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First of all, I would like to thank almighty God for his gift of inspiration and encouragement at
every time in my activity. Secondly I want to express gratitude to my advisor MR YAKOB
(MA) for his support and giving advice for me during the preparation of this study. Thirdly I
would like to thanks my family next to god especially my mother with supported me any kinds
and financial.
I declare that the research entitled “The Role of EventTourismm for Local Economic
Development in Arbaminch town.” submitted to Arba Minch University, College of Business
and Economics, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Degree in Tourism and Hotel Management is a
record of the original report work done by me and it has not formed before, the basis for the
award of any degree.

Researcher name Id No.

Advisor’s name Signature
MR YAKOB (MA) ___________
This study investigates the role of events in promoting local economic development, with a
particular focus on Arbaminch City. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies
within a descriptive research framework, the research gathers insights from 40 stakeholders in
event tourism using a combination of purposive and accidental sampling techniques.

To ensure comprehensive data collection, both primary and secondary data sources were utilized.
The study aims to identify challenges associated with event tourism development in Arbaminch
City, including crime, prostitution, and inflated prices, which often arise during major events.

Based on the findings, the study may recommend strategies to enhance event tourism
development. These strategies could include encouraging greater participation from local
communities, private sectors, and sponsors, as well as raising awareness among the local
population about both the positive and negative impacts of event tourism.

KEYWORDS; Tourism, Event, Festival event, Business event, Cultural event, Sports event,
Religious event.


UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization

Table of Contents page
1 CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 . Statement of the Research Problems.........................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Study................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives...............................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions.....................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of the Study.......................................................................................................................3
1.6 Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................3
1.7 Limitations...................................................................................................................................3
2 CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................4
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE................................................................................................................4
2.1 Definition of Event.......................................................................................................................4
2.2 Typology of Event Tourism...........................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Festival Event.......................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Sport Event...........................................................................................................................5
2.2.3 Cultural Event.......................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 Religious Event.....................................................................................................................6
2.2.5 Business Event.....................................................................................................................6
2.3 Role of Event Tourism Development............................................................................................7
2.4 Challenges of Event Tourism Development..................................................................................8
2.5 Conceptual Framework of the Study...........................................................................................9
3 CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................................................10
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................10
3.1 Description of the study area.....................................................................................................10
3.2 Research Design and Approach..................................................................................................10
3.3 Types and Source of Data...........................................................................................................10
3.4 Methods and Instrument of Data Collection..............................................................................10
3.5 Target Population of the study...................................................................................................11
3.6 Sampling Technique and Sample Design....................................................................................11
3.7 Method of Data Analysis............................................................................................................11
4 CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................................12
RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS.........................................................................................................................12
4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents.....................................................................12
4.2 Types of Events in Arba minch town..........................................................................................13
4.3 Role of Events for the Development of Local Economy..............................................................14
4.4 . Attitude of Local Community towards Event Tourism Development........................................16
4.5 The Challenges of Event Tourism...............................................................................................17
4.6 Other Challenges of Event Tourism Development in Arba minch town.....................................19
4.7 Summary of the finding.............................................................................................................19
4.7.1 The types of event tourism practiced in Arbaminch town.................................................20
4.7.2 The role of event tourism for local economy.....................................................................20
5 CHAPTER SIX......................................................................................................................................21
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................................21
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................21
5.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................21
6 Appendix..............................................................................................................................................1
Questionnaires Event Tourism Stakeholders................................................................................................1
List of Tables
Table 1 Demographic characteristics of respondents...............................................................................12
Table 2 Types of events..............................................................................................................................14
Table 3 The role of event for local economy..............................................................................................15
Table 4 the attitude of the local community towards event tourism development in Arba minch town...16
Table 5 the challenges of event tourism....................................................................................................17
Table 6 other challenges to develop events...............................................................................................19
List of Figures
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework...................................................................................................................9
1.1 Introduction
Ancient historians noted sport events as significant and prestigious form of social activities,
which reached its peak with the organization of the ancient Olympic Games. Festival-type events
are known to have existed since the middle Ages when they were financed by the church,
although some types of similar events date back to the Roman times. As much as it seems that
the conference events are a product of modern life, their origins date back to the 18th century. [1]

Events are likely to have originated even before the appearance of money, but the establishment
and acceptance of the general equivalent was undoubtedly followed by their further
development. The emergence of capitalism, new products and new social relations, as well as the
new way of life paved the way for more versatile development of the growing number of events.
However, it was during the 20th century when the development of all the different types of
events peaked and they came close to what we nowadays consider events. It was because of the
phenomenon of discretionary income, increase in purchasing power and standards of consumers,
shifting the focus from fundamental to additional needs, and the birth of completely new
consumers’ needs which all increased the demand for a specific range of events, which then
stimulated the development of various contemporary events.

