Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited

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ARG & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT ‘oshe Membes of Bhan Real atte Developers Pate Lied Reporiom the Audit af he In AS Finacial Statrnents Opinion ‘We hae suit th acompanying Ind AS focal semen of Bann Rea East Bevopes Para iid (be Campnny, which somprise the Babee sec tt Mach 3,202 the Seat of Poe ta Los, inet se sateen of Otte Comprehensive laome the Gch How Stement sad ‘Suet of Changes in Eat for the yer then cade aod ats to the fae sates, neg ‘sonny of sinc accountng pole snd ee esplmtoy foes Inowcopnon ato the est of on iafoemton ad acon te caplanations gents he fred Jn 8 Gompeisnemens ye the information sexi by he Compas Ac 2S Pte Ace) ode Imiant wore an sve» te ad fi wew contort wth tbe tcousting pee pesca cece in Ini, of the vate of alas of the Copy at Nath 1, 3022, siege ‘ompatensne income, is csh Ros the eae ney he eee a tht ne Sani for Opinion ‘We conduc oat ait of the Ind. facil saan assontnce wih the Stns on Ain (Sasha speed wader scion 490 ofthe Ac. Our sspoasies under tse Sos he creda the “Adon Responses forthe A ofthe IAS Fanci Sten eon ef ‘mpot We ate independent ofthe Company in seconance wi he Code of Biles seedy te lest ‘of Chad Accountants of Ti ogee ith thecal epterents tase loot oes bs mane stements under the provitoas ofthe Aet ad he Rules tee nde, awe ae led one er heal esponaaties in acordance with thee rues sate Cov of ace We bene hee the mutes we have osne ic sfiet ad ppp a pov bars fro at opasen oa "he Ind AS nec cements {nfoxmation Other than he Financ Statements an Audi's Report Theteon ‘The Companys Boat of Diero i respon forthe prepuaton ofa infomation. The other information compeses th infomation ictal in the Antal spars tt dacs aoe clase ada inc samen a obra’ pon hen (opin othe fd AS Sani saements do torre other ifb mana ad wed nt expe ‘ny orm of sence concen erom, In conection wih our aut of te [oS Facil scent, our responiy i to vend the other ‘sfouaton an, in doing so, conser whee the oder infoumation meal acnasen wth te Saoueal sates “out knowlege obtined i ee auc crv pens oh mtn tse on the wook we have pexfrmed we conchae that heres mater mister of hs other ‘afomaton, we ae egued opt tt Gt. We hve nating to epithe won| 4417419, Ath Floor, Tower -B, Pearls Omaxe, BA, Netaji Subhash Place, Plampura, New Delhi 110034 Ph e81-11#7019839, 47082738 Esai arg@arg natin Webel: wwe in esponsiblites of Management forthe Ind AS Financial Sestements The Companys Hoa of Deco eepobefr the mates sted in eso 1345) af the Ac ith ‘pet the preprtion of these Ind AS Bal neon a pe ie ad i a of he nana Postion, Emi perfomance ein ohe compchcome nea coh wes and hae in a of be Company imaceoinne wh the acount bees oneal aceped Ia, ching he Inn ‘coun Stas ed 8) oped nde ecu 138 of the Act ead wa he Compas (nd ‘coun Steeda) Ra, 2015, a sneal)-This posi abo cides wnntenanc fei sxcwnting cols scorlance wh the provons ofthe Act for afpurdng of th ace ofthe Comma aod on preventing nl deteing Td od ber igus eecton and appa of ‘gpropete conning poi racking lgment sd eters tte renoosbe ad pce td he ‘Ege nplmenton and canenanee of neque steal fanch conto, that mere Opening, ‘ctl for enmning he senc and compton of the scouting cod, lei the leptin ‘of preset of te Tod 8S aca tment tht ive ae a ae and ee nea in pepating the nd AS Gach stents, management eponsib for aening te Company’ abty ‘Scontne 4 oingconcer,Sacong apical mates led ging once sug te ing ‘cnc bas of counting lee agape ee intends to bate te Company Yo ee pcos, oat elt sere batt dao The Bon of Dic ae ako reponse for vein the Companys ancl eponting proce Andis Reepo tes in sonable sane hot whether AS Fnac ntemente a2 woke fiw fom steal missnsnen, whet de w fod oer alt eae an aad prt hat icles or opinion. Reson mune i igh vel sunt ot oman ta it ‘ce ae ecrdasce wth Stn wl aye tect neal maaan hes xs Memes ‘cv atise fom nad or oe and ke Gonder mate isl on the age thy ok ‘sonaly be expected to nonce the enon deca of cs eke onthe bs tse To AS saa sateen ses othe Aut ofthe Ind AS Finacial Statements spt of on au in accorance with Sg, we exe profs jen ao mst profesional seeps dnghout eae Weslo deny ni ses te sik of mel mistsement ofthe In AS Soni ste, whether de te fim or exo, design md pent sud precedes response to tov sy ud obtain ait idence the ict and sppopt to pride a fora pains The wh fon deen "mer misttement esi om Gd i igh than or one ein fom ex, ay ‘avo olan, oe, nentonal onions, msrepresetatons, ofthe ete of ect. * Obtain an undending of inte contol rlevant othe ult one design lt peter ‘hare appropri nth ceases Under secon HG) of he Ac we esha ep fo "exes ont pinion on wheter he Company aaa ttl nc conta pla edhe open efectvents of uch conte + Brute the sppcpitenees of scouning pb wd inde sonable of acoumng exits sd setenv sade by nage + Conciteon th appropinteess of name’ eof the going cone bt of mounting and, Insc onthe at erence obtained wheter met wocertany xt stl io sxeis oF Sein: Phar aay cast sean doubt onde Cspny’'s ay to cmt «pone. ‘ee conchde hits motel wneertny xa, we me ete to dew tention a out mo ep Totheselited daclnarer i the facil stents ch dalwues anaes to mow om ‘pion. Our concasns ae aed on theaters aan pet of oat ep lowere, auc event ot condo may ean the Company oe cone going conn + Brahe the ove presenti, ste ad content of the Ind AS fanclytcnent acing, thedielosies, and wheter he ad AS fi sets epee the ne otto a (cot ia a mae that achieve pee, ‘We cena wh thot chug wih gorecaace sping, snong be mate, pled Kope ‘nding ofthe nt alpine nd Ec, nai sgiiant faa nett coe ‘ewe deny ding our ane ‘Wesho yrviesdhos hag wi pvemane wih a teen tht we ve complied wi elvan tia sso rept ndependene ano crm wth ht a clone sd fe tes tht ay eon be hog to er op our ingens, ad wher pla eed efor Report on Other Legal ana Regulatory Regiements 1s gt by the Compniss (Anda? Report) Onde, 2020 the One, sed bythe Cente ‘Goremmenf Iain ev of ab secton( 11) tion LS ofthe At we ge mien 8 svincont on the mnt pcs in pap and of the Oder 2. Asrequed by Secon 1486) ofthe Ac, we pont hat (0 We have ough a ebaine a he informatie and expluoatons which to te Best of ur now ad bebe wee nse forte pao of on rade © Im pina prs of a at pe yee bea ety he Co ‘appears of tne bk (© The Dame Shes, the Sttement of Peas and Lore incalng the Steneat of Other Competes Income, he Cah How Stent ad Seren of Change in Byaty de oe bys Report arn serch the oko acount (© two pinion, the aforenid tnd AS Sui snements omy wih the Aecoumting Smad specie unde Secon 133 ofthe Ae red wath Compan an Secon Smarts) le, 25, amend (©) Oa the bss of he wstenrepesenatins xed rom the ctor ton Match 31, 2022 ken ‘on seonl bythe Bod of Decor none ofthe dco nui eso Mae! 3, 212 fsa ‘Bg spate ss deeorin tee of Secon 16) of he et (© With ropes to the alec ofthe ema Sausci conte over fn apoting ofthe Company with rfsence to thee Ind AS final atnete and te operite Mee ot sich orto, refer onset Repo in "Aanesue Bt erect, (@) he provon oft 19 awh Schl Vo tA a oot ape carpy Gr the yeaended Md 3 21 " " (8) i pect tothe other mites oe acho te Ato?’ Report in ccna wth Rae 1 of he Companion ad Adon) Rar, 2044 9 mended out opinion a othe bet of ‘ur inoumation accretions peso {The Company docs noe ay pending igo which wouldnt ts Rane postin, |i The Compaay di not have any og tem contracts inching desatve contact fox which share were any aera foeeeble oes, it ‘There wee no amounts which were euitl t etnsered to th Invest Een Preecion Fund bythe Compuy 2} The Managenent has peste at 0 the eto it crag an bebe de {whic ae atl er uly oc te pret) hve ben acumen tiny ther em bowed ono sb ean aay eter oes Had fund) by the Company wo ors ay other posom ety, cady Fas ct (lnm, wih the underndingwhethe rood swing etre tek "he Ineo shal, whet, ety or ndtv ther pao ok ‘iss enfin in ay nner wbaeore by oo ofthe Cony Uae eveteawe) or pale ay coe, eo the ie Blof te bate by The Manage as tpn ht the bes ofits wedge anew nde {uli are marae nda inte ape) he een ciel by te Company fm any person o nm nein reg ery Candin Pe?) eth he ‘etting, water ended weing or thera, tht tbe Compas bees ley oat, or ives i ether pero ones ete ay ats whisocrerby oan bea ofthe Funding Pay Climate Beet" pe ao, ane, een or eke elo the China Bese ©) aso oa the ali proces tht have bon conse tonal a pop athe cuttin, song ha came to our soe ta he enue ewe tht the ‘sprsenttions under sb-hane () and fof Re 1,9, prove! bade @) sod) "Nove, contin ay motel matutement | The comproy soot pid or dca ey iad dung the yea, econdinghy the porn of| seston 123 of the Act aze 8 apple he men For and on Beha of ICAI Fim Regn No O10630N/NSO036 Plc: Gara Due Apel, 32 UDIN- 22 S4STIBAITIRE NSS 4 “Annenure AY to the Audite's Report of eten date the members of Bhamial Real Estate Developers Private Listed, on the Ind AS financial statment forthe year ended on Match 3, ma, asd onthe auc procads pfx othe parpone of expen st oto onthe te a ivi ‘ofthe nd 48 fig sot of he company ted coseng the nformaton ma explains gen to mpl books of ream nod ote ecards proved ous dng the noma cou of we ey povies 9} lnsspet of Companys Propet, Plo and Bauipent sa Image Assets 4) Sc the Company doesnot hae ay rps, Pa Een al eye Ane, hee "eporig under ce 3) (3 sa) of the order ino apse wo the company. She the Company des ot at ny Pry, tn aap, poring nde case 3) ofthe onder ot pablo the open. ©), Sace there no memorable prope he compan, becewpnting wader cae 3) ofthe ‘ners not appl he open ‘Se he Company doe ot haves Pp, Patan mn hse at both epi under case 3} ofthe deri ot mpc the Company. ©) Aes infamation explains to repcsentons gen oy the manages mo ‘proceeding ha been nated rare penn ape the ema Fr hl ey besa popes ‘Soler Seam Tacos Probbinon) Act, 688 an ees me thereon » 4 ® (©) mone opinion and aeoeing to the noma & explain gen ou, the pee of Pyocal vast of nets Cae yt eee eee Inno rts se of he Campus a att of ners No tepid ewes Piya tk ad book code (8) coming wo the information & explain pen tou the Company it aot ea sac working capil nis exces of 3 ere, in green any points oie ding et fo Sans Brant ieins onthe bi ey of cae et ad ence posting le sls 803) ofthe Orders at apse i) Acentiog the infbemation&explition gest us, ding the yur the Company hs ot rove sy scat or guste pte ay lan advance i he taro any eed ‘or unucted to companies, fm aad ined Ibi patie orth ts one eo he coring ane cw 3) 6) 0 fhe okra a pai he in) tmouropinion and acon to the information and explanation resto he campy a 9 fone sn lows to dastr/ toa campacy stich deo meet to whe pois ‘fied in fh secon 185 ofthe Companies Ac 2013 apply a eae ot ees po Ta ‘ue pion a ect the tomato and expnton gen oa, rove of 186 of he {Conan et, 2018 8 espa of nts ad ees gen hae fen compl with by he Accom th nfomaion & expansion ea ows, Company hs not cepteday depo or tmours wich are dened to be dont ene, oping ee cane 38) of the Oskr ot epee ¥)—Mamtnc feast cond has not bem pei by te Cantal Govern de sh ection (Oatvetion 148 of the Comparer Aer 201 forthe Dine aces cated ony tae Company. "Hens reporog wer ce (ofthe Ones ao apprae tthe Compa. i) Tneepee of coy des 2) Accidents ofthe company, the company general oli depsing undp sto hes ing provident Rnd, explope’ ft unace cameo, ee ence tax dry of eaters, duty fecal nl cn and yor stony des ppt Acortng to she nrmstion sad explains gine ws 0 undated amon payable in ‘pet of income ts, wealth see le cor eke dye ed a {nd cw were standing, Ne I, 2022 ors peo so thas oa fom he ae ‘hey Boame pie 1) As pert information ad explanations pve 0 wdc eee sl) ae pending ‘wh have bee at deposited on sent of syd ‘l)_Accorting othe information explanation gic oun these were no tasting © viol tmeconed ene ot hve Bees eer dled wince eng Yak ‘tee asesnens ender the aco Tx Ac 196% 9 of 1963) 9) Sec cote information explanation gen 0 wth Company fas ot key any as ot ‘tbr brsowings rm any ear Fence epenang ences Say ote One ae ‘plc 1) esd the formation & explontion gen ote Companys ot een decd ‘ill dtees by ny be Banca ston or ote nde ©) Acct othe nfomaton & expleato gent he Company br aka any J ‘hein the year nd thee eno outage oes tthe beng oe ea hence ‘sponges clause Ma) ofthe Onder nt spl 19) th tron crpisaton pen moan ove examination he eee Suet ofthe Company, fare on shea bse have, po face nat ewe hing he yee foe no en parose byt Company 1) Accord fo the foros Sexplniton piven au Company ha ot ken af ‘ny enti o¢ peson on xecout of orto mt he blondie rine oat cen he informatio explant gen 0, Company ha ot ised ons on ‘ll of sce id by sabe, pont vents or aie lence oeag on Sse ofthe Orde wo app » 5) Acsoing to he information dc explain gitea ow the company has vs mone by way fn pub offer far publi offered st stn) Secon te provisos oF dnse 9) of the onder sno appeal, ) Company has not made any pretnetil tlcat opiate cement of sate a ene betes Acorn th provision of de 38) ofthe oder aot apa » (©) Toth bet of ourkaowleige and According tthe informtion & explain ent 20 {ei by th Company ay fad on the Company hs bee note ot pete Suny he ete Acosta th provston of cise 3) te ode = wo pliable (©) According the infornmton& explanation pen no we we comp es been eee ding the Jeary op, i) [nov opinion sl aconting othe information & exptantion gv oa te company 6 mot ith company. Hence te provi of ce (19) ofthe onder ental tthe omer, =) ) ~) =i) =) » contig the fon expos ren ww ll anaconda Seton 188 fan At ae comple with Secon 18 ond dete of tee tama per lr [the Fanconi Pr Secon 177 ofthe Act ot pcb he Compan coating oe infomation explains ve 0 us, Company oes aor hae itera ait ‘rem a ot mgued 9 havea ternal ut ten wader provisions of Sein 138 fhe AGE eeontingy poring ver cst 8 (i) aa) ofthe Onde nor apable othe nar opinion the Company be at etd int ay aon ash unsttns with it Dict ox eons connected wih dts seed unde proving f econ 192 ofthe Comps 1) sour opi ad ccd nh notion explain ge he compa otro be eps ner recon 1514 ofthe Raeres Ba finde et 198, ‘ecg th province 3) a) ofthe me apa 1) Tour pute dee no cone ivenmentcompaoy within de group. Zee, the proiann of cue Sse) fhe ones ot applet he emp "he Company hs ocued ee ose dar the sacl ea of Rs 2 Lae and Re S859 athe dag hema pecs nail ee ‘Tera bon testo ofthe stutter