Appendix C - Simulink Refresher

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Appendix C – Simulink Refresher

C.1 Introduction

Simulink is a modeling and simulation environment that runs on top of MATLAB; i.e., you need MATLAB

to run Simulink. It has a much different look and feel, as models are created by building a block diagram,

as opposed to typing code. The user interface is therefore graphical, and inherently more intuitive.

Simulink’s user-friendly nature makes it a suitable choice for short-duration training courses, as attendees

are able to build models from scratch rather quickly.

Simulink is optimized for modeling dynamic (time-based) systems. It explicitly runs over a simulated time-

duration defined by the user. Internally, Simulink runs a numerical “engine” called the Solver. The Solver

is a numerical integration algorithm that steps through time, calculates the output of each block, and

propagates it to the next block.

As one might expect, Simulink interacts closely with MATLAB. Simulink models can access the MATLAB

Workspace, so it may use MATLAB variables either as simulation parameters, or as input signals. Likewise,

it can send its outputs to the Workspace as well. We will see several examples of these interactions.

The rest of this Appendix is organized as follows. Section C.2 offers a walk-through of the Simulink

environment and demonstrates the creation of a simple model, showing several features along the way.

Section C.3 will focus on Subsystems as a way to create layers within the model. Section C.4 discusses

types of multidimensional signals, followed by section C.5 with multiple examples of MATLAB/Simulink

interactions, including the use of Callback functions in Simulink. Lastly, Section C.6 concludes with a look

at a few additional topics.

Throughout this Appendix, we use the Courier New font style to denote MATLAB expressions and


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C.2 Building a Simple Model

The user may start Simulink from the MATLAB Desktop in a number of ways: Clicking on the “Simulink”

button in the Toolstrip, selecting “Simulink Model” from the “New” menu in the Toolstrip, or simply

entering “simulink” in the Command Window. All three methods are highlighted in Figure C.1.

Figure C.1 Multiple ways to start Simulink.

Any of these methods will open the Simulink “Start Page,” which is shown at the top of Figure C.2. Press

“Blank Model” to start a new model. This will open the “untitled” blank model at the bottom of the figure.

Notice that an existing model may be accessed from the “Recent” listing on the left panel of the “Start

Page,” or simply opened from the MATLAB “Current Folder” window like any other file. Simulink files have

a .slx extension; for models created with Simulink versions older than R2012b, the file extension is .mdl.

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Figure C.2 Top: Simulink Start Page. Bottom: New model window created by pressing “Blank Model.”

Simulink models are composed of blocks that the user lays out in the blank model and connects as needed.

The Library Browser is a visual catalog of all available blocks, and it may be accessed by pressing the

“Library Browser” button in the blank model Toolstrip, as seen in the figure. The Library Browser window

is shown in Figure C.3. The base Simulink library at the top comes with the Simulink license; it is divided

into sub-libraries (shown indented in the figure) based on logical groupings. The “Sources” sub-library, for

example, contains blocks that start the diagram, while the “Sinks” sub-library contains the terminating

blocks. Other libraries may be purchased separately as Toolboxes. Right-clicking on a block in the browser

displays a menu where the user may access the Help entry for the block.

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Figure C.3 The Simulink Library Browser

The Library Browser was the traditional way to copy blocks to the blank model, either by explicitly dragging

them with the pointer (left-click and hold to drag), or through a menu option (right-click on the block and

select “Add to…”). In recent versions of Simulink, the user may simply type the name of the block directly

in the model for the block to appear. This requires double-clicking in the model background to insert a

blinking cursor. As the user starts typing the name of the block, multiple options will show up in a menu,

from which the user must select the correct choice.

As a practical exercise, the reader may follow along the following steps in creating a simple model.

1. By any of the methods described above, collect the following blocks:

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a. “Sine Wave” block from “Sources” sub-library

b. “Gain” block from “Math Operations” sub-library

c. “Scope” block from “Sinks” sub-library

2. Lay them out as shown at the top of Figure C.4.

Figure C.4 Top: Block layout for simple model. Bottom: Connected and unconnected wires.

3. Connect the “Sine Wave” to the “Gain”, then the “Gain” to the “Scope”. The blocks may be

connected manually, or using a keyboard shortcut.

a. Manual Connection: Place the pointer at the output port of the source block (the pointer

will turn into a cross-hair symbol). Left-click and hold, then move the pointer towards the

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destination block to drag the connecting “wire.” While the wire is disconnected, it looks

like a red dashed arrow. Once the pointer is close enough to the input port of the

destination block, the wire will connect automatically and turn into a solid black arrow.