Development of events in the economic sense helped solve the problem of employment and had
an impact on economic growth, especially in developed market economies. The best example for
that is the impact of mega sport events such as the Olympic Games or World Championships of
popular sports on the economic growth of host countries. Historical research demonstrates how
the events evolved from primitive gathering of people for agricultural or religious reasons to
modern type of events, as well as their long history of attracting tourists and establishing host
communities as tourist destinations.
1.2 . Statement of the Research Problems
Nowadays events play an important role in both employment creation and income generation. It
also plays a great role in income generation and employment creation in the city. Event tourism
can be developed in the city but still not worked very well. Getz (1997), stated that events
are temporarily occurrence, either planned or unplanned, and they usually have a finite length
which is normally fixed or published for planned events. [2]
The prime motives for the researchers to conduct this study are different. First, the research team
has experience of organizing event tourism and this has enabled to notice the current
environment of event in Arba minch city. Second, there no vivid studies that shows the socio-
economic contribution of event tourism in the city. Third, the research team understands that
event tourism is not developed in collectively structured way and this inspires to find out the
challenges for conducting events. So this study tries to fill the gap in the past researches by
identifying and describing the role of event tourism for local economic development and
challenges in case of Arbaminch city.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this research is to assess the Role of Tourism Event Development in
Local Economy development in Arbaminch City.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:
1. To identify the types of events in Arbaminch City.
2. To describe the role of events for development of local economy in Arbaminch City.
3. To identify the challenges that hinder event development in Arbaminch City.

1.4 Research Questions

The intention of this research was to identify the roles of developing event tourism in Arbaminch
city. Therefore the study was conducted to answer the following basic questions:
1. • Which types of tourism events prevails in Arbaminch city?
2. • What are the roles of Event tourism development in Arba minch city?
3. • What are the challenges of Event tourism development in Arba minch city?
1.5 Scope of the Study
The study was focus on finding out the roles and challenges of event tourism for local economy
development, and geographically the study is limited to Bahir Dar City.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research was significant to provide information for researchers, tourism offices, private
sectors that plan and participate in Event tourism, hotels and other Event related private sectors,
volunteer’s population who has participated on Event tourism sector, to increase an involvement
of public and private sector in organizing event tourism, and to identify the problems that hinders
event development in Arbaminch city.

1.7 Limitations
The limitation of this study was the shortage of documents related to the title or subject of the
study that was face from making this research, financial constraint-lack of budget to conduct the
study, time restriction-lack of time to conduct the senior research project and to collect the data
to analyze different questionnaire was take time.

2.1 Definition of Event
An event is often described as something that ‘happens’, and therefore, in that sense, it could use
the term event management to describe the organization of everything that happens. Getz defines
an event as ‘an occurrence at a given place; a special set of circumstances; a noteworthy
occurrence’ (Getz, 2007), and this definition embraces a wide range of possibilities with one
important thing in common and they can only occur once.
A unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs. Event is
an occurrence happening at a determinable time and place, with or without the participation of
human agents. It may be a part of a chain of occurrences as an effect of a preceding occurrence
and as the cause of a succeeding occurrence (Goldblatt, 2005).Events become occasions “for
people to come together to celebrate, to demonstrate, to worship, to honor, to remember, to
socialize…” (Douglas et al. 2001). [3]

2.2 Typology of Event Tourism

The universe of events is very diverse, and any classification is bound to be incomplete. The
seven categories of planned events can be found in every culture and community. They can be
linked by way of economic development and tourism policy, through cultural strategies or by
professional event managers, yet they are often produced and managed in complete isolation
from each other. A great exercise for researchers is to attempt an inventory of all these types of
events an exercise that is bound to result in frustration owing to the large number of events.
Recognizing the importance of categorizing events, Hall (1992) provides a classification of
tourism events discussed below. [4]

