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Good Morning Beloved,

I want you to know that this great mission of helping me give my funds to the less
privileged is the will of God who created heaven and earth.

Helping the orphanage and the needy is a very good suggestion don't you think??
because there are so many poor people who can barely feed themselves on a daily
basis everywhere in our communities we see them on news, on the internet or even in
some families closer to us, so helping them is my plan because all my wealth is of
no use to me with my critical condition in the hospital. so my dear one in the
lord, i want you to help me to handle this mission with the fear of the lord.

I will also attach more of my old photos and video of my situation in the hospital,
I must let you know that I was happily married to my late husband and he was a
great industrialist who works with government in the Agricultural sector, which was
the source of his wealth and its success, although our years of marriage we never
had a child based on the will of God, now that i don't have any child who can help
me with this that is why i had to tell God to send me help, so I contacted you in
faith that you will do this for the said purpose, so i don't want you to turn down
this mission as you have been instructed by the Lord.

Finally, do you have any good registered attorney in Switzerland that can help you
obtain the funds from the Switzerland World Bank??? If you don't have any, I will
check my dairy for the contact of a good registered Lawyer that I know, whom you
can contact to guild and assist you in visiting the bank to release my funds to you
for this purpose as a partner and close relative.

You will use 65% of the Investment that you wish to undertake and you will take the
remaining 35% for yourself as a gift from me to you and your Family for your good

I want to let you know that I strongly believe in you in the success of this
investment, also send me some of your photos and don't contact anyone about my fund
until the funds get to you for security reasons.

OKAY? It's you and me only, all I need now is your trust, honesty and faith and I
also want you to promise me that you will use the funds for this purpose.

I am waiting to hear from you and please always include me in your daily prayers.

God bless you.

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