Both types of wire (connected and unconnected) are shown at the bottom of Figure C.4.

b. Shortcut: Select (click) the source block—It will be highlighted by a surrounding blue halo.

Hold down the Control key (“ctrl”) on the keyboard, and then select the destination block.

4. Modify block parameters. Each block has an associated set of parameters that the user may

modify to suit their needs. For this example, we will only modify the gain value in the “Gain” block.

Open the parameter window by double-clicking on the block. The window will show an edit box

with the default gain value of ‘1’ (which is visible on the block itself). Change the value to ‘10’ and

select “OK.” This will close the parameter window and the new value will show on the “Gain”

block. The model should now look as in Figure C.5(c).

Figure C.5 (a) Fully connected model. (b) Parameter window for “Gain” block. (c) Model with updated
gain value.

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5. Copy the “Scope” block. Create a copy of an existing block by right-clicking the block and holding,

then dragging the cursor away from it. The user will notice the outline of the block copy moving

with the cursor. Release it just below the first “Scope”. Alternately, use the usual keyboard

shortcuts Ctrl+C for Copy and Ctrl+V for Paste. Notice the label on the copy is “Scope1.” Simulink

appends the number automatically, as blocks cannot share the same name in a model.

6. Create a “branch”. Branches are formed by splitting a wire into multiple paths going to different

destinations. We now create a branch to send the “Sine Wave” signal straight to “Scope1,”

bypassing the “Gain” block. Hover the pointer anywhere on the wire out of “Sine Wave”, then

right-click, hold and drag the pointer towards “Scope1”, as shown at the top of Figure C.6. Once

the branch is close enough to the “Scope1” input port, the connection will complete

automatically. The model should now look like the bottom of Figure C.6.

Figure C.6 Top: Creating a branch from Sine Wave to second Scope block. Bottom: Branch connected.

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7. Combine wires to create a non-scalar signal. As currently designed, all signals in the model are

scalar values at every simulation time step. Simulink does support non-scalar, i.e., multi-

dimensional signals, however. They may be generated directly at the source block, or they may

be created by combining scalar signals. In this example, we will use a “Mux” block to combine the

output signals of the “Sine Wave” and “Gain” blocks, and sent them to “Scope1”. The “Mux” block

has a user-defined number of inputs, with a default of two. Insert a “Mux” block and place it just

to the left of “Scope1”. Break the connection between the existing branch and “Scope1” (left-click

and hold the connecting arrowhead, then pull it back), and reconnect it to the bottom input port

of the “Mux”. Next, create a second branch from the wire coming out of the “Gain” block, and

connect to the “Mux” top port.

Figure C.7 Finished Simulink model.

There are a couple of visual aids to indicate there are non-scalar lines in the model. From the

Toolstrip, select the “DEBUG” tab. In the “DIAGNOSTIC” section, open the “Information Overlays”

menu. In the “SIGNALS” section at the top of the menu, select both the “Signal Dimensions” and

the “Nonscalar Signals” options. The model should now look like Figure C.7. The thick black wire

coming out of the “Mux” indicates it carries a non-scalar signal. The labels of ‘2’ at both ends of

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the wire are the signal dimensions. Once this option is selected, any wire with no dimension label

carries only scalar signals.

8. Run the model. Save the model as “vector_examp”. Select “Run” from the Toolstrip. To observe

the results, the user must open the “Scope” screen windows by double-clicking on the blocks, as

they don’t open automatically. Figure C.8 shows the results.

Figure C.8 Results from “vector_examp” simulation run. Left: “Scope” window with sine wave scaled by
“Gain” block. Right: “Scope1” window with both scaled and original sine wave signals from “Mux”.

C.2.1 Additional features

Controlling the Viewing Area

The user may zoom in and out of the model using the mouse scroll wheel. Alternatively, the user may use

the shortcut keys Ctrl++ (“Control” key simultaneously with “plus” key) for zooming in and Ctrl+- for

zooming out. There is also a “magnifying glass” zoom utility on the left side panel of the model, which

works similar to the zoom function in MATLAB figures.

Another useful utility is the “Fit to View” button, which is right below the zoom button on the left panel.

The shortcut key for “Fit to View” is the spacebar.

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Simulink offers many options for annotating the model. All blocks may be renamed as desired by the user.