2.2.1 Festival Event

Festivals are one of the most common forms of cultural celebration, and while many are
traditional, with long histories, the majorities have been created in recent decades. Many of the
other major types of event, especially art and entertainment, are frequently found within or as the
theme of festivals. Art festivals are common, but with considerable diversity in form and types of
art featured. By way of classification, the following categories of art are important: visual (e.g.,
painting, sculpture, handicraft), performing (e.g., music, dance, drama, cinema, storytelling,
poetry; usually involve, performers in front of audiences), participatory (no separation of
performer and audience).Most communities and many organizations host numerous recreational
events such as sport games (rather than formal competitions), social outings and not-for-profit
amusements. The essential difference from related events is in the total orientation to having fun.
Games and sports for fun are marked by participation, are typically non-competitive, or at least
winning is downplayed, and might feature skills development or team building.
Festivals and other "cultural performances" in which cultural elements are displayed are rich in
meaning and provide a "text" - the "reading" of which can educate an observer about the host
culture and community.
Crompton and McKay, (1997) stated that “a decision to visit a festival is a directed action which
is triggered by a desire to meet a need. Although they are only one of multiple variables that
explain behavior, motives are the starting point that launches the decision process.” p. 425.
Bewen and Daniels, (2005) defined festival as events in which music is a key part of the event
and the values being communicated, and are often accompanied by other activities related to the
festivals main theme in addition to music.

2.2.2 Sport Event

The sport event apart from being a form of tourism has in past time been one of the oldest and
most sustaining activities of the human race. Sport events is a fast growing segment of the entire
events industry just like every other segment, and it entails both individual sports and multi-sport
events. Sport events have a very viable potential of attracting tourist visitors and also generate
media exposure and economic impacts to host nations or destinations. For this reason, most
government event strategies and destination marketing programs have been earmarked towards
it. Apart from benefiting the host government, destination or organization, it also benefits
participants involved and gives entertainment and enjoyment to spectators (Allen et al, 2011).
Sport event provides an economic value to the area due to tourist expenditures (Daniels and
Norman, 2003; Veltri, et al, 2009).

2.2.3 Cultural Event

Getz, (1991) defines a cultural event as a public celebration that may include dance, movies,
theatre, music, arts and crafts. A“ Celebrate” has multiple meanings: to observe a day or event
with ceremonies of respect, festivity or rejoicing (such as thanksgiving celebrations), to perform
a religious sacrament or ceremony (such as to celebrate mass or a marriage), to extol, praise or
acclaim, to make widely known Synonyms include: to commemorate, honor or distinguish
“Culture” pertains to the many and diverse ways that identifiable human societies and groups
live their lives (i.e., their “lifestyle”), organize their affairs (e.g., forms of government and social
conventions) and distinguish themselves from others (e.g., through rituals, celebrations and

2.2.4 Religious Event

Travel to attend religious events has increased worldwide, however the research on this subject
still limited in terms of deep knowledge of travelers motivation, interests and needs (Timothy
and Conover, 2006).Many religious festivals occur around the world, although many appear to
have been secularized to some degree. Religious or spiritual symbols are also frequently
incorporated into otherwise secular events, ranging from prayers at public assemblies to the
blessing of ships before sailing. One generic type of religious event is the “pilgrimage” to holy
places.Religious events have become a major tourist attraction, gradually joining the promotional
offer of several major destinations as a way of strengthens the competitiveness of places by
highlighting its uniqueness (Francis et al, 2010).

2.2.5 Business Event

Interest in the tourism value of business events, including meetings, conventions, and exhibitions
(both trade fair and consumer shows) has been intense for so long that almost all major cities
possess impressive convention and exhibition facilities, along with agencies devoted to selling
the space and bidding on events (Boo et al, 2008).Business events are numerous business
meetings on which experiences in business administration and economic and non-economic
activities are exchanged. They are various conventions, congresses, conferences, seminars and
symposiums, which contribute to connecting people and sharing knowledge and information.
These events are of business and commercial nature and make a very strong impact on tourism
and all its activities.Events of this nature are present in larger cities and major tourist
destinations. Events that have the greatest impact on the development of a certain tourist
destination are some "mega" and "hallmark" events that are big, international events developed
primarily to act positively on the profitability and attractiveness of the tourist destination.
However, local events can play an important role in the tourist development and the scope of
tourist traffic at a tourist destination.

