Hist 1012 Group Work Assignment Questions For 2016 E C 2nd Year

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A History of Ethiopia and the Horn (Hist 1012)

Group Assignment Questions for 2nd Year Students of 2016 E.C Semester II

Weight: 15%

Submission Date: At the end of the Semester’s course, two weeks before Final Exam

Direction: Here under you have assignment questions to be done with the participation of
all group members. You can get all the answers from the common course module. Do not
copy directly everything from the module. Therefore, you need to paraphrase it in your
own words or make a summery.

Q.1. Briefly discuss on the process how a unified modern state of Ethiopia was formed in the
second half of the 19th century.

Q.2. Give clear explanation about the short term and long-term effects of the political and
military interventions done by the two foreign powers in Ethiopia during the 16 th century
conflicts undertaken between the Christian kingdom and the Muslim forces led under the
sultanate of Adal.

Q.3. Clearly discuss on the nature and the political and socio-economic impact of the post-1941
Liberation Period of the Ethio-British and Ethio- American relations.

Q.4. How did the Ethiopian people able to defend and maintain their freedom, the political and
territorial independence of the country between the second half of the 19 th century and the
invasion of Somalia in the 1970s?

Q.5. Briefly discuss on the impact of population movements, social and economic interactions
undertaken by peoples of different regions in Ethiopia and the horn since the 16 th century to the
19th century.

Q.6. Make clear discussion on the brutality of Fascist Italy’s government rule, the impact of
Ethiopians heroic patriotic resistances and the international political dynamics for the liberation
of Ethiopia from Italy’s occupation in 1941.

Q.7. Critically evaluate and address the political, economic and social changes undertaken during
Derg regime, and factors contributed for its disintegration in the early 1990s.

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