ators ofthe Compa sig he ee (Oa he bss te Gn as, aging and expected date of ration of Buc acs sd pment of Snascl nbs, her fonmaon sccrpaosing te Sania sree aout Etowlege ofthe Bont of Dixcts and Management an and based on ou exainaton ofthe ‘vadeneenppariog te ssumption, ting hi ome oo tet wich came wo lve ttnrany teal cersny ex po he ate the anspor esing tat Company {sl of meting eis existing the dae of bance set mad when the al de win ‘esod of one yess fm the snc shct ae We Bowever, ste ht has aoa staene tothe ure ie ofthe Congy, We fer stat tat ur epotng bed on te ct 10 the at of the ue separ and we eer pve ty gate a say src ha abies fling de within pound of one yor ost the bac set dat, wil get dicing bythe Compo ad wen hey a cconing 1 the information expansions gen tw, compsny i ot rund 0 make any ‘xpeoine under earpote socal roponhiy under provion of vceuno 135 of the Ack ‘Aceonigy th poison of coe a) 8 othe ede nt apa othe emp. Forandon tha of Mfinbentip No. 51798 TEAT Fi Re, No O1OSUN/NSI0036 Plc: Gurr Dae Apa, 2022 VOI 225457 VeAITIRE 43S4 “Anmesure— BP to he Audion’ Report ‘Report om the Internal Financial Contos under Case () of Subsection 3 of Secon 15 ofthe (Companies, 21 be Ace) 'mcononctio wt our at ofthe Ind AS San tment ofthe Company a of fr the year ee arch 3,202, weaves hentia ves neal poco Bhd Res ate Developers Private Line ‘Managements Responsibly for Inemal Financial Contoe ‘The Respective Bont of Dice oh company, se rponsibe or erabhing ond maining ca Sinanel cons bed onthe trl conel ores faecal ping eer col ye Company onsieang te cnet eomponcnt of tte cntel stl im the Guance Now As of aera Famocl Contos “ver FamncalReposing uct by fc Insite of Chartered Secon of dat [CICAT) The reponse pclae the deg ingementntion ad smn of suns oa finan connate opening effec freanang he nly lien conde ofits bie, inclu lheence a compan’ pol, the negro ts aca he prevention aid den 08 Fide aa eno, the cercy ad comple ofthe acon co and tency peep of ‘ela nel latin ol ude the Companies ce 2003 Auton” Responsibiiy (ue sespansiiiy ist expres a8 pion the Company’ ntl ancl contol net Sse Istermat Finca Contos over Finncal poring ie "Guidance Note) Sed by [CAT aod the ‘Sedu on Sing sued by ICAT nd deemed to be preseason 10) othe Companies ‘At, 2013, to de ctet apeabe wo ma of neal fal cont bt re ye Lae of ‘Chacered Accoustet ote Thoe Ss he Genet Note neta we comp wih ha ‘ogements nd pn sad pero the auto obtain sncanble ikea Hoa whther etal finned eomcols over Bascal repre wae cbsed and tonne and ace cols opted Mfc nll tral pect, (Our mud ivotes performing procedures to obin audit esdeace shout the any ofthe neal Siancl conwob system over Suan eprtig a hee Gp eficctveners Oru of nen five eonol ove neal porta ede obtain mean of ra ral cones over nnd reponing, sessing he kt a teal wears ety td esa ad enn he ‘nat epestingefevenes of zl ctl al on the meee ih The press sce ‘pend on the mud’ udgnent, neaing the semen 0 het of ial nent off oun sateen, hehe dr fo fend oxo ‘We belive tht the nat eines we have owing sulin abd appropiate to pone bi for oe sl opinion onthe Compasses Sania conta syn xt aa pring Meaning of feral Financial Contiols Over Financial Reporting A company's ira nanchlcoowol over Sams epoca 4 poss Jig to pn rexonble tumuccereging the ey of fincalrgocing sod the germs et anal semen fot ‘ral purposes in acoelnee wath genes acerte counting spe compan era foal ‘Snwolove intl eporing cade thow plead poeedne tI) porto the mainenanee of tecrds ht in reasoned cert af wet the tne sd poston of the en ‘ofthe company) ponideretonabl ence tnt tensions ate tecrdel wy meceztyW Feat ‘pepatatin of finch semen’ is accordance wih nel accepted secon pss that Fcgrs md apenas of the company ae bang fade ly accordance wih aersasons of ‘manassien an ctor of the company: a G) prove eapomble sure rating erst of indy decoa of unauthorised sso, ws, or daposion of he companys nes dt oul ave a tt ffs ow te Ind AS Gan ste erent Limitations o tnternal Finacial Control over Financial Reporting Beene of se inet lmiaton of intemal fnanclconal oes facil sporting inching the postisy of cllion or inpope mangement overale fcntehy atl isemese act er nud ms) accu ad not be dete Ako projecaone of any eahnton of he neal Ean contol ‘ver Boe sepring ofr pve ate sj othe tak tat theft faa eonol over nunc cpr nay aco adequate bras changin condos ori he dep of comptes sh the plics or procedes my dee Opinion ws eacopison he Company hal tri espe an aut teal ancl oot tem over Facil repo on och trol Gamal eons eves Geen porting were operating ce 8 1 Mc 3,32, a the eral contol ve Game repo eer exabbed ty he Company ont the enenalemnponet femal contol xe oe Gane Note om Ait of Tetra mci Cele Over Fnac Reporting need by he ICAL ARG & Co LLP Mayank hing Pate enlersip No, 545798 ICAL Fas Reg, No: D1DSNY/NSOONSG Pe Gorge Dine pa 3022 ow 22545 748q i TIRENS Sy, ‘att an ett hep niin acs, Ne Compe Ne Dab 1S ‘otal apes a 1 Low apn ma ow mn a Ee ch aid st ern sam | yeASH FL PROM OPERATING ACTIVI ona 2 son ‘rain on wig ces — i men. Manone seca (ene a sy (fcrnenn 2 Comm mine an ay ES mayne ein ons — Se tenn tnieso) = ~ ‘vc cece tm opening wnt) as 3s Incision oatinsne acne Temeneecd ap os wu calant on S at iw toed eg —s Sh ‘6 cxersow pros emeaNciNG ACTIVITES ‘anime rhein i vse ‘Sew ed mani tite) —s eine thal ath pn (SBC) ——— STEN lgen tyr ene = CTSEASfactnwnsntarocpeeme i Fe | | fmt ase oe ca, ‘Sem Cage ye Pkt San 32 1? Comp halon wy ee ns D9 cngen 0s snmp da pcan is o pe sepndade T ecoae Fond al ot ar andon bebi oho of acts ‘ANG & C0 LLP a ones ae ai CN amg USNS) : Mong Jenn Kar Pa Xeep Nn 9570 pin osc? vn soa ‘Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, UAS201D1.2006PT C147562 Registered office -E, handewalan Extension, Naas Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055 ‘Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 Mazch 2022 14. Cosporate information eee ar Developers Private Ltd (the Company) engaged pinay i the business of eal estate aaa i option uf the Company puna pect of ea exe develpoen om he entiation Sorte ofa to planning, execton, constctinn and makeing of projet Th: Company private rar reethy dane Inds tds incorporated under the provisos of th Comyanis Act appli in Phe gered ffi is andewalan Extension, Nae Cinema Comples, New Dab 110058, Del ‘he financial statements or the year ended 31 March 2022 were aod and approved bythe Board of Diseetors con Forinue on 1902022, 2, Significant accountng policies 2.1 Basis of preparation ‘the Goan statements ofthe Company have xen preps accordance wih the Indian Accounting Stands tiatltr a oe he Ind AS) as sos by Ministry of Compras Acs (ME unde Secon 133 of eeetdce Acs 2013 (er) rad withthe Companies Gian Accounting Stina) Els, 2015, a amended a cara sad preston squint of bron I of Seed othe Comganier Act, 3013 Gnd AS compliant Seele l}), aplcable tothe nan xeon. “The nani triers Neve been prepared on» ging concer basic in accordance wih sccunting pics Meseeipte pra nda Farther, fe nna sarenes have ben peared on toc cst bbs excep Ot aoe eeEh sed Goan bis which ce nemo tb aes a expan in reerant ccounting [ulin The changes in accuntng poe re epi