Math Midterm Preparation

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Math Midterm Preparation

Name : _________________________ Class : 4-__

1. Write fraction of these squares is shaded.

_____ _____

2. Observe the fractions below.

a. Write the letter that represents the biggest fraction. _______

b. Write the letter that represents the smallest fraction. _______

c. What is the Number fraction if shaded three letters “S” in the “S” letters

area? ___
3. Colour 8
of the shape.

4. Fill in the blanks with =, < or >.

1 1 4 7 4 1
..... 2
..... 10
..... 2
5. Ken wants to take 3
of the plates. He takes 6 plates. Did he take the correct

number of plates? Colour to show your answer.

6. Gary divided a pizza equally among 5 friends. What fraction of the pizza did each

friend get? ____

7. Fill in the blanks.

7 3 ... 5 ... 10 ... 3

+ 12
= ...
c. 1− 6
= ...
− ...
= 11

2 ... 6 11 9 ... ... 4 2

+ ...
= 5
− 12
= ...
− 6
= 6

5 2
8. A cake is cut into 17 equal slices. Azizi ate 17
of the cake. Ardio ate 17
of the cake.

Khendra ate 17
of the cake. How much cake did they eat altogether? ________.
9. Joe has a full bottle of water. After he drinks some water, the bottle become 12

What fraction of the water does Joe drink? _________.

10. Complete the diagram to show fractions equivalent to 4

11. Here is part of a number line. Draw a line to join each mixed number to the correct

place on the line. The first one has been done for you.

12. Order the fractions from least to greatest!

1 1 1 ... ... ... 3 1 7 ... ... ...

a. 8
, 4
, 5
= ...
, ...
, ...
b. 8
, 8
, 8
= ...
, ...
, ...
13. What percentage of each figure is shaded?

14. Shade the correct number of parts in the figure to show the given percentage.


15. Express the fraction as a percentage.

3 ...
= 100
= ....... %

16. Juno has 100 stamps. 48 of the stamps are local stamps and the rest are foreign

stamps. What percentage of the:

a. Local stamps : ________ b. Foreign stamps : _______

17. Angle A is a ___________ angle.

Angle B is a ___________ line.

Angle C is an __________ angle.

Angle D is an __________ angle.


a. Write the letter that represents the smallest angle. ________________

b. Write the letter that represents the biggest angle. _____________________

c. Order the angles starting from the biggest. _________________________

19. How many right angles? _____ right angles.

20. Fill in the blanks.

a. A quarter turn = 4
turn = ____°

b. A half turn = ...
turn = ____°

c. Three quarter turn = ...
turn = ____°

d. A full turn = 1 turn = ____°

21. Tanya walks west from point D

and stops at point E(2,2) on the

map. Write all possible coordinates

of point D.
22. Kiev stands in the middle as shown in the figure below.

a. Kiev is facing Ravel. If he turns 90° in the anticlockwise direction, who will

he face? _______________.

b. Kiev is facing Azri. if he turns 180° in the clockwise direction, who will he

face? _______________.

c. Kiev is facing Attar. If he turns 360° in the anticlockwise direction, who will

he face? _______________.

d. Kiev is facing Fatih. If he turns 90° in the clockwise direction, who will he

face? _____________.

Note: Review Summative Assessment “Angles,

Position and Direction”.

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