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A. 1. 24 hours ( 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds)

2. 365 days 6 hours

3. 21st March and 23rd September

4. Rotation 5. Summer 6. Change of seasons

7. Due to inclination of the earth’s axis 8. Rotation and Revolution

B. 1. Same as page no. 160 ; Geography text book



1. On 22nd December 1. On 21st June
2. Rays of the Sun fall vertically on the Tropic of 2. Rays of the Sun fall vertically on the Tropic of
Capricorn. Cancer.
3. Nights are longer than the days. 3. Days are longer than the nights.

C. 1. Solution:

New Delhi lies to the east and New York lies to the west of Greenwich [12 hours = 12×60 = 720
minutes ]

4 minutes makes a difference of 1◦

720 minutes makes a difference of 720 ÷ 4 = 180◦

2. Solution :

Australia lies to the Southern Hemisphere and Europe lies in the Northern Hemisphere and
seasons are opposite in both hemispheres. Date is same, but time for Australia is ahead as Earth
rotates from west to east, so on 25th December being in East their morning will be ahead.

It’s similar to celebrating New Year...Sydney celebrate it earlier than us.

3. Solution:

1◦ makes a difference of 4 minutes’

74◦ will make a difference of (74×4) minutes = 296 minutes = 4 hours 56 minutes

[ Since Montreal lies to the west og Greenwich the time there will be behind that of Greenwich so
4 hours 56 minutes should be subtracted from the time at Greenwich.

12 hours – 4 hours 56 minutes = 7 hours 4 minutes = 7:04 a.m.

The time at Montreal is 7:04 a.m.

4. Solution: The Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in approximately 365 days and 6
hours., but for the sake of convenience , we calculate a year in complete days that is 365 days. In
this way, we add one day (6×4=24 hours) in the fourth year.This year is called leap year. Thus
every fourth year in the solar calendar has 366 days.

5. A network of horizontal and vertical lines of latitude and longitude drawn on a map or globe is
known as geographical grid.

The longitude that passes through Greenwich, near London, is called the Prime Meridian. This is a
0◦ meridian or fixed meridian.

In India the longitude of 82.5◦E, passing through Allahabad is considered the standard meridian.
When it is noon on this longitude, the time is taken as noon for the whole country.

6. A time zone is an area in the world where clocks record the same time. Since it takes 24 hours
for the Earth to make one rotation, the whole world has divided into24 time zones of one hour

Each time zone corresponds to 15◦ longitude. Therefore, each time zone makes a difference of 1

E. 1. Polar 2. Parallels of latitude , meridians of longitude 3. 181, 360 4. Semicircle

5. 82.5◦E, Allahabad


1. 1◦ makes a difference of 4 minutes.

15◦ makes a difference of 15×4 = 60 minutes or 1 hour’

30◦ makes a difference of 2 hours.

The place is east of Greenwich. Therefore, add 2 hours to Greenwich time.

Answer: The time on 30◦E is 2:00 p.m.

2 . 1◦makes a difference of 4 minutes.

15◦ makes a difference of 15×4= 60 minutes = 1 hour.

30◦ makes a difference of 2 hours.

The place is west of Greenwich . Therefore, subtract 2 hours from Greenwich time.

Answer: The time on 30◦W is 10:00 a,m.

G. v. Degree vi. Characteristics of Latitude: 1. The distance between any two parallels of
latitude is always equal. 2. Each parallel of latitude is a circle. LONGITUDE: Semicircle and
equal of length vii. 180

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