Likewise, each wire may also be labeled by double-clicking on it, which inserts a blinking cursor. The wire

label (which becomes the signal name) may be replicated on each branch by right-clicking on the label

and holding/dragging it to the branch.

Free-floating text boxes may also be added to the block by double-clicking anywhere in the model

background. This is the same action used to add a block, but instead of typing a block name, the user may

enter a suitable comment. Alternatively, there is an “Annotation” button on the left panel of the model.

These comments may be formatted as needed by right-clicking on them and choosing the desired options.

Simulink supports TeX commands, meaning equations may be written using actual mathematical symbols.

Lastly, Simulink offers a couple blocks in the “Model-Wide Utilities” sub-library, which are useful for

adding additional documentation. The “DocBlock” block allows the user to enter text and save it with the

model. The “Model Info” block displays model information such as the model creator, model version,

“Modified By” date, short description, etc.

C.3 Creating Subsystems

Simulink allows the model designer to organize the block diagram by grouping blocks together and

encapsulating them into a single block called a “Subsystem”. This adds an additional layer of depth to the

model, and improves readability by decreasing the block density at the top level. The designer may

organize highly complex models into multiple nested subsystems, and easily navigate from one layer to


Using “vector_examp” as an example, we now create a “Subsystem” containing the “Gain” and “Mux”

blocks plus the two branch points. First, select the section to be encapsulated by left-clicking and holding,

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then drawing a box around them and releasing. A “Multiple” tab will show up on the Toolstrip; select it,

then select the “Create Subsystem” option. Figure C.9 shows an annotated version of “vector_examp”

before and after these steps.

Figure C.9 Creating a “Subsystem” in “vector_examp” from existing blocks: (a) Original (annotated)
model; (b) Model after “Subsystem” is created; (c) Contents of “Subsystem” block.

The user may navigate inside the “Subsystem” block by simply double-clicking it. The numbered oval

blocks in Figure C.9(c) are input and output ports. They inherit the signal labels if there are any defined

when the “Subsystem” is created; otherwise, they get generic, indexed labels (such as “Out2” in C.9(c),

since its corresponding wire has no label). Additional navigation tools include the blue arrows in the upper

left of the model box right below the Toolstrip; however, the best way is to use the “Model Browser.” This

browser is accessible by selecting the double arrowheads (>>) at the bottom of the left side panel. The

Model Browser is shown in Figure C.10, and displays an indented listing of model subsystems as distinct

layers in the model. The user can quickly navigate up and down the model by selecting the desired

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layer/subsystem. Similar to a Windows File Explorer window, the user may expand or collapse portions of

the model listing as if they were folders.

Figure C.10 The Simulink Model Browser.

A second way of creating a subsystem in the model is to build it from scratch, by adding an empty

“Subsystem” block from the “Ports and Subsystems” sub-library, then adding blocks to it as needed.

C.4 Multidimensional Signals

“Muxing” together two scalar signals in “vector_examp” was a quick way of creating a multi-dimensional

signal. Another approach is to create them right at the source by defining a block parameter as a vector

instead of a scalar. To illustrate, open the parameter window for the “Sine Wave” block. In the

“Amplitude” box, change the current value of ‘1’ to the two-element vector [0.5 1] as shown in Figure

C.11(a). Re-run the model and see how the dimensionality changes starting at the source.

One key point with multidimensional signals is whether Simulink interprets them as vectors or not. Notice

the checkbox labeled “Interpret vectors parameters as 1-D” at the bottom of the parameter window in

C.11(a). The default setting for the box is to be checked, and in that case, the signals are interpreted as

individuals scalars grouped together, as opposed to being a “vector” in the mathematical sense. If the

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user unchecks the box and re-runs the model (Try it!), the dimension labels will be as shown in C.11(c),

showing the signals explicitly as row vectors ([1x2] or [1x4]). This is the required setting if the model

performs any linear algebra operation on these signals. Since “vector_examp” does not, the model

behavior and outputs are identical under each option.

Figure C.11 Generating vector signals from the source: (a) Parameter window for Sine Wave block; (b)
Signal dimensions when interpreted as 1-D; (b) Signal dimensions when not; i.e., when interpreted as

As a counter-example, the reader is encouraged to open and run the model “vector_examp2”, which

includes a vector multiplication. In this case it is important to uncheck the vector parameters

interpretation box, otherwise the model will crash at run-time (Try it!). The model and results for each of

the two options are shown in Figure C.12. Note that the top-to-bottom order of the input ports in the

“Matrix Multiply” block corresponds to the left-to-right order of multiplication if the equation were


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Figure C.12 Model “vector examp2” with unchecked box shows vector dimensions (a) and results in
correct vector multiplication (c). Same model with boxed checked (b) results in inconsistent dimensions
causing a run-time error (d).

