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NIM :044930381

Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3 paragraphs.
Elaborate your own opinion with references related to the topic that you choose.

1. You have a property business. Sometimes you need to loan a big amount of money to run
your business. What kind of bank is suitable for your business? Please explain your reason!

2. Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and
services and willingness to pay a specific price for them. What will happen to the demand If
suppliers charge too much for a product?

3. Demographic analysis is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and
sex. Please explain your opinion on how important demographic analysis is for business


1. For property businesses that require large capital loans, the most suitable
type of bank is a commercial bank. Commercial bank is a type of bank that
focuses on providing credit and operates for profit by offering various types of
financial product.including bussines credit

2. What will happen if suppliers charge too much is that demand will
decrease, and buyers will look for other suppliers with lower prices

3. Getting information from demographics allows a business to predict the size

of its target market. Thus, enablingbusinesses to create business strategies and
marketing plans that are right on target.

A corporation will, of course, conduct demographic study when running their business
because they must understand the market before launching their product. Age, race,
and gender are all criteria included in this analysis.Following a demographic analysis,
the company develops a strategy based on the findings. Based on the research, the plan
was developed after thorough consideration from many parties.Companies will not
grasp the market they will encounter until they conduct demographic studies. Because
the product does not match the market, this will result in future losses and reduced

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