2.3 Role of Event Tourism Development

Many destinations are using events as part of their destination marketing strategies as they have
the potential to attract visitors to the destination, gain media exposure, build destination branding
and leverage economic benefits(Carlsen, Getz &Soutar 2000; Chalip et al, 2002).
People have become more and more interested in events of all kinds and was travel far away to
participate in events that they find interesting. According to Getz, (1997) these people form their
own tourism market segment event tourism. Event tourism as a market segment consists of those
people who travel to attend events and their companions who act as normal tourists. It includes
also people who can be motivated to attend events while away from home.
Crompton and McKay (1997) suggest that event manager should stress on knowing the motives
of the event attendees, in order to provide better service, as motives are critical in the decision
making process, and thus, leads to greater attendance.
Events can enhance the tourism experience by providing newness, freshness and change, which
sustain interest in the destination for locals, and promote its attraction for visitors. Tour operators
choice of which destinations to promote depends on the agenda of events of destinations and its
popularity and strength built attractions and facilities everywhere have realized the advantages of
‘animation’ the process of programming interpretive features or special events that make the
place come alive with sensory stimulation and appealing atmosphere. Before efforts and
investments are made to develop these events, it is necessary to assess the impact they may have.
These assessments are crucial to the planning process (Williams and Bowdin, 2007).
All events have a direct social and cultural impact on their participants, and sometimes on their
wider host communities as outlined by Hall, (1997). This may be as simple as a shared
entertainment experience, as is created by a sporting event or concert. Other impacts include
increased pride, which results from some community events and celebrations of national days,
and the validation of particular groups in the community, which is the purpose of many events
designed for senior citizens and disabled people. Some events leave a legacy of greater
awareness and participation in sporting and cultural activities. Others broaden people’s cultural
horizons, and expose them to new and challenging people, customs or ideas (G.A.J.Bowdin et al,
The role of event tourism in achieving different kinds of benefits, for example, seen to increase
the attractiveness of destinations to both tourists and the local people, raise publicity and media
coverage of destinations, and enhance destination images. Moreover, events are seen to increase
job opportunities and to work as catalysts in stimulating infrastructure. Events are also
considered as important means to liven up destinations during off-peak seasons and play a
significant role in generating repeat visits to destinations. Event and event tourism although
could impact socio-culturally on a host community by way of strengthening the regional values
or traditions, and it also has the potentiality of introducing social and cultural costs to the host
community. Despite the fact that a host- guest interaction is improved through joint participation
in festivals and events, it can also be strained by events and tourism in general Getz, (1997).

2.4 Challenges of Event Tourism Development

There are some challenges of event tourism development. Such as; environmental issues
involved in operating an event; the most obvious being the repercussion of transportation. This
contributes to greenhouse toxic emission as well as other negative effects on natural resources.
The problem can also be found in the volume of rubbish produced and the need for their
disposal. This issue is well discussed by Meegan Jones in 2010 titled ‘Sustainable Event
Management: A Practical Guide’, the author discussed that the major areas of impact of events
are energy, transport, waste management, waste reduction and resource recovery, including
materials purchasing and procurement. High usage of these elements creates undesirable effects
to the ecosystem. For example, using transportation during an event produces an amount of toxic
emission that was affect the ecosystem. As to overcome this problem, the event organizers
should limit the number of vehicles used in an event. For example, providing shuttle basses help
to reduce the usage of smaller vehicles that may only carry little load. Reducing environmental
impact from transportation becomes one of the main problems in event management. Hence, it is
important that event stakeholder’s practices environmental protection during organizing an
event. Pollution is one of the major problems of tourist industry all over the world (UNWTO,
2008). Water pollution; Water surfaces situated in and nearby event areas are usually exposed to
significant environmental threats and pollution, which may be caused by the maintenance of
additional facilities supporting events. Air pollution from event tourist transportation that treat on
the global level; especially from carbon dioxide emissions. Sewage; it is a factor that provides
basic life conditions for both local residents and the natural environment.
2.5 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Economic Roles
Economic Challenges
 Job creation
 Boosts local economy  Budget constraint
 Opportunity costs
 Lack of facilities

Socio-cultural Roles Socio-cultural Challenges

 Social cohesion  Lack of awareness
 Expanding cultural  Political instability
perspective Event
Roles Challenges  Traffic congestion
 Building community Tourism

Environmental Roles Environmental Challenges

 Increasing  Pollution
environmental  Environmental
awareness degradation
 Showcasing the

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

Source: Developed by researchers (2024)

3.1 Description of the study area
Arabminch is situated in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR) of
Ethiopia. Its absolute location is approximately between 6.0297° N latitude and 37.5485° E
longitude. This geographical coordinate places it within the central part of Ethiopia, in the Great
Rift Valley region.

In terms of its relative location, Arbaminch is positioned between the eastern shores of Lake
Abaya and the western shores of Lake Chamo. It lies approximately 505 kilometers (314 miles)
south of Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa. Furthermore, Arbaminch serves as a gateway to
various natural attractions in the region, including national parks and wildlife reserves, making it
an important hub for tourism and commerce in southern Ethiopia

3.2 Research Design and Approach

In the study the researcher was use both mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research approaches
because qualitative research approaches help to explore the issue to understand the fact and also
to answer the research question. The quantitative approach may help to organize and interpret the
respondents. The study used descriptive research design because it helps to gathering data that
describes events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass &
Hopkins, 1984).

3.3 Types and Source of Data

The study was use both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collect through
questionnaire and interview and Document analysis was use by the researchers for the purpose of
collecting secondary data. Secondary data was collect from different documents, books and other
related materials.