Another type of multi-dimensional signals are those carried by “buses”. A bus is useful for grouping and

transporting signals; it is formed by combining signals using a “Bus Creator” block, which is somewhat

similar to a Mux block. A bus, however, is more flexible and convenient, and coupled with signal labels,

allows better signal management by the user. Figure C.13 shows the block diagram for the model

“Bus_Example.” The first “Bus Creator” block combines three scalar signals into a three-element vector.

The second “Bus Creator” combines the newly formed vector with an additional scalar signal. The

parameter windows shown at the bottom list the signals contained in the bus at any time.

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Figure C.13 Bus example showing Bus formation and signal extraction. Signal labels are not required but
are helpful for management and readability.

Individual (or subsets of) signals are extracted from the bus using a “Bus Selector” block. The parameter

window for this block shows the signals in the bus, and allows the user to select which signals will be

extracted (scalar “a” in the figure). In the block diagram, Simulink automatically adds the signal label <a>

to the “Bus Selector” output wire. For vector signals, individual elements may also be extracted. The

“vector” signal listed in the “Bus Selector” parameter window may be expanded using the drop-down

menu arrowhead, and the individual elements would show as “vector.x”, “vector.y” and

“vector.z,” respectively. Thus, the bus construct may be seen as the Simulink equivalent of a MATLAB


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The last multi-dimensional signal type considered here are “frame-based” signals. Frames are

fundamentally different from previous multidimensional signals. While those previous examples may be

interpreted as values from multiple data channels at each instance of time, a frame is a group of data

samples from the same channel collected over multiple times. Thus, a frame is simply a batch of time

samples. The data rate F r for a frame-based signal is

Fr = Fs / L (C.1)

where F s is the individual sample rate and L is the length of the frame; i.e., the number of samples it

contains. For example, if the individual rate is 1 sample per second, then one frame of L = 8 samples will

have a rate of one frame every 8 seconds.

Frame-based signals may be generated by certain source blocks, or may be created by buffering individual

samples. Both of these methods are demonstrated in the model “frame_vs_sample_examp.” Figure C.14

shows the block diagram and results. Notice the signal dimensions on the wires.

Figure C.14 Frame-based signal example. (a) For a 0 sec stop time, the source-based frame provides an
output, but not the buffered version due to latency. (b) For an 8 sec stop time, buffered version provides
an output, but source-based version has already advanced to the next.

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The top version takes a sample-based (scalar) signal from a standard “Sine Wave” block at a 1 sec sample

rate and feeds it to a “Buffer” block, which is set to collect L = 8 samples. The buffer will not generate an

output until it is filled up, meaning it will take 8 sec to do so. The bottom version uses a “Sine Wave” block

from the “DSP System Toolbox,” which allows the user to define a frame right at the source. This block

will output its first frame at time = 0. Both of these frames run at the same rate of one output every 8 sec,

so the buffered version will always trail the source-based version due to the initial lag in filling up the


Frames are useful when the model requires operating on multiple samples simultaneously; for example,

when performing a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on a vector of time samples.

C.5 MATLAB-Simulink Interaction

Examples of MATLAB-Simulink interaction include the following cases:

1. Using MATLAB variables in the Workspace as Simulink block parameters

2. Running MATLAB code from within Simulink block diagram

3. Plotting Simulink data using MATLAB graphics

4. Running Simulink from MATLAB

5. Reading data from Workspace into Simulink

6. Sending data to Workspace from Simulink

7. Running MATLAB code as a Simulink Callback function

Models illustrating each of these examples are presented next.

C.5.1 Using MATLAB variables in the Workspace as Simulink block parameters

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Instead of using constants as block parameters, a user may conveniently defined them as variables. Since

Simulink can access the MATLAB Workspace, model and block conditions may be quickly modified by

overwriting the parameter values from MATLAB.

Figure C.15 shows a modified version of “vector_examp” where the parameter in the “Gain” block is now

the variable “a”. The variable is defined and easily updated from the MATLAB Command Window. Block

parameters are not limited to just MATLAB variables; in fact, any valid MATLAB expression such as

“sqrt(a)/2” may be used in the block parameter window.