in note 2) ‘he nani statements ae presented in Rupes in Lacy, excep when others indie 22 Summary of igifcant accounting policies 4) Current and non-curtent clasification “The Company presets anes ad ais inthe Balance sheet bused cument/non-carentcsenion An sein ened cen when it > Expected tobe relied or intended oe toi oe consumed in noma opening eye Held psa fo the purpose of ting, spend ta be rele win swlve months afer dhe reporting pion oF 5 Cauhor es equivalent ures resected rom being exchanged or uct ee any for ates wee months fe the eparing petiod Allother ast elie as non-core ‘A aire hes > teiseapects oe sett in noc operting cyl > Teisheld prima fo he purpose of eat Ieiedue to be scl within swelve months afer the eeporting pti, oF T -theces no uncondiina hto dee the etiennt ofthe labiy for ares ree months afer the sporting pod ‘he Company aif al ethe abies as non-cren fre tx aes ad labiltes te lif a on-current ates an bites hoping iene een foe processing nd thee alton neath and eh Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited (CIN No. UAS201DL2006P TCH7562 Registered office : LE, Jhandewalan Extension, Naxz Ci "Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 March 2022 1) Proper, plan and equipment Reng an iia moose Proper plant an equipment thet inal cee te ted a hi oe of aquson. On tanto to tnd AS. the Company had lected to mesure ll of proper plan aod exipment a the previous GAAP exrying ‘le (eemed con), The oe compres purchase ice borowing cos expilzation exe nc and die Theale cot of binging the net os work conten forthe ntnded we. Any tle discount ad rebates fre deduct in ating atthe purchase ce. Subscue cst ae iced i the asses caring amount or ‘cognne a cparte shee peop, oly wen tis prone Fost economic bene associated ith the em oil dow to the Conan. When signin pars oF plan ad equpment ae reed to be replace a Interaly the Company depectes them spurl bed On thie spee well lives bese, hen » major inspeton i poor i cnt ecg in the cary moun ofthe pana expen as» replacrnent ifthe engation cates ace said. Al oth sop and maintenance Coss te fecognist n statement of peo felosas peuted The Compan tence an texines eon ofeach epoca ae of he asset separ if ‘hecemponent pat have cov thich gent tothe ttl ont ofthe ast and as ws fe thats ater deren! fe that of de oman ase Suh meme! (grein aed fo) Propet plot snd eipment ate subsequent metre a cost et of accumusted depron and accumslated {npuirnon sees, sean. Deprecation on propery, plan and spent provided ona stnihtelne bass over Th crumated wnt lve ol the ce ptcbes Sched to the Cypales Ace 203, “The tesa values, wef ves and method of dpecition ae sevewed at the en of ech Finca yar and sted prospect ppropeate Dermegiioe [Anitem of pope lint and equipment nl ny sgtcant pail recognises de-eognised upon disposal tan no utr etmomic beef arc expected fom ee or dposa. Aa gain ot losing on e-reeogiton tthe ast clealted ete ference tween the ne poral proceeds apd he cry amount of he asset i inden the statement of prof andlons when the ast deco ©) Capital woricin-progress Capital workin progress epesents expen incited in respect of eapialpojects unde development and are ‘ced cont ler acted impaimment low, if any Cost inches land relate acquisition expenses, ‘development/ constrain cot boring cot and ther cet expedite 8) Iaventores + Construction worn progres of constructed props incide the cox ofan Gain developmen sights lindlndunderagrement ops) ane developmen cosy, cater develope hares, eonttcton ‘ont avethend, borrowing cot Fiveatorsaton esters are met, development cmsroction mara ade ‘aed a wer of ot) ental coe i et elle vale “+ Consmicton/evelepment mate tvs at lower of cont and net resale vibe. Cost comprises of purchase pce and other oss incur in bringing te inventor othe presen lotion and enon Com is dtmined on weighted average bats, ‘Net reaiable values the estimate sling price inthe ony course of busines le xinated costs of cmpltion td enna conts nee to nae desl 19) Revenue fom contractor services with customer and other teams of revenue ® ‘Bhamini Real Estate Developers Pavate Limited CIN No. Ut5201D12006P TC17562 Registered office : LE, Jhandewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055, "Notes to Financial Statemtcnts forthe year ended 31 March 2022 Revere frm comtcts wth customers ie secogiuod when contol af he goods oe sevcs ae tnsfeted othe ‘Sutmer its enum that rele the consideration to-whih the Company expect fo be sailed in exchange for those goods oe servis Revenue x measured a the fi vale ofthe considenton reciedl/wcvabe king int account comtmactally, {istned em of pyroent tad exclding taxes or dis coll Beal of de rover ands tof rebates ‘ha acount The Company assesses even arangenets ans peices to Otermine eis acing Pipl or pent The Company har conchae tit acting a3 pia i al fs retenve serngements even i eognised ia the income statement to the extent tht itis probable hat dhe economic henfits wil ow {othe Company andthe revenue and cos, apeabl canbe measuted eal ‘he Company has applied five scp mode spe Ind AS 115 Revere from contracts wih customers to recogise ‘even oth foancal statements The Company staes a perormance obligation and cogises revenue ever fine i one of the following estes nee +) The customer simultaneously recive an consume the beefs provided by dhe Compiy’s perfermance the Company petro 1) The Compuny's psfarnance creates or enhances an aeet Ua the cstomeeconcls the tet cco o enlanced ot {The Company’s performance doesnot eee an at wihanaeratve eto the Corpany andthe ey as Sh cnforceale og to pent for perormance empleo or perfomance oiigntions where any ofthe above condone ate noc met reve cyte atthe pit tinct which dhe pertormance obgaon ae Revenues copied either at pint of time or vera peo of ine base on vasows condons as neudin he contac cuter cto ate pee even i sccognised atthe Point in Tine wet ale of ral exte wit, ineading land plots, apartment commercial omits development gs ax and when the contl passer of tothe caste whieh eucies with Fring over ofthe possesion to the estore ner peti inme Ther eon fom banks i accounted for on a accra bass om tne proportion bas king into acount the mount oustanding and rate apple The discloses of significant accounting judgement, estimate and arsuptions elaine revense fom contaets vith estonic ate provided in note 22 (9 Cont of evente Con of consrcted propery, nce cox of lnd aching cot of devlopment ight/land ner agreements te purer, estimated internal development cont exteral development charges, bing eos overheads ‘Countucton cont and develpnent/ constriction mater whith ie charge to the stzment of pit and los Insel onthe rercbuetecognied a explned in acounting poly for revenue fem ral estat projets above, fonsomunce with the concep of ching cots an even ial ajstment sade on empltion ofthe specie projet Borrowing costs ‘ormowing con dctlysttbuableto the aoguton and/or consrweton/prodution ofan ase cat necessary fhker ubseml pre of tne to gt ready fo i nerd ne ose are epee pt ofthe cost of the {Secu Alothr boxowing cnt an ung the Hstement of prot and os a ineured Borrowing cot comet bi \Be ‘Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, U45201D1.2006PTCH7562 Registered ofice : LE, Jhandewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055, [Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 Match 2022 ofimtrest and oer cost that the Company inc in connection with the borowing of ands. Bortowing ost ko Inches exchange diffescoces tothe even rear a an adjustment ode boone os Wy Taxes ‘Cuneatincome as Tax expense rengiz in stement of profit and ous comps the om offered tac cuent except te mes rengnited mother comprehensive meme o ely ine (Caren ncn ax sts and bls ate mann atthe amount expected to be reotered om oF paid the {suo sues. Caen ox determined a thet pale in rspet of tae rome for the Year andi eompotedin accordance wt leant ax eulations. Carer income a eating ote weognised outside prot ‘eles ecopized ovbide profit or low (ether iv cher compecheniv incon in ci) Comment xe ae ‘copied in comcaton tothe underpng transaction ether OCI or Gece. Managenentperioaly ‘Sales porns ten inthe tax returns wit espe fo situations a wich pple eglaone ae bet to intpectiton an estibishes rotone where spprepeiate Defaradase fered ext provided wing the abty method on temporaydilferecss bere the tx bases of assets and Talis aed ther cine omni fo nancial epering passes atte eprint. Defer tn ect ae copied oral dedubeenpocty ferences, the ary forwan of unused tx credits tn any unseen: Deere tnx ast ate esoghised tothe extent tht tk probabe tat able prod wll ‘aval agent which the deductible tempore eens andthe cas forward of used ex credit nd ‘ocd tse can be etd The careing sown of defers ts ast i reviewed a cach reposting dat and edad 0 the exten that it 0 longer probe ht sulicent taxable prof wil be aval allow’ all or pat of the dered tax asset to be ttleed Unrecognaed deere tx setae essen teach sporting dite and te teocgnzed othe ete that ‘ths become probed ire teable profit wallow dhe delered ta ane wo be feotere Defers x sets and lbs ae micas tthe tx ites that ae expected to apply the year when thease ‘eres or the aly std, be oa tax te (and tne ays) that have been enacted o® stanly nace the epoting date ere ox reiting to tems ecgise utd prof ls recopited ouside proto ss (ther i other ‘ompreenave incone ot equ, Deleted tix ems ae rcognined in corrtion tote unde transaction Chern OCI or diel in equ. Dred tase nd fered txts te offer iol enforceableight exits toset off eure assets pint cunt te ables nd he deere tax st to these table entity and there tao aor Sales tax / value added taxer/ GST pa on acquisition of assets oro incuting expenses penser and sets ar ecorie net ofthe amount of ale x value aed txes/ Goods and series tox pid, excep When the tx incured on purchase of ase o series is nt recoverable from the tonto authori which Che the a i eg 8 part the con of egston ofthe ato par ofthe expente te cae When sosvable and payable are tated wth dhe amount of x inci ‘The et aman of tx recone from, oe payable 0, the aaton ato i inca ae pat of reales or payables in te bales sheet 1) Impaitment of nonfnancial assets L [Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No. UsS201DL2006PTCL7S62 Registered office : LE, Jhandewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055 "Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 March 2022 _Ateach eportng dt, the Company aseses wheter tere tay indication ase on otal external actor that Save my be tna. If ny sch inoston ext, he Company estimates the eecverse aout OF the ase. ‘Anant secoverable amount be higher ofan asses ath genering units (CCU) fi ae less conte of ‘Gaponl andi yale inure. Reconerle amount is determined for an india vet, sales dhe asset dos ot {eteatecah ins haan lg independent of those for othe acs o group of et When the eerying [mount ofan ator CGU exces ecoverbe amount, the ast some mpaite andi witen down feresmerae amount and he mpi os, old mpaiment om nee, ereepied io he stern ‘of prot and lo In ascii va ins, the estimated fut cish own ae dicount nd present alc usinga pretax dicount te dat fete current mae ssemens of the tne valve of money andthe sks specie to the asset In ‘Setemining eae es cont of poral ent att nso are ten no acco Hn sich tenes ‘vo be deni an appropiate valuation nod ured These caleatons ate corsborael by vation ele, “quoted share pice ply ded compan or ther stable rau into The Company bees ts impizmentexclaton on eed budgets a Foss icant. These budgets and forces eloltion general cove a perio of five year Fo log peo, lng en roth ti excl sd appeto pojc ure ich Hows ate the ith Yar: 1, atthe sporting dat ther tam indication that «previously stented impinment ls no longer exits, he recover nent tats and the net relied tthe ecoverbl mount Inpumen loses prea ‘ecopnied ae scerngy reve inthe statement of peo ad os Cash and cash equivalents Cas an ash equivalents in he nce set omprite cash aban and on hand ao het crm deposits wich a nga atc of thee month oes, whi ae wc oan isin ik of changes inva, For the purpose ofthe statement of cash flows, cis and cash ogivalents conse of unrated cs and short term depots, defined shove, net of castaning bak vert they are consider an intgral par ofthe Comput ch immgerent, Provisions, contingent atets and contingent bites Provisions te copied only when thee pase oblpton (il a constcte) aa rl of pas evens, tnd te pelable that an outflow of resources embodying esencmic belie willbe ee to sett the bgion tnd when elabl estimate ofthe amount of ligation cn be made athe sporting date, Provisions age discounted to is pst vale, whe the ne vale of moneys materia sing curent pretaxrate hat reflects, when pepe the sk specie tothe lab. When counting i ed the icra in Ge provision de to the sag of tne i eeognised a» nance ot. When the Company expects veo allo «provi tobe cimbured the eembursanent recone 4 pant nc, bt ony when Se ebeseren vena ceria, Th expense felting 3 provision i presented inthe serene of pot and oes net of any eeburemene. Onerous contracts dhe Company kas a contact that is onerous, the present oigaion unde the cont is engited and mcaeed sa peownon However, before septs proviton for an onerous contact abled he Company recosee ty mpacent oes that hs acured on ase dete to dn contact An onerous contact i contict under which the unavidable cots (Le the cost that thc Company can sro Incite it ie de comtese) of meng the oblations unde the contre excced the econonic bene expected © bbeeesved under The anavouable cont unr ncomtat reflec he least net costo eting ron the cone, ‘hich he lower ofthe coat of ling a ay ear pete sein rom lew _Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, U45201D1.2006PTCH7562 Registered office: LE, Jhandewalaa Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Delhi [Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 March 2122 ‘het vite ee evewod ot ach sparing date and adjusted to elect the cue best timate, Contingent nity dcloved for + Poni obligations which wie conned only by usar events not whol within econ of the Company ‘Pron blgtons rising from past events whereit ino probe daa outow of resources wl be reuized tose th blpaton ots lle estinate ofthe amount of he obligation snot be ade Contingent atts ase athe tsopined