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2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

Comparative Study Of Dry Cell And Wet

Cell For The Hho Gas Generation As A
Supplement Fuel For I.C. Engine
Shah, S. A. Q1 Ali, Z2 Larik, J1 Kaimkhani, A. A1
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Professor Head of Department Industrial Engineering & Management, DUET, Karachi, Pakistan
Abstract—This study is based on the comparison of dry speed, faster burning velocity, and wider flammability
cell and wet cell for the production of the HHO gas which limits [7]. This helps the engine to complete the
can be used as a duel fuel for internal combustion combustion process and to run on very lean mixtures
engines. The physical and operational parameters for which results in less unburnt fuels and reduced
both cells were compared and critically discussed. The pollutants in the emission. This research study focuses
impact of heat generation on both cell and their relevant on the hydrogen as a supplementary fuel. It is important
safety issues were particularized. The HHO production to mention here that the HHO gas is not used as an
from both fuels was compared. It can be concluded now alternative of the diesel or petrol because it will require
that dry cell is far much better than the wet cell as it
more battery power to generate adequate HHO for the
produces more HHO gas as compared to wet cell for the
same input conditions. Its terms of working and
engine to run smoothly. Hydrogen is only used as an
maintenance, the dry cell are more reliable and suitable additive in the existing vehicular fuels using the
than the wet cell. The safety features of dry cell are more electrical energy supplied by the alternator of the
promising than the wet cell. vehicle which will not put extra burden on the engine.
Hydrogen can be used in cars as a fuel additive which
Keywords—wet cell; dry cell; HHO generator; fuel increases the combustion efficiency of the fuel-air
additives; I.C. engine. mixture. A small amount of hydrogen gas could also be
produced in a car by decomposing water by means of
I. INTRODUCTION electrolysis, using for this purpose the energy produced
Water is the most plentiful compound and the major by the car's electric power generator. The hydrogen and
source of life on this planet.The water molecule is oxygen (HHO) mixture obtained, which is also known
composed of two elements namely Hydrogen and as Brown's gaseous mixture, is supplied to the engine's
Oxygen. The chemical formula of the water molecule intake manifold.
is H2O and the chemical reaction to produce a water Hydrogen as a supplementary fuel for the internal
molecule (combustion) and vice versa (electrolysis)is combustion engines has been the area of interest for
as follows. many researchers and the results of their research
However, if this decomposition is taking place in a outcomes are very promising[5-8]. In practice HHO
controlled environment then the resulting product is the generator can be divided into two types based on their
HHO gas. It is a very well-known fact that fossil fuels construction i.e. wet cell and dry cell. The main
are used as the source of energy for the internal difference between HHO dry cell and wet cell is that in
combustion engines. However, due to their higher a wet cell whole unit is immersed in water, while in dry
depleting rates and increasing prices, a number of cell plates these are separated each other with rubber
researchers have dedicated their research work on seals. Plates and electrical connection are not in
investigating alternative sources of energies for the electrolytic solution, these all remains dry so it is called
internal combustion engines. Some of the researchers as a dry cell. The output gas is called HHO gas which
have focused on the methanol and organ metallic is the mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases. Some of
(MnO2) fuels [1], vegetable oil [2], natural gas [3], the researchers are using wet cellfor the production of
neem oil methyl ester [4], HHO gas [5, 6], etc. as the HHO gas while the others have opted for the dry
alternative fuels or additive fuels cell [9] for the production of HHO gas as a supplement
fuel for the IC engines. However, it is essential to
Hydrogen is widely acknowledged as a non- investigate thenature and the possible throughput (i.e.
polluting, renewable, and recyclable fuel. The major HHO gas production) of each cell under the similar
dissimilarity between hydrocarbon fuels and hydrogen input and load conditions at constant engine speeds.
fuel is the absence of carbon. Moreover, as compared
to other hydrocarbon fuels, hydrogen has greater flame