One downside of this approach is the possibility of an oversight in initializing the variables, which would

cause a run-time error. An approach to prevent this is presented in section C.5.7.

Figure C.15 Updating block parameters from the MATLAB Workspace.

C.5.2 Running MATLAB code from within the Simulink block diagram

The “User-Defined Functions” sub-library offers several blocks used to run MATLAB code from a Simulink

model. Model “fcn_examp” demonstrates two example blocks, as shown in Figure C.16. The model takes

a two-element vector created by a “Constant” block, and computes their average value (1.5 in this case).

The first block used to perform this operation is an “Fcn” block. Its usage is straightforward, as it simply

evaluates a general MATLAB expression. The user must type the expression inside the block parameter

window, using “u” as the input variable name. This seemingly small detail tends to trip beginner users.

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Even if the wire leading to the “Fcn” block has a label, that label is unknown to the block; the block only

knows the input values as “u.” If the input is a vector, standard indexing notation applies. For example,

the expression inside the block for this model is

0.5*( u(1) + u(2) ) (C.2)

as indicated on the block itself.

Figure C.16 Selected options for running MATLAB code from Simulink.

The two blocks below the “Fcn” block are copies of the “Interpreted MATLAB Function” block. This very

versatile block enables the user to call any function from the MATLAB library, or to call a user-defined

function m-file. The middle block calls the built-in function “mean,” while the bottom one calls the user-

defined “mymean,” available in “mymean.m”. This block opens a whole new set of possibilities by adding

the full MATLAB functionality to a Simulink model.

C.5.3 Plotting Simulink data using MATLAB graphics

As a follow-on to the previous example, one common application of the “Interpreted MATLAB Function”

is to add a user-defined function to perform plotting. Native Simulink graphics options such as the “Scope”

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block are relatively crude and with limited formatting options, meant primarily as a “quick look” to verify

correct model operation and results. Through an “Interpreted MATLAB Function” block, the full power of

MATLAB graphics is available for creating figures suitable for formal technical presentations and other

purposes. The model “Plot_Sim_Examp” shown in Figure C.17 illustrates this point. Three different sine

waves are observed on a scope, as well as plotted using MATLAB commands. Notice that since the sine

wave signals are sampled-based, they must be buffered before creating the time-based figure in MATLAB.

Figure C.17 Using MATLAB code for improved graphics.

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C.5.4 Running Simulink from MATLAB

The converse of the previous two examples is also true: One can run a Simulink model from MATLAB. The

key MATLAB function is “sim.” Just like any other function, it may be called from the MATLAB command

line or from an m-file. At the very least, the user must provide the model name as an input argument in

the form of a string, such as

>> sim(‘vector_examp’) (C.3)

Other optional input arguments are available, for which the reader is referred to the corresponding online


This is the approach used in the GUI-driven waveform generator model “wavegen” presented in Chapter

7. It calls a Simulink model to create the signal samples.

C.5.5 Reading data from Workspace into Simulink

The block “From Workspace” available from the “Sources” sub-library allows Simulink to read existing

data in the MATLAB Workspace and propagate it through the block diagram. The data may be formatted

as either a timeseries, a matrix, or a structure. Figure C.18 shows the model “inwork_examp”

demonstrating this functionality. Prior to running the model, the following commands must be issued in

the command line:

>> t = 0:0.1:10;
>> x = sin(t);
>> simin = [ t' x' ];

Notice the transpose operators for vectors “t” and “x” to turn them from row into column vectors.

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Figure C.18 Input signals to Simulink from Workspace.

C.5.6 Sending data to Workspace from Simulink

Model “outwork_examp” is the converse of the previous example. It uses the block “To Workspace” from

the “Sinks” sub-library to send data created in Simulink to the Workspace. The model is shown in Figure

C.19. After running this model, data vector “simout” and time vector “tout” will be available in the

Workspace (try it!).

Figure C.19 Output Simulink signals to Workspace.

C.5.7 Running MATLAB code as a Simulink Callback function

Callbacks were discussed in the MATLAB Appendix in the context of GUI actions. Simulink also features

Callbacks, both at the model and individual block level. Here we only consider model-level Callbacks.

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Callbacks enable the user to execute actions at specific points or events, such as when the model is first

opened; when it starts or stops running; when it is saved or closed, etc. The actions are defined in terms

of MATLAB commands that the user must write, so this may be seen as an extension of section C.5.2

(Running MATLAB code from Simulink). However, one important distinction is that while C.5.2 refers to

MATLAB code as part of the block diagram; i.e., operating on the Simulink signals themselves, here we

refer to MATLAB code used for management and control.

