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Train union strike in Sydney, Australia, where the government

wanted to remove the security clause in exchange for the safety

modification of the new train fleet
This strike, launched by the Railway, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) - the largest union in
the Australian transport industry - since the end of July 2022, has caused the Sydney city
government to make cuts. 75% of rail services, while some bus services were also
suspended. The long strike of train drivers aims to express protest to the New South
Wales (NSW) state government about the unsafe condition of the new trains and petition
for salary increases. The sides have been at odds over whether to make safety
modifications to the multibillion-dollar South Korean-built train, which has been in
storage since 2019. Unions have been negotiating with the government for months over a
new enterprise agreement for rail workers, after the current one expired in May last year.
But a major sticking point for the government remains the Rail, Tram and Bus Union’s
(RTBU) insistence on modifications for a Korean-built fleet of new intercity trains. The
union argues the trains are not yet safe to operate on the NSW rail network. Modifying
the trains to allow guards to monitor platforms on approach and departure would ensure
safety, the union says, and save about 450 jobs.

_ Unitarist: Unitarianism assumes that the common goal of business is to create

consensus and consensus within the organization. Labor relations are considered part of
the overall goals of the business. In the above event, from a unitarist perspective, the
strike can be considered for the common goal of safety and work quality.

_ Pluralist: This perspective emphasizes diversity and conflict within the organization.
Strikes demanding revisions to safety policies can be considered from the perspective of
protecting workers' rights and safety. Workers and their representatives can participate in
the discussion and negotiation process to achieve a new safety policy that reflects the
needs and views of the entire labor group.  Mainly

_ Radicalist: If the strike aims to change the social structure to create social justice and
safety, it can be considered from the perspective of radicalism. Acceptance and support
from broader society can be sought to advocate for changes in safety policy.
Recent mass lay off from leading tech companies such as Meta and
Twitter, numbering to ten thousand employees losing their jobs
overnight through an email
2022 is considered "the year of collapse of technology companies" after decades of
outstanding development. A series of technology companies such as Meta, Twitter,
Amazon, and Shopee have just announced and implemented plans to lay off a large
number of employees. This is considered an unprecedented move in the past decade,
when the subjects being laid off are no longer low-skilled workers but also engineers,
sales staff, and even other positions. core in the management apparatus.

According to analysis by the news site Insider, Twitter is the most aggressive company,
firing up to 80% of its employees, about 6,300 out of a total of 7,800. Meta ranked
second with nearly a quarter of its 87,000 employees laid off. These massive layoffs
come amid slowing economic growth, falling consumer demand and concerns about a
possible recession. Accordingly, the recession after the Covid-19 pandemic, excessive
recruitment, inflation and rising interest rates are the main causes.

_ Unitarist: Unitarianism assumes that the common goal of business is to create

consensus and consensus within the organization. Labor relations are considered part of
the overall goals of the business. In the above incident, from the unitarist perspective,
firing employees is necessary to help limit internal conflicts and can improve the
company's performance and structure in achieving its goals. shared

_ Pluralist: This perspective emphasizes diversity and division within the organization. In
the above event, from the pluralist's perspective, the dismissal stemmed from a conflict of
interest between employees and superiors, so the dismissal must be carefully considered
and discussed with the participation of employees. representatives of relevant parties.

_ Radicalist: This perspective focuses on social and political aspects, with the goal of
changing social structures to create justice. In the radical school, dismissal can be
considered in the context of inequality and the imposition of power on the part of
managers. The focus may be on considering how layoffs affect the labor group and
society as a whole.

In general, the mass layoffs of technology companies may mainly be from a pluralist
perspective, with layoffs often occurring due to conflicts between employee groups and
employers. about the interests of each group. While workers want to have a job with a
stable income and technology companies want to cut corners to cut costs and maintain
company operations, this is one of key elements of the pluralist perspective.

Haysmarket Affairs that happened on May 1st and May 4th, 1886,
when workers went on strike to demand for 8 hours workday
The Haymarket incident, also known as the "Haymarket bombing," is a significant event
in the history of the labor movement and work in Chicago, USA, in the 19th century.
This event occurred on May 4, 1886, but its origins stem from a strike demanding an 8-
hour workday on May 1, known as International Workers' Day.

On May 1, 1886, thousands of workers participated in protests and strikes across the
United States to demand a reduction in working hours from 10-12 hours to 8 hours per
day. This protest and strike continued until May 4 when a meeting at Haymarket Square
in Chicago took place.

The initial part of the meeting was peaceful, but towards the end, as the police began to
disperse the crowd, a bomb exploded, causing casualties and chaos. This event led to the
pursuit of accountability and the arrest of many labor movement leaders, known as the
"Haymarket Group" or "Chicago Group." In 1887, four individuals from this group were
sentenced to death, three others received life imprisonment, and some others were given
prison sentences.

The Haymarket incident had a profound impact on the labor movement and workers'
rights globally, and International Workers' Day was chosen to commemorate this event,
observed annually on May 1.
Theories on industrial relations are often divided into three main schools: unitarist,
pluralist and radicalist.

 Unitarist: Unitarianism assumes that the common goal of the business is to create
consensus and consensus within the organization. Labor relations are considered
part of the overall goals of the business. In the context of the Haymarket incident,
a unitarist perspective might focus on resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony
within organized labor.

 Pluralist: Pluralist recognizes that organized labor is a collection of different

interest groups and viewpoints. The employment relationship is considered in the
context of diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives and interests. In the
Haymarket event, the pluralist perspective may focus on the confrontation
between interest groups and viewpoints in society.
 Radicalist: Radicalism is concerned with social division and focuses on changing
social structures to create social justice. In the context of the Haymarket incident,
a radicalist perspective may focus on inequality and the need for structural social

The Haymarket affair is generally examined primarily from the perspective of radicalism
and sometimes from the perspective of pluralism. This perspective focuses on factors
such as social inequality, class conflict, and the awareness of the need for structural
changes in society to create justice and rights for workers.

In the historical and social context of the 19th century, the Haymarket event is seen as a
resistance by a group of workers against harsh working conditions, long working hours,
and social injustice. The protest and strike demanding an 8-hour workday are considered
an effort by the workers to confront the harsh and unfair industrial production system.

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