3.4 Methods and Instrument of Data Collection

The data collection instruments of the study was questionnaires which contain different questions
about event tourism. So the engage questionnaire was distribute among event organizers and
participants in Arba minch town. Interview was conduct to collect data from representatives of
the following institutions such as culture and tourism offices, hotels, sport offices and religious
institutions. Books, journals, magazine, internet and other necessary written sources was also use
as secondary source of data.

3.5 Target Population of the study

The subjects of this study was select from entities concerned with organizing events such as
culture and tourism offices, hotels, sport offices, religious institution, and cultural clubs. which is
found in Arba minch town.

3.6 Sampling Technique and Sample Design

In this study, the researcher was used probability sampling techniques. From probability
sampling stratified sampling and simple random sampling was be employ to select the samples
from different target population found in the study area. Sample was select from all of target
population proportionally. The researcher was be use 40 samples the study.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

Once the necessary data that collect from the representative of the given respondent was be
analyze and discuss in detail by using qualitative and Quantitative data analyze method.
Qualitative data was be analyze through descriptive methods and quantitative data analyze
through percentage and tabulation
This chapter is concerned mainly with the data analysis and interpretation which was collected
through questionnaire and interview. To collect relevant data 40 questionnaires were prepared
and distributed to the stakeholders of event tourism such as, Culture and tourism office, Sport
office, Hotel employee and Religious institution of Arba minch town. Totally 40 questionnaires
were filled by the respondents. We have also interviewed from culture and tourism offices, from
religious institutions, from sport office of Arba minch town and individuals from international
hotel. The study used a table to interpret the entire work of the study.

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

The table shows the personal information of the respondents who have participated in the study.
By sex, age, marital status and educational level.

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of respondents

Sex Frequency % percent
Male 25 62.5%
Female 15 37.5%
Total 40 100%
18-30 21 52.5%
31-40 15 37.5%
41-50 4 10%
51 and above - 0%
Total 40 100%
Marital Status
Married 20 50%
Single 20 50%
Divorced - 0%
Widow - 0%
Total 40 100%
Educational Level
Illiterate - -
Literate 3 7.5%
Certificate 4 10%
Diploma 13 32.5%
Degree 16 40%
Masters and above 4 10%%
Total 40 100%
Source: Survey, 2020

As indicated in the table 4.1, male respondents of the study account for 25 (62.5%) while female
respondents of the study are 15 (37.5%). This shows that both male and female respondents are
involved in the study area and majority of the respondents are males. It also illustrates that
majority of the respondents are between the age 18-30 (52.5%) while of the respondents grouped
under 31-40(37.5%), respondents under the age of 41-50 (10%) and 51 and above are (0%) that
means none of the respondents are grouped under this and above age group. As the researcher
understood form the tables above majority of the respondents are young between the ages of 18-
31.The marital status of the respondents that accounts 50% were married while 50% are single
and while none of the respondents are in divorced and widowed status. As it can be understood
from the result the sex distribution of the respondents was equal. It is unusual to see the perfectly
equal participation of females with males in economic activities especially in developing
countries. Similarly the table 4.1 above shows that the respondents in Arba minch town are from
all categories of educational levels determined by the researchers. The lower limit of educational
level is determined to be illiterate while the upper limit of educational level is determined to be
masters and above. From the entire respondents none of the respondents are illiterates, (10%)
were certificates and (32.5%) were diploma graduates, while (40%) respondent are degree,
(10%) of the respondents are master’s and above. So the majority of respondents were degrees.

4.2 Types of Events in Arba minch town

Janiskee (1980) defined events as a short time periods full of attractive and interesting activities
commonly concentrated in a limited geographic area to celebrate a current or an historical fact.
There are different types of events are hosted in Arba minch town, such as religious festivals,
cultural carnival, conference and sport events.

Table 2 Types of events

Item Count %
Events prevails in Arba minch town
Religious festival 16 40%
Cultural carnival 6 15%
Conference 12 30%
Sport event 6 15%
Total 40 100%
Source: Survey, 2020

As the table 4.2, shows that types of tourism events prevails in Arba minch town, that most of
the respondents say religious festival 16(40%), conference 12(30%), cultural carnival 6(15%)
and 6(15%) of sport event. The above table mentioned types of tourism events like sport event,
and cultural carnival are less in ratio when comparing with other types of events tourism that
existing in Arba minch town. As result of this the researcher concludes that religious festival and
conference were the major types of events tourism in the town.