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

To increase the conduction of electricity through and their capacity to generate hydrogen gas as a
dry cellor wet cell a catalysts called potassium supplement fuel for internal combustion engines, total
hydroxide (KOH) is required to add in water to manufacturing cost for same capacity units, etc. Since
diminish hydrogen and oxygen molecules.The this hydrogen generation cell is mounted within the
application of hydrogen generating cells is to use it as engine compartment, therefore, it is also essential to
a fuel supplement for internal combustion engines [10]. investigate the sustainability and health & safety issues
Both cells are individually connected with the battery associated with this unit. In wet cells, the electrodes are
source of the vehicle to decompose water molecules completely submerged all time in the water, whereas,
using electrolysis process to produce HHO gas. Both in the dry cell the electrodes are placed below the water
cells will be tested under several similar conditions to reservoir. This allows the water to circulate through the
determine efficient design for HHO generator.There HHO dry cell and back to the reservoir.
are a number of factors associated with hydrogen gas
generation, which includes the amperage losses, This block diagram shows the overall process of
temperature losses during hydrogen generation, HHO generator with internal combustion engine. It
amperage draw per unit of hydroxyl gas, and overall consists a 12 volts battery connected to a 20 amperes
efficiency of cells. These all factors are considered fuse. Electric current is supplied to the HHO generator
while making a compact design of the most appropriate (dry cell or wet cell).The platesof dry cell and wet cell
cell to fit in the engine compartment. An efficient are made of stainless steel 316L grade.When the
system is one which uses the less power to produce electrolysis process is started then the HHO gas flows
large volume of hydroxyl gas or brown’s gas. Core from cell to safety bubbler through ¼” inch gas hose
intimation of this research study is to focus on the better pipes in bubbler which shows the generation of HHO
performance of both fuel cells and also consider the gas. The HHO gas is further delivered to the engine
design parameter for both cells basis on the engine’s after air filter to the combustion chamber before it
capacity for power. reaches to intake manifold. Aflash back arrestor is used
for the safety purpose to avoid any spark from these
gases.The HHO gas is burnt with petroland air mixture
to produce power for the engine. Special feature of this
HHO dry cell is that it has same reservoir used as a
bubbler to prevent it from fire. The quantity of HHO
gas generation is measure in liters per minute.
Block Schematic Diagram of Hho Dry Cell Or Wet
Cell Integration With IC Engine

Fig. 1 Combustion and Electrolysis

This paper presents the comparative analysis of dry
cell and wet cell for the production of HHO gas also
known as brown gas. Both cells use battery power to
generate hydrogen gas, therefore, it is important to
investigate that which hydrogen generator is more
efficient. There are number of factors associated with
hydrogen gas generation which require detailed
investigation for both cells. These factors include the
total amperage draw per unit generation of hydrogen,
amperage losses, and temperature rise during hydrogen
generation, hydrogen production rate, and overall
efficiency of the cell. This detailed investigation will
ease the process of making a compact design of the
most appropriate cell to fit in the engine compartment.
This new emerging technology is capable enough in
reducing the fuel consumption and most importantly in
reducing the hazardous gases by excelling the
combustion process in the combustion chamber. One
of the important aspect of this study is to investigate the
cells’ configuration, e.g. size of electrodes, size of
plates, amount of electrolyte required, size of
containers for both cells, other accessories required,

