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"A Story of Wise Courage: The Adventures of

Four Friends in the Fertile Forest"

In a lush forest, four different animals live: Cats, Hamsters,

Chickens, and Eagles. They live side by side peacefully,
respecting each other. One day, they heard about a prize
that would be given to the bravest animal in the forest.
Without hesitation, the four animals decided to compete for
the prize.
The cat, with his grace, suggests that they see who can climb
the tallest tree in the forest. Chicken, in his courage,
agreed. Hamsters, although small, also agree. However,
Eagle, who knew the state of the forest well, suggested that
they consider the risks before acting.
They started the race. The cat nimbly began to climb the
tree, the chicken determinedly jumped from branch to
branch, while the hamster enthusiastically tried to crawl.
However, in the middle of the journey, they got lost and
could not continue.
Eagle, who saw the situation, came to save them. With his
guidance, they were all able to descend safely. Afterwards,
Eagle tells them that courage is not just about taking risks
without consideration, but also about being wise in facing

From that experience, they learned that cooperation and

wisdom were more valuable than blind courage. They realize
that there is nothing wrong with taking risks, but it must be
balanced with wise considerations.
From that moment on, they became better friends and decided to no
longer compete with each other. They conclude that true courage is
about fighting for the common good, not competing for honors alone.
Moral Of The Story:

Courage is not just about taking

risks without consideration, but also
about being wise in the face of
challenges. Cooperation and wisdom
are more valuable than blind

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