4.3 Role of Events for the Development of Local Economy

Today events have very significant impact on socio-economic development in the world. Events
contribute for sustainable flow of tourist and used to tackle the challenges of tourist seasonality.
The role of the event tourism development for the local economy and community are great.
These positive impacts of event tourism like; improvement in transportation and communication,
expanding cultural perspectives, job creation, boosting local economy, tax revenue,
environmental conservation and protection, and event for building the image of the destination.
Presbury and Edwards (2005) addressing events suggest that they can be very helpful for the
destination mainly for three interrelated reasons:-

 Their capability to attract tourists and generate economic benefits

 The development of infrastructures and services
 The creation or strengthening of a brand image for the destination.
Table 3 The role of event for local economy
Role of event for local Very low Low Medium High Very high
economy No % No % No % No % No %
Events as used for - - 2 5 6 15 22 55 10 25
improvement transport and
Role of event in boosting the - - 3 7.5 13 32.5 17 42.5 7 17.5
local economy by generating
income from tourists
Event for expanding cultural - - 1 2.5 13 32.5 20 50 6 15
perspective by
Host-guest interactions
Events for job opportunity - - 3 7.5 9 22.5 22 55 6 15
Tax revenue from event - - 3 7.5 11 27.5 23 57.5 3 7.5
Events for building the image - - - - 12 30 19 47.5 9 22.5
of a destination
Source: Survey, 2020

The table 3, above table shows the statements developed to investigate the role of event for
development of local economy in the study area.

As it is revealed on the table 4.4, respondents (55%) perceive that the events for the
improvement of transportation and communication. Since, events have an ability to attract many
customers into the town and this leads to the demand for more infrastructural development such
as transportation. Similarly, 42.5% of the respondents have replied as the event tourism has a
role to boosting local economy. The event industry creates many job opportunities for the local
peoples where the event is organized. 50% of the respondents rating as events play a major role
for expanding cultural perspective. This implies events have ability to create cultural exchange
among the visitors and the hostess. It is also explained in the same table that 55% of the
respondents perceive that events can create job for local communities. 57.5% of the respondents
are replied that events have ability to maximize tax revenue. In addition to this, the data collected
from interview respondent’s states that different events provide potential revenues resulting from
those attending it and also offer an opportunity for leisure, social interaction and entertainment
for the community and visitors. The revenue which is collected from event is used for the
development of infrastructures and facilities which is important for event development. Events
bring together different performances throughout its program including a didactic component for
the public (Getz, 1997). As a result, 47.7% of the respondents replied as events have a role to
advance cultural performance of hostess and visitors. Finally, 47.5% of the respondents replied
that events have roles for building the image of the destination. In fact, hosting events can enrich
the image of the area and of it is host community, and increase the number of visitors both at
short-term and long-term (Lee et al., 2005). Based on the above data, the researchers concludes
that tax revenue from event industry, event as a cause for improvement in communication and
transportation, events for job creation, and event for expanding cultural perspectives are the
major roles of event industry.

4.4 . Attitude of Local Community towards Event Tourism Development

The attitude of the local communities about developing an event plays a crucial role to attract
different visitors. Their attitudes maybe positive, negative and indifferent depend on their
perception towards events.

Table 4 the attitude of the local community towards event tourism development in Arba minch town
Attitude of local community towards event tourism Frequency % percent
development in Arbaminch town
Positive 29 72.5%
Negative 5 12.5%
Indifferent 6 15%
Total 40 100%
Source: Survey, 2020

As table 4.4 shows that the attitude of the local community towards event tourism in the city;
29(72.5%) of the respondents believe that local communities have positive attitude towards
tourism development. 5(12.5%) believe that local communities have negative attitude. 6(15%)
of the respondents replied local people are indifferent with tourism development. From this the
researchers conclude that much of the local community have a positive attitude towards
development of event tourism in the city.