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018


The aim of this research study is to compare the
HHO generation using dry cell and wet cell. It is
essential to figure out the influence of various physical
and operational parameters of both cells for the
optimum performance.
The measurableobjectives of this study include
1) To investigate the important physical and
operational parameters of dry cell and wet cell
which play significant role in the production
of HHO generation.
2) The comparison of these physical and
operational parameters will be then conducted
Fig. 2. Block and schematic diagram of hho dry or for the optimum HHO generation.
wet cell integration with IC engine. 3) To analyze the influence of temperature
variation and the electrical power
III. PROBLEM STATEMENT requirements of both cells.
4) Investigate the sustainability and health &
Since this study is mainly focused on the
safety issues associated with both cells.
comparative study of dry cell and wet cell for HHO gas
generation which is used as a supplement fuel in I.C V. METHODOLGY
engine.One of the important aspect of this study is to
investigate the cells configuration, e.g. size of The HHOcell is the heart of entireHHO generating
electrodes, size of plates, amount of electrolyte system.In this research study, a dry cell and a wet cell
required, size of containers for both cells, other of equal HHO production capacity will be first
accessories required, their capacity to generate HHO finalized. It is important to mention here that selection
gas as a supplementary fuel for internal combustion of the main components is also part of this study. The
engines, total manufacturing cost for same capacity main parts will include water reservoirs for both cells,
units, the electrolyte resistance to the flow of current electric wires with their appropriate gauges, the amount
due the large distance between electrodes, etc. These of catalyst, size of electrodes & plates for both plates,
issues have been covered in the previous studies. It is water tubes for the circulation of water, the rubber seals
important to investigate the effects of these parameters for the dry cell, etc. After this selection, each cell will
on the overall efficiency of the HHO generation. be connected to the battery power supply of the car
compartment. The HHO gas production of each cell
Since these hydrogen generation cells are mounted will be then calculated without any load and HHO gas
within the engine compartment, therefore, it is essential will be measured in liter per minutes. Health and safety
to investigate the sustainability and health & safety hazards will be investigated under these no-load
issues associated with this unit. Important safety point conditions. It is important to mention here that a very
in using HHO gas is that when engine starts it stars to precise calculation and selection of the components of
generate HHO gas that’s why it is called as HHO on each cell is required to achieve the same HHO gas
demand.HHO gas is not supposed to be stored for later production rate. This scenario will provide adequate
useand it is continuously produced and used.The major information for the performance analysis of both cells,
issues are slow reaction due to inadequate current and e.g. the amperage draw from the battery, temperature
power supply. A detailed mathematical analysis is rise inside each cell and in electric wires, the influence
mandatory for the appropriate solution. In order to of KOH on the production of HHO gas generation, etc.
reduce the fuel consumption, it is essential to
investigate that how much fuel supply should be This proposed research study is focusing on both
reduced and how much HHO gas should be added to physical as well as operational parameters. The health
get the same torque and speed ratio. When all factors and safety hazards associated with both cells will be
should be properly addressed so the proposed HHO investigated under these load conditions and the
generator model can be utilized effectively and safely. respective hazard controls will be then recommended.
The comparison of both cell generators at the physical For the experimental purpose, the engine will be either
level has not been covered in the previous studies. a 1000 cc petrol engine or an 800cc petrol engine or a
Moreover, the sustainability and the required safety higher capacity diesel engine, depending upon the
measures for both cells will be thoroughly investigated availability of any one of them.
in this study.

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

VI. ANALYSIS OF DRY AND WET CELLS 3. Spacing between the plates.
4. Cross-section area of the plates.
A. Physical and operational 5. Number of neutral plates.
parameters of both cells 6. Number of electrodes.
The dry cell and wet cell are both are connected 7. Type of electrolyte.
with the battery source of the vehicle to decompose 8. Amount of electrolyte.
water molecules using electrolysis process to produce 9. Quality of the electrical wiring, etc.
HHO gas. There are a number of physical and
operational parameters which play a significant role in It requires a great amount of research effort to
producing the HHO gas. The subsequent section will figure out the HHO gas production by varying all the
discuss about these parameters in detail. above physical parameters individually and keeping
the rests unchanged.
1. Dry Cell
A typical dry cell consists of a container, few plates
(neutral, positive, negative, and end plates), wires,
pipes, DC power supply, bubbler, flashback arrester,
rubber seals, fasteners, shown in Fig. 3.
The plates are separated by rubber seals to avoid the
leakage of water.
Dry cell is configured based on the number of plates
and their connection. For example, - n n n n n n + is
termed as 8 plates cell in series configuration with 7
water compartments. Whereas a series parallel cell can
be configuring as -n n n + n n n - which means two 5-
plates’ series cells in parallel configuration.
In this study, a 7-plates 6-water-compartment cell
is considered which has 5 neutral plates and two Fig. 4. Dry Cell Assembly [12]
positive and negative plates; all separated by rubber
seals to avoid the leakage of electrolyte solution. When 2. The Wet Cell
a 12 volts battery is connected then it will supply 2 A typical example to explain a wet cell is the
volts to each water compartment. It should be noted Lead -Acid battery. The active materials used in a lead-
that the spacing (defined by thickness of the rubber acid battery are lead (Pb, negative terminal) and lead
seal) between the two adjacent plates has a significant dioxide (PbO2, positive terminal) and a water solution
impact on the HHO production, therefor, precise of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The load is connected to the
measure must be taken during the design and terminals which trigger the chemical reaction between
fabrication and assembly of the dry HHO generator. lead, lead oxide, and the electrolyte.
The salient physical parameters which are vital for
HHO gas production using wet cell are
1. Material of the electrodes.
2. Number of electrodes.
3. Spacing between the electrodes.
4. Number of electrodes.
5. Type of electrolyte.
6. Amount of electrolyte.
7. Quality of the electrical wiring, etc.

