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Seals are cargo manifests; sealings are Jāngaḍa invoice copies

Seal L37, seal impression L37; sealing on L210 Seal L6; sealing L208

Two sealings of Lothal L-210, L-208 show how seals were used for accounting control of maritime cargo products
from workshop to warehouse . Seals used for creating these sealins include field symbols of ‘unicorn’+ ‘standard’
which signify jāngaḍa invoices, maritime cargo manifests entrusted to the treasure-guard messenger for
despatch. It is inferred that sealings were retained as a record of jāngaḍa invoices for valuable cargo sent with the
messenger. Note. jāngaḍa invoices are issued on entrustment basis to the MERCANTILE AGENT (1938 Bombay
High Court Judgement). Ownership of articles continues with seller until agent executes the sale.

Source: CISI, Vol. 1; Writing and Administration in the Indus Civilization - D. Frenez, 2023
14-04-2024 1
Cargo manifest of copper gold alloy metal implements metal infusion

L-6. 7038 tsarkh ‘wheel’ (Pashto) rebus: arka ‘copper, gold’+ sal 'splinter'
rebus sal 'workshop' āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' (DEDR 856) era, er-a =
eraka =?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); eṟaka, eraka any
metal infusion; molten state, fusion. Tu. eraka molten, cast (as
metal); eraguni to melt. Kur. ecchnā to dash a liquid out or over (by scooping,
splashing, besprinkling). (DEDR 840, 866) eraka= copper (Ka.) eruvai =copper
(Ta.); ere - a dark-red colour (Ka.) (DEDR 817). eraka, era, er-a= syn. erka,
copper, weapons (Ka.) erka = ekke (Tbh.of arka) aka (Tbh.
of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Kannada)
dula ‘two’ rebus: dul ‘metalcasting’ ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal'
(R̥gveda) aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥gveda) PLUS dhāḷ 'slanted stroke'
rebus: dhāḷako 'ingot’ + circumscript gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements’
Field symbol. ‘Unicorn’+ ‘standard’ Maritime treasure-guard, cargo manifest
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Maritime cargo manifest, Lothal-37 seal
– produce of smelter, implements of --mint, smithy-forge, bar of metal

This is an addendum to: Meluhha expression, trade cargo mẽṛhẽt khanḍa 'iron implements’
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Maritime cargo– produce of smelter, implements --mint, smithy-forge, bar of metal

L-37. 7034 Sign 41. meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic) + musa 'to cover' (Kui) rebus: musā 'crucible’,
(Oriya) mũha ‘furnace produce, ingot’. Vikalpa. dāma ‘fetter’ rebus: meḍ dhā̆vaḍ ‘iron smelter’ OR meḍ mũha ‘metal
(iron) furnace produce’
Sign 304. kamaḍha 'archer, bow' Rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage’
Sign 167. Sign 163 or Sign 168 variant. kanḍe ‘stalk, ear of millet’ rebus: khanḍa ‘implements’ kolmo 'rice plant'
rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge’.
Sign 169. kor̤u 'sprout', kora 'bud' rebus: kor̤u 'bar of metal’
Field symbols – ‘unicorn’(young bull) + (lathe+ churning vessel) standard device. Cargo-in-charge. Maritime treasure-
guard. જં ગડિયો jangaḍiyo 'military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’ singhin ‘forward-thrusting, spiny-
horned’ + खोंड khōṇḍa ‘young bull’ Rebus: singi ‘ornament gold’ + कोंड kōṇḍa ‘circular hamlet, मौजा or guild’ kaṇṭhāla
‘churning vessel’ Rebus: : kãṭhāḷ 'maritime’ kunda 'lathe' kundan 'fine-gold, Kubera’s treasure
Note. Signs 162 to 169 are distinct orthographic signifiers; see slides on decipherment of Sign 168 on Altyn-
depe divine figurine
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Maritime Treasure-guard, guild metal implements cargo, Mohenjo-daro
pectoral m1656
lo 'overflow’ kaṇḍa 'pot’ Rebus: लोखंड lōkhaṇḍa ’metal implements, metalware' सांगड sāṅgaḍa ‘a body formed of
ṭaṁka, ṭaṅga ‘thigh’ Rebus: ṭaṅka ‘mint, two or more parts’ Rebus 1:
stamped coin’ જં ગડિયો jangaḍiyo 'military guard
who accompanies treasure into the
kaṇṭāḷa ‘double-bag’ Rebus: kãṭhāḷ treasury’
'maritime' कण्ठाल 'boat' ചങ്ങാതം caṅṅātam čaṇṇāδam
(Tdbh.; സംഘാതം) 1.
Convoy, guard; responsible Nāyar
पाठ pāṭha, peṭā 'back, belly’
guide through foreign territories.
Rebus: phaḍā, paṭṭaḍe 'metals
ച. പ ാരുക to accompany
mlekh-mukha ‘goat-face’ Rebus: mleccha- as such. ച. പ ാന്ന
mukha ‘copper’ വാരിയര്‍, എന്നന്ന ച'വും
kār ʻearʼ Rebus: khār 'blacksmith' കൂട്ടി അയച്ചു Rebus 2:
singhin ‘forward-thrusting, spiny-horned’ + sanghāṭa, jangada,
खोंड khōṇḍa ‘young bull’
jaṅgala ’maritime double-canoe,
Rebus: singi ‘ornament gold’ +
कोंड kōṇḍa ‘circular hamlet, मौजा or guild’
cargo boat, catamaran'
mã̄jhī 'centre, middle' rebus: mañji Cargo kaṇṭhāla ‘churning vessel’ Rebus: : kãṭhāḷ 'maritime'
boat with a raised platform’ vartaka ‘duck’ kunda 'lathe' kundan 'fine-gold, Kubera’s treasure'
Rebus: vartaka
Meluhha expression, trade cargo mẽṛhẽt khanḍa 'iron implements’
-- settles the orthographic cipher of Meluhha Indus Script Sign 168
-- on hair-plait & chest of divine figurine of Altyn-depe Seal Alt-65B, Oxus civilization
Is Sign 168 ‘a stem, a stalk’? Or, ‘ear of millet’ ? Or, ‘a twig’? Or, ‘a tree’?