nor dtlosed exept when retin of income isirmaleeti, rated sweet in elwed Financial insteoments A financial instrument ey contact that give st Fnac ast oF one ety anda Gani ality o equity insinment of another ny 1) Financial Assets ei! gion od meee Finn asacts are classi a intl econ, a subsequndy measured at amoeised cos i valu hough sie comprehensive income (OCI, and fu ae troup pai oss “The csiostion of Gini inn wcogition depends onthe Guan ase conten exh low ‘hort and the Companys business mode or managing thes With the exexpton of wade eceivables tht ‘donot conan» signcantFancing cemponce oe for which the Company bas sped the paca expedient, the Company ial meesres ancl eset at fe valve ps, ine ene of inane act not at ae tinea profit or low, net of tnaacton cost, Trade scevables Gat donot conte + aieiieant Saancng emponent o fr which the Company has sped the practi expedient are messured atthe transaction pee ‘lennined under Ind AS 115, Refer tothe accounting paces in econ 22 (e) Revene fom cones ith Tn order for financial ase tobe classed and meatue at sortie cot ovale hough OCI, it ee pve ise cao Rowe ha a solely payments of principal and interest PPI on the pancpal noun oustanding. ‘Ths aesunen erred to a the SPP est an is performed a on sstrument eve “The Company's biness model fr managing nancial ast refers to how inna its ancl ats in oder 40 fener eh fows. The tanines mode! determines whether exh Hows wil rer fom electing contac cash ows seling the ance ett, both, Svat mnt {Financial acts carted at amorted costa fnaci ase meson tthe amore cost iit shld ‘mthin a Busnes model whose objective told set for collecting contrac cath ows an he Conical es of thease se specie dates to eas ows hat ae sly payments of prince {nud ntrest (SPP1) on the penal mnountcastnding Afr ial messurrent such Kral ee ‘Mbeucsly meatred at nmortned cou wing the effective terest ate (EIR) mehed. i, Financial ants afr vale though other comprehensive income final assets subsequent ‘mensured at fr valve tevigh ofr comprehensive income if bed wii» usinese ode! whose ‘jctineie achive by bon collecting contest ah Bows an cling Sane ect and the cotecta) Term ofthe seve Hie on specie dates eo ath ene ac ae solely payment of pcp and treat [SPP on the principal amount ottanding ‘Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, UsS201DL2006PTC17562 Regine offices handewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Comply New Deir 10055 [Neses to Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 ‘ik, Financial assets a fue value trough profit of loss ~ A fnanci asset which not eid in any of euboet cuegrcs subse feud through profi ors Demet noi art - Rea an hese applieabe a past of «financial asset or par of «group of sine Suncast) Fanlydevecngtd oc emoned Em the Company's blanc shee) when: + Thesis to meiv ca dos rom te ast have exie, 0 + TREC taered igs to reste cash flows from te asset or har ase an ition aa etch fs in ll won real ely to 4 cid pry unde sean ea cand eter) te Company as efeed subs al he ks ad evade of the ast marr acy bases watered por rwned substan ail he ks a evar of the at, ‘outs ferred eon} ofthe set. Contin invent ha kee foxm gurantee over the nsf set marae he lewerof he eee gamut of thts! andthe mse awn of ender tat de Comany cule eg rosy Inpiment offiailsets ey Ind AS 108, the Company apie expected ret lous (ECL) model for messeenent aed reeopaon of impairments fr financial as [HCL is he weighisdaverge of difference bxtwern ll consactn cash lows dt ae de 1 the Company aoa a and al he ash flows tit the Company experts ete, Gscountd tthe fi) rea cat nte h the peeve aks of dfs ccring 2 the weight When timaing the es lows, the Company i oguied to conser ~ aeons ofthe anc ses ican prepayment and extasion) ove the exported eof the «eek ows fiom the sl of ellen held or ote cet enhancements that ae iter 1 the comtractal (9 Trade sais Coe rece reciable, the Company apes te simplified sppronch of nd AS 108, which requis Fe te oles llowane in amount eu oletime expected eri loses: Lifetime expected cet owes an et cit teste rol ron all pombe default evens over the expected ie of Goancal (i) Otro ats Fe het Ggancil ase the Company ase ithe ret sik on tone snc cs need aaa cst rcogaion, The ct rk has not ered sigan ice tl econo he Cea eit th ow slowsnce aan aruot equal to {2month expected crete, ce at an amount faut Heine exported ered loses, ‘Whca making this ntesment the Company se change i he ik of default oecuring ve the epee Heer aroma dnt aes the Company compares thetsk of dfiu occuring om the enc oan aha date withthe disk ofa dealt occarsing on the Girne ata atthe de of nal ae tes Pmaucsrsemble ad sqpponabe avon, tat wale witout wade corto fot Fag ee Sprain increases ince ok snc ntl recognition. The Company assumes that the cet ae en eet hor nt erased spiny snc nt recognition ithe Gnanca assets dette © Tae ow ee kat he balance set date 2) Nom-eivative financial Hibies Ini! meio ad maser ie ‘Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No. UsS201DL2006PTC17562 Registered office : LE, Jhandewalan Extension, Nanz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110085 [Notes to Financial Seatements for the year ended 31 March 2022 Finacial lias at lsd tl ecogeiton 6 Gna bits aval throigh prot toss, loons tnd booing sn payable, ct fey abun asaction eos, ‘he Company’ nani atc inca tide and ofr payables, scuity deposits ons and borrowings and ther fn lables nla bak overdea Saleen marron ‘ina secotion, iret bering loans and borrowing ate subeogunly messed at amomised cost using the FIR meta Guns and losses are ecogniedinpoi oe lone when the abies arederccopised aswel Trough he Et moraton process Armosised cont clued by taking ito acount my dscbo or prem trata and foes or eots a ate a nepal past of the EIR The EIR moras sineded nance Chute inthe uatement of prof and xe. Deri fon ais ‘A faancal lablty de ecognised when the obligation under the Habit charged or cand or expt ‘¥en existing inane lay pce by ar fom the same ender on substaly iferent ens the terms of ah existing nity ave sean iid och an exchange or ovation & tected as the de ‘cognition ofthe ogi ad the recognition of new lb. Te ference i the respective earn, mounts teogaised nthe statement OF oto lowe. 13) Reclassification of financial instruments ‘The Company denies chssicaton of financial axis and labiles on intl secopaition. After intial ecogaion, to elit mae for Banc ats whi are equity instruments ad naa abies. For ‘Enancal acts hic are dee instruments elnieaton rade ony thee chang in the business mode for manag those atts Changes tote busines todel ae expected wo be infequent The Company's seni ‘management determines change sine ode rae of eteonal ot terol changes which a cnt tothe Company's operons Such changes ae evden to eatetal pares change pth: Business model cceus ‘Ss the Compan iter bein cease to peso an ati tht nica es operons the Company ecsifes finch ass pple tecascson prompecsel from therecssifatin date which tbe ft ‘Shyer immenely nest pectin pid fallowing the change busines model The Crpany does nt reste “ry previously recone pio nes inching pinment ga lowe) ce ntees 4) Ofetting of