4.5 The Challenges of Event Tourism

Table 5 the challenges of event tourism
Challenges of event tourism Very low Low Medium High Very high
No % No % No % No % No %
lack of local community 1 2.5 11 27.5 15 37.5 10 25 3 7.5
awareness about event
The experience of 2 5 10 25 10 25 15 37.5 3 7.5
businesses on organize
Lack of coordination among 4 10 14 35 8 20 11 27.5 3 7.5
stakeholders in development
of event tourism
Security problem on 6 15 11 27.5 17 42.5 4 10 2 5
organizing events
Lack of government 2 5 9 22.5 16 40 8 20 5 12.5
involvement for developing
events tourism
The number of conference 1 2.5 6 15 18 45 12 30 3 7.5
centers in Arba minch town
The promotional level of 2 5 9 22.5 22 55 4 10 3 7.5
event industry in the Arba
minch town
The seasonality of tourist 2 5 9 22.5 16 40 12 30 1 2.5
flow in Arba minch town
Lack of professional in 5 12.5 11 27.5 10 25 7 17.5 7 17.5
event organizers in the town
Source: Survey, 2020
The table 4.5 above shows that 65% of the respondents have indicated the communities have low
or medium level of awareness about event tourism. Hence, 60% of the respondents perceive that
local communities have low or medium experience of tourism business. One of the reasons for
low experience in tourism business is low coordination of stake holders including government.
The government’s role is still low to enhance event development in the study area. As the table
4.7 indicates not less than 50% of the respondents have replied as the coordination among the
stakeholders is low. The event industry is also affected by the security problem. The respondents
(45%) believe the situation of security level can be rated as medium. According to table 4.7
above, 25% of the respondents’ rate the security problem is high in the study area. The
contribution of government is crucial for developing an event by funding money. As the table
4.7, above shows that 62.5% of respondents rate the contribution of government in event
industry as low or medium. This implies that the government does not participate in event
industry. In addition to this the data that get from interview indicate that the contribution of
government for developing an event is very low specially in terms of funding money for event
facilities. The tables 4.9, above shows that 75% of the respondents have indicated that
conference centers are medium or high. This implies that lacks of conference centers are the
challenge that hinders event tourism development in the city. As the interview conducted with
culture and tourism office, sport office and hotels, it is possible to say that there is a lack of
facilities such as lack of conference hall, lack of enough stadium, shortage of concerts and hotel
rooms are the challenges that draw back event tourism development, because without the
availability of those facility the industry does not develop and attract tourists. Promotion is very
vital component of tourism business development. Effective promotion can motivate tourist visit
to a particular destination even if there is infrastructural problem (Kauffmann, 2008). Promotion
becomes effective whenever promotion is done through targeting the potential customers using
appropriate media. As the table 4.6, above shows that 77.5% of respondents replied that the
promotional level of event industry is low or medium. This implies that the majority of the
respondents said a low promotional level is a challenge for the development of event industry.
During interview one interviewee said that “bodies in the event industry were expected to
promote event industry, actually they did but it is little. This means the industry is not promoted
very well. This in turn affects the development of event tourism and the income generated from
it”. Therefore it is possible to conclude that limited promotion is a challenge for developing
event tourism. It is known that tourism fluctuates from season to season in our country. As the
researchers explained in the table 4.6, above 62.5% of respondents perceive that seasonality of
tourist flow have low or medium that affects the event tourism. So that it is also prevails in the
study area, in which tourists are very high in some months of the year and low in other months.
Using this data it is possible to say that majority of the respondents accepted the fact that
seasonality of tourist flows has affected the development of event tourism. As the table 4.6,
above explained 52.5% of respondents replied that low or medium for the above question that,
number of professional event organizers in the city. This implies that the number of professional
event organizers in Arba minch town is small and in addition to this the data that get from
interview, interviewees say that there is a lack of professional event organizers which is not well
trained, well equipped and well experienced for organizing an effective event and this poor
performance may leads to failure of an event.

4.6 Other Challenges of Event Tourism Development in Arba minch town

Table 6 other challenges to develop events
Challenges that hinder event tourism development in Arba Frequency %
minch town
Lack of money 17 42.5%
Limited infrastructural development 6 15%
Lack of awareness 8 20%
Lack of promotion 9 22.5%
Total 40 100%
Source: Survey, 2020

As it has been indicated in table 4.6, one of the challenges to develop event tourism in Arba
minch town is lack of money (42.5%). 15% of the respondents say limited infrastructural
development has affected event development in the town. The rest 20% of them say lack of
awareness makes event stop at stop an infant stage. Finally 22.5% of the respondents replied lack
of promotion is another challenges of event tourism. As a regional of Arba minch town could
have been promoted for its potential in event industry. Events in the city are not promoted. In
addition to this data that got from interview, infrastructural development like road is a serious
challenge that participant of event tourism in Arbaminch town.
4.7 Summary of the finding
The main objective of this study was to assess the role of event tourism for development of local
economy in Arbaminch town. And the specific objective of this study was to identify different
event of tourism and to describe the role of events for development of local economy in
Arbaminch town.

4.7.1 The types of event tourism practiced in Arbaminch town

There are different types of events that is found in the Arbaminch town. Such as festival events,
sport events, cultural events, religious events and business events are the types of event tourism
practiced in Arba minch town and they can linked by the way of economic development and
tourism policy through cultural strategies or professional event tourism

4.7.2 The role of event tourism for local economy

The role of event tourism is achieving different kinds of benefits, for example to increase the
attractiveness of destination to both tourists and the local people, to generate income, to raise
publicity and media coverage of destinations and enhance images.