mẽṛhẽt ‘hair-plait’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘iron’ + kanḍe ‘stalk, ear of millet’ rebus: khanḍa
‘implements’ (Seal Alt-65B is a semantic determinative of these two glosses).

-- Comparable to the expression लोखंड lōkhaṇḍa n. [Sk. loha-khaṇḍa] 1 शस्त्र; a weapon. सांडी, सांडी लोखंड LU.
545. 2 शेतीचे अवजार; an agricultural implement. जेतक ु ें लोखंडें आहातत तेतक
ु ं...बाजेबड
ु ीं ठे वा...डोइये लोखंडें ठे उति सेता
घेउति गेला LP. 477; DṛP. 54 -- Tulpule & Feldhaus's "A dictionary of old Marathi"
-- Aha, Sign 168 is a kanḍe !!!
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Altyn-depe Indus Script inscriptions
14-04-2024 7
A young woman's breast– kuci rebus: kucci ‘stump of a shrub’

କୁ ଚ— kucha ସଂ. ବି. (କୁ ଚ୍ ଧାତୁ =ସଂକୁ ଚତ

ି ହେବା+କର୍ତ୍ତୃ. ଅ)— ଯୁବତୀସ୍ତନ— A young woman's breast; a
pap; the bosom of a woman. kuca (usu. du.) m. 'female breast, teat' Suśr. 2. *kucca-
. [Onom. like cuci- EWA i 219]1. Pa. kuca- m., Pk. kuya- m. 2. K. kuċür฀ f. 'small
penis, esp. a baby's'; Sh. (Lor.) kūč 'breast, bosom, chest'; — K. kuch, dat. °ci f.
'female breast' ← Indian (CDIAL 3216)
Rebus: 1640 Ta. kuccu splinter, bit of stick, stalk; kucci splinter, peg, stick. Ma. kuccu
chip, piece of straw. Ka. (Hav.) kutti stump. Tu. kucci, kutti the stump of a
shrub. Pa. kucci stump of a tree. Ga. (P.) kusun (pl. kuskul) id. Konḍa gusil id.
Pe. gruc id. Manḍ. gruc id.(DEDR 1640) I submit that the stalk sign 168 synonm kucci
‘stump of a shrub’ (Tulu) is a semantic determinant of kuci, ‘the breast of a young
woman’. Thus, Sign 168 as semantic determinant signifies the synonym kanḍe ‘stalk,
ear of millet’ rebus: khanḍa ‘implements’ (Context: wealth of metalwork cargo).
14-04-2024 8
Divine figurine wears a karanda mukuta ‘wicker-work crown’
Pa. karaṇḍa- m.n., °aka- m. 'wickerwork box', Pk. karaṁḍa-, °aya- m.
'basket', G. karãḍɔ m. 'wicker or metal box’ (CDIAL 2792) rebus:
करडा karaḍā Hard from alloy—iron, silver &c. (Marathi)
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14-04-2024 10
Altyn-depe figurine, Indus Script, is it a dãṭh ‘stem’?
Shortugai, Gonur, Altyn-depe Oxus River Basin Indus
Script inscriptions (18)
kor̤u 'sprout' rebus: kor̤u 'bar of metal' (processed further in the
forge) Variant. kūdī 'bunch of twigs' (Sanskrit)
rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter furnace' (Santali)
dā̃ṭh ‘stem, stalk’ rebus: dhatu ‘mineral ore’
kolomo ‘three’ rebus: kolami ‘smithy, forge’
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Altyn-depe figurine, Indus Script, is it a kaṇḍā ‘stalk’?
Stalk: Mth. kã̄ṛ ʻ stack of stalks of large millet ʼ; kāˊṇḍa (kāṇḍá -- TS.) m.n. ʻ single
joint of a plant ʼ Bi. kã̄ṛā ʻ stem of muñja grass (used for thatching) ʼ; Mth. kã̄ṛ ʻ
stack of stalks of large millet ʼ, kã̄ṛī ʻ wooden milkpail ʼ; Bhoj. kaṇḍā ʻ reeds ʼ;
H. kã̄ṛī f. ʻ rafter, yoke ʼ, kaṇḍā m. ʻ reed, bush ʼ (← EP.?); G. kã̄ḍ m. ʻ joint, bough,
arrow ʼ, °ḍũ n. ʻ wrist ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ joint, bough, arrow, lucifer match ʼ; M. kã̄ḍ n. ʻ
trunk, stem ʼ, °ḍẽ n. ʻ joint, knot, stem, straw ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ joint of sugarcane, shoot
of root (of ginger, &c.)(CDIAL 3023) [ kāḍa ] kāḍa. [Tel.] n. A stem, stalk, shoot,
handle (Telugu) Rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'.'iron implements