Fig. 3 Components of a Dry Cell

The salient physical parameters which are vital for
HHO gas production using dry cell are
1. Material of the plates.
2. Thickness of the plates.

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

loss of capacity, etc. Therefore, a temperature

controller must be added in the system for the
protection from overheating.

D. Safety issues
Since HHO gas is highly inflammable gas,
therefore, one has to be extra vigilant when using HHO
as a duel fuel for I.C. engines. The following are some
important recommendations regarding safety issues.
 Biggest and very important safety point in
using HHO is, it is only produced when
engine starts. So it is termed as HHO on
demand, its meaning is when the vehicle
Fig. 5 Wet Cell Assembly [10] engine starts to run, then and then cell starts
B. Comparison of Dry and Wet Cells the electrolysis process of water.
a) The dry cell requires less amount of  HHO is never stored. The HHO gas would be
electrolyte as compared to the wet cell. aspirated directly to the engine intake process
Therefore, the weight and volume of the dry while the engine is in operation, thereby
cell is smaller than wet cell. avoiding dangerous accumulations.
b) In the case of wet cell, the electrical  A fuse should always be installed between
connections are under electrolytic water, thus, electrolysis cell and power source; a fuse will
the connections are corroded slowly. protect form electrical shocks and possible
Whereas, in dry cell the electrical connections wires burning. A fuse will also protect the cell
do not face such problems. from getting too hot from high amp usage.
c) The heat generation in the wet batteries is  Bubbler tanks in between cell and air intake is
higher than the dry batteries. essential for neutralizing catalyst
d) Since the plate material in the wet cell erodes, contaminants. Also it will protect the cell
therefore, the size of the electrodes reduces from flashbacks. It’s always easier to replace
which results in killing out the battery power a bubbler tank than a cell.
and reduces the life of the battery.  For good HHO safety, it should never rely on
e) For the same size of both cells, the HHO a check valve alone for flashback protection.
output is higher in dry cell than wet cell and  Stainless steel of the highest quality (S.S 316
offers coolest operation. & 409) which can be affordable with all
f) The dry cell batteries have longer working life hardware specifications are used in the
that wet batteries. electrolysis process, so no degradation of
C. Influence of Temperature on both metals occur because electrolysis process
cells don’t able to degrade stainless steel.
One of the most serious issues relevant to HHO  During usage, the electrolyte solution
generator is the heat generation. High temperatures produces some highly combustible gases so
have a dangerous impact on the HHO cell’s lifetime one need to be careful during handling of the
and performance. Under hot conditions, the production battery when active. Check the battery for any
of HHO gas is seriously affected. Since the cell is leakages regularly.
mounted in the engine compartment, therefore, the  Under any circumstances, avoid playing with
HHO cell is exposed to the high temperature generated the wires when the batteries are charging.
by the heat of the engine. The cell is exposed to two  Sulfuric acid and lead are caustic which can
sources of heat; one from its own internal heat cause severe lead poisoning which may result
generation due to excessive electron generation and the into skin burning.
other is the external heat of engine.Studies show that  One should never experiment with seal.
foe each 80C rise in temperature reduces the cell’s life  Always follow the security warning
by half. Once the cell is damaged by heart then its instructions provided with the batteries.
capacity cannot be restored. If overcharged then the
cell generates excessive heat due to accumulation of
electrons which results in shedding of active material,
excessive gassing, rapid corrosion, plate deformation,

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

E. Calculations Calculations for only Petrol in the engine:

3. Engine Specifications B..P B.P
th    ( F .P  Cv  m fuel )
Table 1: Specifications of Suzuki Potohar F .P Cv  m fuel
F10A Engine used in this study B.P
Four-Stroke Cycle, Water  m fuel 
cooled, OHC Cv th
Bore*Stroke 65.5*72
970cc 
Taking 25% thermal efficiency ( th ) we will have
Compression Ratio 8.8:1
Lubrication System Wet Sump m fuel   3.195 10 3 Kg  3.195 g
Maximum Power (HP) 45 HP @5500rpm 42000000  0.25 sec sec
RPM 3000rpm
Air Pressure 0.35bar 
Taking 30% thermal efficiency ( th ) we will have
Temperature 38°C or 311K
Calorific Values 33556.49
For fuel 4200KJ/Kg m fuel   2.663 10 3 Kg  2.663 g
42000000  0..3 sec sec
for H2 120000KJ/Kg
 Fuel requirement for 25% to 30% thermal
Volume induced for the 4 stroke Engine:

efficiency ( th ) is 3.195 g/sec to 2.663 g/sec.
 RPM   3000 
   
0.00097   60 
 0.00097   60 
 0.02425 m


At 25% ( th ):
2 2
From the General Gas Equation we have Replacing 10% petrol with H2