Callback functions are defined in the “Model Properties” window, which may be accessed in at least three

different ways. The easiest one is to simply right-click anywhere in the model background, then select

“Model Properties” from the menu that appears. This opens the window shown in Figure C.20,

corresponding to “vector_examp.” Selecting the “Callbacks” tab shows the list of available functions.

Figure C.20 (a) “Model Properties” window when it first opens on the “Main” tab. (b) “Callbacks” tab
showing the available model-level Callback functions.

The box area to the right of the Model callbacks list is the area where the user would write the MATLAB

code for the Callback. The user should be careful in ensuring they write the code in the correct Callback.

In C.20(b), the line at the top of the box reads “Model pre-load function,” which is easy to miss. To write

a different Callback, for example an Initialization (“Init”) Callback, the user must select (click) “InitFcn”

from the list, then the top of the box will read “Model initialization function:” instead.

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The user may write MATLAB commands explicitly in the box, or write them in a script m-file and specify

the script name in the box. One straightforward but useful example of an “InitFcn” Callback is to initialize

all the block parameters that use MATLAB variables, as discussed in section C.5.1. This Callback executes

automatically upon the user pressing the “Run” button. Setting an “Init” script to define model parameters

can potentially minimize human error by eliminating the requirement to manually defining them prior to

running the model. This approach is used routinely in this book’s models.

Another Callback example used when the model creates MATLAB figures is to close them when the model

is closed. This is achieved by setting the “CloseFcn” Callback to execute a “close all” command.

C.6 Additional Topics

This tutorial has only scratched the surface in presenting Simulink functionality. Again, the objective is not

to serve as a comprehensive treatise, but to offer the Simulink novice the minimum information to

negotiate the models in this book successfully. There are a few additional features that are used in this


• Enabled Subsystems: These are subsystems that execute based on an external control signal going

“high,” i.e., becoming greater than zero. The waveform generator Simulink model from Chapter 7 is a

good example of using “Enabled Subsystems”.

• Masked Subsystems: A mask may be added to any subsystem, which gives it a similar look and feel as

a library block. When double-clicking a masked subsystem, instead of opening the subsystem to view

its content, the mask appears, looking similar to a parameter window from a library block. The mask

is highly customizable to set up initial conditions, a block description, and other useful features. The

object (target and radar) dynamics blocks used to test the “Target Generator” model in Chapter 14

are examples of masked subsystems.

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• User-defined libraries: A user may create reusable custom blocks and place them in a user-defined

library. The library file may be created from scratch from the Simulink Start Page. Simulink also offers

information on adding the user-defined library to the Library Browser for easy access. The object

(target and radar) dynamics blocks used to test the “Target Generator” model in Chapter 14 are

custom masked subsystems that exist in the user-defined library “MS_Models”. This library is shown

in Figure C.21.

Figure C.21 User-defined library “MS_Models.” The three Dynamics blocks on the left are masked

The following features are not used in the book examples, but are mentioned here for general reference.

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• Debugger: The Simulink Debugger allows the user to step through the model one block at a time,

and then examine the model conditions and signals as needed. The user may insert break points,

overwrite values, and perform other actions similar to the MATLAB debugger.

• Triggered Subsystems: Another conditionally-executed subsystem, similar to Enabled Subsystems

but executing only on a control signal transitioning low-to-high and/or high-to-low.

• Atomic Subsystems: Subsystems that are evaluated as a single unit, as opposed to regular

subsystems (called “virtual” subsystems) where the execution order of the model may be such

that it goes into and out of the subsystem multiple times. All Enabled and Triggered Subsystems

are Atomic Subsystems. A virtual (regular) subsystem may be treated as an Atomic Subsystem if

the user chooses that option in the block parameter window.

• Block-level Callbacks: Each Simulink block can have its own set of Callback functions. The Callbacks

list may be accessed by right-clicking on the block and selecting the “Properties…” option from

the menu. This will open the window shown in Figure C.22, which corresponds to the “Gain” block

in “vector_examp.”

• S-Functions: S-Function (or “System Function”) blocks provides a way to bring in legacy code

written in other languages such as C, C++ and FORTRAN and run it from the Simulink model. S-

Functions serve as a “wrapper” to these external programs, which are compiled as MEX files using

the MATLAB “mex” utility.

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Figure C.22 Block properties window with block-level Callbacks list.

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