The challenge encountered in Arbaminch town for the development of Arbaminch town

There are many challenges that is encountered in Arba minch town such as; budget constraints,
lack of facilities, lack of awareness, political instability and etc.
Conducting a research of this magnitude has yielded significant findings, making it essential to
provide recommendations. These recommendations aim to enhance the positive impacts of event
tourism in Arba Minch town while mitigating its negative effects.

5.1 Conclusion

This study primarily aimed to assess the roles of event tourism in local economic development in
Arbaminch town. The analysis identified various types of events, their roles, and the challenges
facing event tourism development in the town. Major types of events in Arbaminch include
religious festivals and conferences, with sports and cultural carnivals also playing significant
roles. Events effectively attract diverse visitors, generating revenue and providing opportunities
for leisure, social interaction, and entertainment for both the community and visitors.

All events have direct socio-cultural and economic impacts locally. They improve the town's
image and foster positive attitudes about the destination. Economically, events create job
opportunities and increase local interest in participating in event-related activities, thereby
reinforcing traditional values and customs. For visitors, events offer unique leisure, social, or
cultural experiences beyond everyday options.

However, this research identified several challenges hindering the development of event tourism
in Arbaminch. These challenges include low promotional efforts for the event industry, a limited
number of conference centers, seasonality of tourist flow, and financial constraints. Additionally,
event tourism in Arbaminch faces negative impacts such as crime, water pollution, and
environmental degradation.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the study's findings, the following recommendations are proposed to address the
challenges and enhance event tourism development in Arbaminch town:

1. Raise Awareness: The Culture and Tourism Office of Arbaminch should work to
increase awareness among the local community and other stakeholders about the
importance of event tourism, fostering a sense of ownership and pride.
2. Promote Event Tourism: Enhance promotional efforts to attract diverse visitors to the
various types of event tourism available in Arbaminch.
3. Encourage Participation: Foster greater involvement from local communities, private
sectors, and sponsors in event tourism development activities.
4. Government Support: The government should provide financial support and incentives
for event organizers to stimulate event tourism development.
5. Cultural Initiatives: Encourage residents to organize events based on their cultural
backgrounds, introducing new ideas and expanding the cultural horizons of the city.
6. Private Investment: Attract private investors, large corporations, and the city council to
invest in developing event tourism infrastructure. Increased funding, especially for major
events like sports, can attract more local and international tourists, amplifying positive
7. Sustainable Event Programs: Develop and promote a high-quality, sustainable, and
inclusive program of public events to elevate the city's profile as a major tourist

Implementing these recommendations can help Arbaminch maximize the benefits of event
tourism while minimizing its adverse effects, ultimately contributing to the town's economic and
social development.

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6 Appendix

Questionnaires Event Tourism Stakeholders

Dear Respondents

This questionnaire was filled out by the stakeholders of event tourism in

ARBAMINCH. The objective of this questionnaire is to collect information about The
Role of Events for local economic development in ARBAMINCH as a partial
fulfillment for the BA (Bachelor of Art) degree program in Tourism and Hotel
Management conducting by me at ARBA MINCH University.

Your genuine response was have great value for my research findings. The
information collected from you was used only for academic purpose. Your
cooperation and truthful answer is highly needed for validity and reliability of the
research. Therefore, I kindly request you to fill this questionnaire with genuine
responses and I would like to thank you in advance.

Part 1: Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

1. Sex: Male Female

2. Age: 18-30 31-40 41-50 51 and above 0

3. Educational level: Illiterate Literate Certificate

College diploma Degree Master's and above

4. Marital status: Married Single Divorced Widow

Part 2: Based on types and challenges of event tourism related questions

Which types of event tourism prevails in ARBAMINCH?

Religious Festival Cultural Carnival Conference Sport events

In which type of event have you ever participated?

Religious Festival Cultural Carnival Conference Sport events
if others,

What are the challenges to develop event tourism in ARBAMINCH? (You can choose
more than one).

Lack of money Lack of awareness

Limited infrastructural development Lack of promotion

What is the attitude of local community on development of events in the town?

Positive Negative Indifferent

Part3: Interview questions prepared for culture and tourism office

1. What are types of tourism related events conducted in ARBAMINCH?

2. What are the major roles of events for local economic development in
3. What are the challenges of event tourism development in ARBAMINCH?
4. How do you see the current development level of event tourism in
5. Who are the stakeholders of event tourism in ARBAMINCH?
6. In what way the stakeholders should play a significant role for the development
of event tourism in the town?
7. How much the local communities are interested to participate in event tourism in
the town?
8. What measures do you think are to be taken to develop event tourism in the

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