PV  mRT  m   th   B.P
RT ( F .P90% Petrol )  ( F .PH )

We are taking mass flow rate and volumetric flow   th  {( F .P90% Petrol )  ( F .PH )} 2

rate instead of mass and volume

So according to the ideal conditions the idea mass
F.P  Cv  m fuel
As we know that
flow rate of the air is
 B.P   th  {(Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.9)  (Cv H  mH )}
 2 2

P V (0.35  10 )(0.02425)
5 
B.P  (Cv
m air( ideal)    m air( ideal)  0.009509 Kg  th Petrol
 mPetrol  0.9)
RT (287  311) sec
 mH  2
Cv H
Now for the actual air mass flow rate will be calculated 2

with the help of efficiency ratio mentioned above i.e. 33556.49  (42000000  3.195  10 3  0.9)
Efficiency Ratio = (actual mass/ideal mass)  0.25
So the actual mass flow rate of the air will be
 mH  1.1212  10 4 Kg  0.11212 g
 2 sec sec
m air( actual)  0.009509  0.4  0.003803 Kg
sec Now replacing 20% petrol with H2
Now mass flow rate for the fuel using air fuel ratio 
At 25% ( th ) we will have:
i.e. 14:1
We have B.P
 th   B.P
 0.0038036  ( F .P80% Petrol )  ( F .PH )
m fuel   m fuel  0.0002717 Kg  0.272 g 2

14 sec   th sec
 {( F .P80% Petrol )  ( F .PH )} 2

Calculations: (based on automobile principles)

F.P  Cv  m fuel
Taking thermal efficiency

( th ) in the range of
As we know that

25% to 30%.

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

 B.P   th  {(Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.8)  (Cv H  mH )} Mass of H2 required vs % of petrol
2 2
B.P removed

mass of H2 required in kg
 th  (Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.8)
 mH  2
Cv H 2
30% eff 25% eff 20% eff
33556.49  (42000000  3.195  10 3  0.8) 0
 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
 mH  2.239  10 4 Kg  0.224 g
2 sec sec -0.001
% of petrol removed

Replacing 10% petrol with H2 For the electrolysis process to begin 30g of KOH
B.P was added in the water reservoir and a 12 volt battery
 th   B.P was connected to the HHO dry cell, the amount of
( F .P90% Petrol )  ( F .PH )
2 HHO gas produced was calculated by using the HHO
  th  {( F .P90% Petrol )  ( F .PH )}
meter as follows.

F.P  Cv  m fuel
As we know that HHO Amperage Voltage
drawn (A) supplied
So Production
 B.P   th  {(Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.9)  (Cv H  mH )}
2 2
(liter/min) (V)
B.P For 1.5 14 12
 th  (Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.9) Dry
 mH  2
Cv H 2
33556.49  (42000000  2.663  10 3  0.9)
 0.30
120000000 For 0.7 18 12
5 Kg
 mH  9.327  10  0.09327 g Cell
2 sec sec
Now replacing 20% petrol with H2

At 30% ( th ) we will have:
 th   B.P
( F .P80% Petrol )  ( F .PH )

  th  {( F .P80% Petrol )  ( F .PH )}


F .P  Cv  m fuel
As we know that
 B.P   th  {(Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.8)  (Cv H  mH )}
2 2

 th  (Cv Petrol  mPetrol  0.8)
 mH  2
Cv H 2

33556.49  (42000000  2.663  10 3  0.8)

 0.30
 mH  1.8648  10 4 Kg  0.18648 g
2 sec sec

978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018

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The physical and operational parameters for both cells 12. [12]
were compared and critically discussed. The impact of
heat generation on both cell and their relevant safety
issues were particularized. The HHO production from
both fuels was compared. It can be concluded now that
dry cell is far much better than the wet cell as it
produces more HHO gas as compared to wet cell for
the same input conditions. Its terms of working and
maintenance, the dry cell are more reliable and suitable
than the wet cell. The safety features of dry cell are
more promising than the wet cell.
Authors would like to thanks Mehran University of
Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro and to all those
who provided the support during this research study.
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978-1-5386-1370-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE


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