Financial nsteuments nana ase and fancies re fet ad the net aroun is reposted in the tance hee if here furs enforcle ep htt offic the recognised amount nd here an intention see on amet basi relish ast and tle tellin szulencoy 1m) Fair value measurement The Company messes finance instruments such a deriv instruments ee tie vate a each bance sect dh Tirtaoe ete pee tt would be reevedosallan ase ot pi to anafera bis on onecy rnscton ‘erween tet pcan at the measurement dae The fae waue of an asset oily iv menor wing the ‘umptons that athe prtpans woud use when ric he net a, assuing he market prtpents {inthe economic best intrest A fave mewurement of non-inencal set ales it account a marke ‘utcipan aby to generate economic benefit by sing te asset in ts highest and est use oe by sling it ‘othe msset pant hat wel sede ct ight and best se ‘Th Company ses valuation techniques hat re ppsopit nthe cieymstanes 2d fo which sient dt ce vais to enue fi ru, timing thee of elevant obserable inputs and minimising the use of erable input Ailasiets ania for which five mead or dclosein the ai stems ar entered within the ir value hissy, dese flowy ged the west evel inp that spin to he fi vale tmesufement ara whole L » ° [Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, Us5201DL2006P TCL47562 Registered office ; HE, Jhandewalun Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Det [Notes to Financial Statements fo the year ended 31 March 2022 4+ Level - Quote nase) sks pie instr arts For ideal sets alten Level? Vahuton techniques for which the wet eel input that i sgn to he fi vase mevsrement it recy onde obverae + Lavel3- Valuation techniques for which th owes eel np hati sigan to he fr value rmensrcment is wobscrible Foeassetand abies hte recoil he nai statements om arecuing bss te Company derermines ‘sheer ters have occured Beton even the birch by r-nsesing exertion (sed om the lowes Teel input that fant othe fave memoternent a whol atthe end of exch sporting peo. "tera vas are ivi or vation of sigiiane sets, such as prpencsand ungutd ian asets and eet lables, och contingent consideration Involement of extemal aes ddd upon mal by the management, Vales ae selected bas on mather knowledge, eputtio, independence ane whether fennel anda ae nse For ihe purpose offre closure, the Company has determined cases of ses adits om the basi of ‘hatte, caress and ke of these or lay ad the level of the areal hirrchy a expand above, Eaenings por share Basic emings per share & ekuled by dniting the et prof or Jos for the peti atsbutble to ety ‘Shareholder ee deducting ate tts) by the weighted average suber of xy shares casting dang, theperod The weiphied- avenge number of equity shares oustanding dig the peo juste for events ch "Ueno bse, bom lent a ait sues shate spy and reverse sare pt Consol of share) tht have hanged te umber of equity shart oottanding, without a cone change in reson. or the purpose of clung lied casings per shi, the nt proto ls For the peso tbatable cai Sharh andthe weghted-avege mambo shares outstanding ring the period ae ade fr the cles fal lave potential gy she, Changes accounting polices and dsclosuees New and amended standards ‘There mer coruin amendments tht apply ote sve fr the ear ening 31 March 202, ou dona have a materi Inpro th consolidated faci sterets the Group. The Grup ely afopied an sada or amends thathave been ted bat are no yet fate (0 terest Rate Bena Raf ~ Phase 2: Amandnett Ind AS 59, ba AS 107, Ind AS 4 ond nd AS 116 the amendments provide tempor ris whch address the financial reoting eft when an ork fa ite (MOR) replaced with on emai nsry sk res mre rae (RFR). “The amends nla the folowing practical expects 2h paca expt ee coal change, o changes teas ws tht ely egued by the ‘tion to be tei hangs oa ting rest at egvletomavcment In market at nest ‘+ Pormitehange raed by IDOR ref abe made toed designations and dg dcumenttionwithot the ndpngelaonship being dsconioed ‘+ Provide npr rio ene fa having to es the separately Meifableiement when an RFR ramen designated a edge af rik compo ‘These amendments bad mo pas onthe Console nana statements ofthe Group. (a Conceal frame fr fan reping der In AS owed by CAL “The Famewisk not Stand nd does ot ver any specie tan, Therein, hs does ot fam pr ofa set ‘Tn pronase bythe sundrdsctar, Whils the Frmewor spear mca or the stands fr Femaing th standards, this relvan> to the preparers cri Tutors sacha 0 desap case aeounting Pols for ars tht ent covered bya stand prover tar cole of coun ple}. and oasis al paris FRunortand ad ister! he Stans U Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, U4S201DL2006PTCH7562 Registered office : LE, Jhandewalan Estension, Nasz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055, "Notes to Financial Statements forthe year ended 31 March 2022 ‘Theamendnens main llowing sandals dt Conseil Framework for Feancal Reporng under nd AS icles Ainendnent of he sate athe defn of ogy sro Ind AS 102 Share sed Pymens, footnote [auc for dfnitono Tabi dtnton of ait a vised on acount of eisionv'deatn In cone Framener cate of Ind AS 37 - Provisions Caninge Lines and Coningent ASE | ‘The MCA ha nai the Amends nd AS canseguetil to Conceal Framer und Id AS vide notion ded 8 hne 2021, aplble for sal ponadsepring om o fe 1 Ari 2021 Accsingy. the Conepan ‘amowort appli for preparers for securing pods begining ono ae 1 Apel 202, These amet dno pas onthe consisted aca Sateen of he Group. Append Cw led AS 12: Iso ts “Appendix C - Uncertainty ore Income Tax Testent has bee inserted ia Tnd AS 12. The appenic Co Te AS ‘Saveses he seen Frincone nes when a eaten involve uncertint that et the application of Tad AS 12 Income Taxes I ee not apply to trols outside Te seope of Ind AS 12, no des spel Ince reuemente lating to intent potas stored wih uncertain tx examen. The appends ‘pecially nddroncr he fll 1 Whether an eny considers uncer tx teamensspartly {The msumptions an er make abot de examination of ax weatments by txaon authors {How an ent determines table prof (a Tom), x be, uno a estes, wae tx rds an eax How an en considrs changes in fist and cecamatances “The Company determines whether o consider each unerin x treasment sepaatly or eter wth one or more cher ancraia tn testments ai wes the appr tat bette pst he roto ofthe uncertain) The Company apis signs judgement in Wenig uncrines over income tx tarments. Upon adoption ofthe Interpretation, dhe Company conser whether it has any wack tx positions. The Companys tx ings inclae dedtions sed on the management judgement and Uh wsaion authorities ay ‘Salenge those tx teatime The Conspany detnineh ated on te compliance aed tate ecng sth {har ite probable tha ier x teximent willbe seeeped bythe exaton autores. The smendment did not hve fn mater impact onthe stxhlone nancial statements ofthe Compa. Arena Jad AS 108 Pema Fars th Neg Conpnstion ‘Unde nd AS 109, ei instrument ane messed at rune cost or at vale though ater comprehen income, povided thet te contrac ish flow ae okey payments of penal ag terest on the pineal fount ersten (ie SPP eteson) andthe natant shld within the appropiate busines mode fo hat {lssigeaton, The anemone AS 109 cay ha nancial asset pases the