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Altyn-depe figurine, Indus Script, is it a ḍāla, ḍār ‘tree, branch, sprig’?

Hieroglyph: sprig: ḍāla 5546 ḍāla1 m. ʻ branch ʼ Śīl. 2. *ṭhāla -- . 3. *ḍāḍha -- . [Poss. same as *dāla --
1 and dāra -- 1: √dal, √d&rcirclemacr;. But variation of form supports PMWS 64 ← Mu.]1. Pk. ḍāla -- n. ʻ
branch ʼ; S. ḍ̠āru m. ʻ large branch ʼ, ḍ̠ārī f. ʻ branch ʼ; P. ḍāl m. ʻ branch ʼ, °lā m. ʻ large do. ʼ, °lī f. ʻ twig ʼ; WPah.
bhal. ḍām. ʻ branch ʼ; Ku. ḍālo m. ʻ tree ʼ; N. ḍālo ʻ branch ʼ, A. B. ḍāl, Or. ḍāḷa; Mth. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, °ri ʻ twig ʼ; Aw.
lakh. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, H. ḍāl, °lām., G. ḍāḷi, °ḷī f., °ḷũ n.2. A. ṭhāl ʻ branch ʼ, °li ʻ twig ʼ; H. ṭhāl, °lā m. ʻ leafy branch
(esp. one lopped off) ʼ.3. Bhoj. ḍāṛhī ʻ branch ʼ; M. ḍāhaḷ m. ʻ loppings of trees ʼ, ḍāhḷā m. ʻ leafy branch ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ
twig ʼ, ḍhāḷā m. ʻ sprig ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ branch ʼ.*ḍāla -- 2 ʻ basket ʼ see *ḍalla -- 2.ḍālima -- see dāḍima -- .*ḍāva -- 1 ʻ box
ʼ see *ḍabba -- .*ḍāva -- 2 ʻ left ʼ see *ḍavva -- .Addenda: ḍāla -- 1. 1. S.kcch. ḍār f. ʻ branch of a tree ʼ;
WPah.kṭg. ḍāḷ m. ʻ tree ʼ, J. ḍā'l m.; kṭg. ḍaḷi f. ʻ branch, stalk ʼ, ḍaḷṭi f. ʻ shoot ʼ; A. ḍāl(phonet. d -- ) ʻ branch ʼ AFD
207. टाळा ṭāḷā ...2 Averting or preventing (of a trouble or an evil). 3 The roof of the mouth. 4 R (Usually टाहळा)
A small leafy branch; a spray or sprig. टाळी (p. 196) ṭāḷī f R (Usually टाहळी) A small leafy branch, a sprig.ढगळा
ḍhagaḷā m R A small leafy branch; a sprig or spray. डगळा or डघळा (p. 201) ḍagaḷā or ḍaghaḷā m A tender and
leafy branch: also a sprig or spray. डांगशी (p. 202) ḍāṅgaśī f C A small branch, a sprig, a spray. डांगळी ḍāṅgaḷī f A
small branch, a sprig or spray. डाहळा (p. 202) ḍāhaḷā लांख esp. the first. 2 (dim. डाहळी f A sprig or twig.) A leafy
branch. Pr. धरायाला डाहळी ि बसायाला सावली Rebus: ḍhāla 'large ingot' (Gujarati)
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