÑ E“VæüÐé§æþ 糧æþ®†?
a) aeroplane hijacking ÑÐ@þ*¯éË §éÇ Ð@þ$ãå…ç³#
b) suicide squads B™éÃçßý$† §æþâêË$
c) bomb blasts »ê…º$ õ³â¶ý$åË$
d) all of these CÐ@þ±²

25) ‘Bird flu’ is an example of :

‘ºÆŠÿz ç³NÏ’ A¯óþ¨ ©°Mìü E§éçßýÆæÿ×ý :
a) biological weapon iÐéĶý¬«§æþ…
b) bacteria »êÅMîüÈt Ķý*
c) bird 糄ìü
d) none of these CÐóþÒM>Ð@þ#

II. Match the following :

D “Mìü…¨ Ðésìý° f™èþç³Ææÿ^èþ…yìþ :
26) Tin Bigha Corridor a) Europe
¡¯Œþ ¼çœ$ M>ÇyéÆŠÿ IÆø´ë
27) Kashmir Dispute b) Bangladesh
M>ÖÃÆŠÿ ÑÐé§æþ… º…V>ϧóþÔŒý
28) LTTE c) Srilanka
GÌŒý sìý sìý C }Ë…Mæü
29) Panchsheel d) Pakistan
ç³…^èþÖË ´ëMìüÝ릯Œþ
30) Mastricht e) China
Ð@þ*[Üí Mt üŠ t O^ðþ¯é

BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 6
III. Fill in the Blanks :

Rêä˯@þ$ ç³NÇ…^èþ…yìþ :
31) The 11/9/2001 terrorist attacks took place on _____________ [country].

2001 òÜò³t…ºÆŠÿ 11 ¯@þ _____________ §óþÔ¶ý…Oò³ E“VæüÐé§æþ$Ë §éyìþ fÇW…¨.

32) The ‘Look East Policy’ was formulated by Indian Prime Minister

‘™èþ*Ææÿ$µ OÐðþç³# ^èþ*yæþ$’ Ñ«§é¯é°² ¿êÆæÿ™èþ {糫§é° _____________ Ææÿ*´÷…¨…^éÆæÿ$.

33) The number of member-States in SAARC are _____________.

ÝëÆŠÿPÌZ çÜ¿¶ýÅ §óþÔ>Ë çÜ…QÅ _____________.

34) The Palk Strait lies in between India and _____________.

´ëMŠü fËçÜ…«¨ ¿êÆæÿ™Œþ _____________ §óþÔ>Ë Ð@þ$«§æþÅ E…¨.

35) The headquarters of the WTO is situated in _____________ [city].

{ç³ç³…^èþ Ðé×ìýfÅ çÜ…çܦ {糫§é¯@þ M>Æ>ÅËĶý$… _____________ ¯@þVæü…ÌZ E…¨.


BA623PSDSE(C)/A/2022 7

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