SPPLeseion segues of 9 ent or sevumstnce that eaues the ci teamintion of the eontact and iespectiv of which parsy pays or ‘csv enone compensation forthe cacy teinaton ofthe come. Then smendments had pact on the stndione nai semen ofthe Company. Anvpiet nd AS 19: Plan Amst, Can Sete ‘he amet o Tn AS 19 adres the accounting whe pln amendmen, curtaeent or setlement occurs sing mponting prod. The amendments specify that when = plan amendment, cutalnet or setlement aca, ‘rng the anal poring peed an ay noted t tema the current Sei eot fr the rermainder of the pedo aie the plan amendiea, sartalent oe sedating the seal ssuions wed 0 eressre the net dein! Benet bby (aes) ecg the benefits ote unr fhe pan and the pl asset ate that fren An entiy b aso reaped to determine the net intent forthe remainder oft period afc the pan finendiment curator stlement wing te net detined bene Lai) (sset)eefeing the beets ofeed der the plan and the plan ast ae that even the dicount rate se 0 ems that net dein beetit [Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No. UsS201DL2006PTCH7S62 Registered office : FE, Jhandewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Dethi-110055 [Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 lability (oc). The amendments dno iypct on the tandlone fanclsatements of th: Company 8 itd not Five ay plan anenden,cutaments, or setdements dng the perc. Amendment Tod AS 12: nats he amendeents cli that the income tx consequence of dividends ae nked more el to pst ransations dr cvents tat generated debut peo tha fo dations to owes Teetor,m ei secoggses the ‘enme tx consequence of dividend in prof ee lou othe ompchensv ncorse ox egy according to where {Tongily recognised Hoes pat trnsactions or evens. An ea apps the amendiners for anal reporting eros begin on oF ae 7 Apel 2019, with aly apleton peated When the ey ist aplics dose eines apis them to the income ax conssnees of dle recognised one ais the Beginning of {he east comparative peso Sige the Companys curent pate ist pe wth these endmensdhy ad 20 Impact onthe stndone Final statements ofthe Campy Ament Hd AS 23: orig Cate ‘Te amenments aly hat an ety tests pat of gee bores any borowing orginally made to develop ‘igang asc when sorta alo the acts necenary to perpare dataset for vimtended se or sale are “oplete he enaty appli the amendment o borrowing cor nerd om or aftr de Sepang of the annua ‘puting pero in which the ent st pies howe amendmen esi pie those amendents Foes ‘porting etods being on or fe (Ap 2019, wits cary apleton permite Since the Companys caret he Company has not exly adopted any staan ramets hat awe bea ued bt ae not yet Fhe, tere en standard ned bat ot yt effective neon date which effecive fom nest yet ‘New and amended disclosures, Ameen th Sele Nf te Compare, 2013 (Oo Nach 24,2024 the Ministry of Corporate Affirs (MCAT) through a nosetion, amended Sedu I ofthe Companies Aci 2013 The amendnets rose Divison I, and IL of Sched aa apleabl fro 1 Api 221 Key amen lain to Dison Il which felt ta companies whoveoancal otements re requ ‘comply with Connie indian Accounting Standard) Roles 2013 ae aime See ‘Lene line shou be separately daclored under the head “nancial tli’ duly distinguished ax Cera sonal dclosurcs inthe statement of ange in iy sch changes a equity share capita (de to pro prod eros ad evn ances a he Begining ofthe cet earings, Speci format fr dels of shareholding of promotes. 1 Spetified format for ageing schedule of tne eecvale, wade payable, eapial workin progress and Imnangible set under devepment + Ifxeompuny hs ot oe fans forthe specfc purpose for whit wns borowed om banks and inanc ini, than done of deta of where tas been se. Specific dclonire under ndtonal regulon quirement soc as compliance with approved schemes of ements, complance wth umber ofyes of copie, te doe of movable property othe inane of company, noe and deans to promoter, dirctors, bey managerial pervonel(KMP) snd relied parton, det of bear proper held ete Saat of rot and ‘dona! slum cling to Cmporte Soil Rexporsiity (CSR), unlosed nce ad erp oe vital cine specified under the ead sdlont oe ‘the noes Rorming pare of standone Cana » [Bhamini Real Estate Developers Private Limited CIN No, U4S201D1.2006P TCH7562 Registered ofice :-E, Jhandewalan Extension, Naaz Cinema Complex, New Delhi-110055, [Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 The amendments ar extensive and the Company wll cla the amet ive efet otha a ete byw Significant management judgement in appling accounting polices and estimation uncertainty The preparation af the Ceapany’s nani ttrnents ques management co ne judgements, estimates and tuple tat aet the reported amen of revenie, expen, ast pd labs, 3 the lated rlouzes ful the dulosute ‘of coningent labs Uncertainty about thse srsamptone and eximates could rel ‘otcomes that sie a natal adjstnet to the eaetyng amount of acts abies afte nfture periods, Significant management judgements The flowing ee ict management judgements napping the acountng polices ofthe Company dat have the most sigufeant effect om the fac sateen tino ils for inpiet of auc ~The evan of spplcsbiliy of inentors of ipsement of acts mice eenent of sever exon and pera ators which cal eu ia dteorton of recoverable amount ofthe ase Aupainny offi at At cach blanc set date, bse iso defile tex absered over expec the management asses the expeted cred lows on outendng Baan ss, Er aes i pnt oan coat Hott ea ‘a Sac aps fn oat Alans fr eset ei as ‘The Company makes llownces for expected credit ns based oman anseeaent of the recovery of mde and tne reccvales. The tentiestion of dof debe ropes se of jodgement and estimates Where the xpecnton i rent fom the ognletiate, sch dferece wl impact he ening vale ofthe tne sad ties reccieables an dobifl debs expense inthe pei in wich such estimate as bees changed Significant exiatee The key srumplonsconceming the fn and oter hey sources af etiston uncertain at the epi ate, that havea sent ik of using teal adstent to the camping amount of set and ble, ae thscbed below The Company be is tsunptions ad estinate on pametes sealable when the Gn fisements were prepied. Eiting dreumstaness and assumptions about fate deepens, however may ‘Sang dc to mathe anges or croomstce rising thi are Beyond the onto ofthe Company Such changes tnorefeted nthe ssampuons when they occur Nes eltable valve of entry The determination of et rela value of iconv estimates based 08 pprovaling macht conons cute pices an especed die of commencement td comet of the prot the ‘mated fare ling pec, cot t compete projets and sling gost. The Company a0 involves spect poem vations of vemos, wherever eed Ul fier of dba acts — Manageness reviews ies erimate of the sefol ves of cprecble/amoriable asset at each sporting dat, bed onthe expected uty of thease. Uncrate a {hse eatiate ele to etic nd economic obeoleseence hat may change dhe Uli oases. Fane mocnoonetdcanes ~ Managemen apeics valation techniques to determine fe Gi vae ofan fnsamente here active market ues ae nt vada), This involves dceloping exes and assumptions ‘Sonssen ih how mre parcpents would price the instrament u

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